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100 lines (73 loc) · 6.66 KB

File metadata and controls

100 lines (73 loc) · 6.66 KB

Contribution Guide

Thank you very much for your interest in improving Linkbox.

In this guide, you will learn how the project is structured and how you can get involved.

In A Nutshell

Linkbox is a hybrid application for the Android operating system. We use TypeScript, React, Ionic, Capacitor, Redux and i18next. We adhere to Conventional Commits, Semantic Versioning, Keep A Changelog, Conventional Comments, GitHub Flow. We use Prettier to format our code. For translations, we use the hosted Weblate service.


  • Ionic Framework provides the UI components to get the native look and feel. It also comes with a handy CLI tool to automate many tasks
  • Capacitor is used to bridge our web application with the operating system. It provides plug-ins to talk to native APIs (such as storage, file system etc.). Capacitor also takes care of "converting" our web application into a native one by creating the necessary native project files to build the final application package
  • React is the view library used to build and structure our user interface as reactive components
  • TypeScript is the programming language that we use in the project and is a superset of JavaScript
  • Redux is the state management library for our user interface. We use Redux in combination with React in order to centralize our application's state
  • i18next provides the internationalization (i18n) infrastructure for our application. We use it to translate our application to different languages




  • android contains native files for our project and can be opened in Android Studio to create the application package. We usually don't have to touch this folder manually since Capacitor handles it
  • public contains static assets like images and also the main HTML file for our application
  • metadata contains Fastlane meta data about this application and is used to submit details to F-Droid and Play Store
  • src contains the source code of our application and is the place where you will most likely work
    • components contains our UI components
    • data contains every related with (persisted) data. If you are using the same value (which is not state) more than once across several components, you may want to declare it as a constant. Here we also find the storage adapter, which is responsible for interacting with the operating system's storage and file system
    • hooks contains all the custom created hooks for our UI components. If you are using the same logic across the several components, you should outsource it to a custom hook
    • locales contains the translations as JSON files
    • store contains all modules related to state management


  • src
    • index.tsx is the application's main entrypoint of the application and
    • Application.tsx is the root UI component which binds the centralized state onto our application
    • MainPage.tsx is the main view and includes all the sub-components
    • store.ts represents the application's state
    • i18n.ts provides the internationalization infrastructure of our application


Without GitHub Account

If you don't have a GitHub account, you can also submit your contributions by email to the following address: [email protected]

  • When filing an issue, use the issue templates
  • When submitting changes, attach a .patch file

Reporting Bugs

  1. Open a new issue
  2. Describe the problem using the rules of Conventional Comments and our issue template for bug reports

Doing Changes

  1. If not already existing, create a new issue describing the problem and follow the rules of Conventional Comments
  2. Create a fork of this project
  3. Clone that forked repository to your local machine
  4. Create a new branch respecting GitHub Flow rules (e.g. use increase-rate-limit as branch name)
  5. Run npm install to install the project's dependencies
  6. Run npm run develop to start the development server
  7. Optionally run npm develop:android for a live preview on your Android device
  8. Do your changes
  9. Make sure that the linter in the terminal does not display any errors
  10. Run npm run format to format your code using Prettier
  11. Run npm run sync to synchronize the application's native project files with the your changes in the web application
  12. Run npm run open to open Android Studio where you can build the native package and run it on a physical or emulated device
  13. Test your changes and make sure nothing is broken
  14. Commit your changes with a message formatted according to Conventional Commits (e.g. fix: increase rate limit)
  15. Push the changes
  16. Open a pull request on this original repository and name it using the Conventional Commits convention (e.g. fix: increase rate limit ... fixes #12345) and link it to the respective issue


You can either contribute translations using the Weblate web interface (preferred) or by creating and modifying the JSON file of the specific language.

Via JSON File

  1. Use the workflow for doing changes (see above Doing Changes)
  2. Create or modify the language file in src/locales using the BCP 47 format (e.g. de.json or fr-CA.json)
  3. Make the translations
  4. When adding translations: Open the i18n file src/i18n.ts and add your newly created JSON file to the import statements (e.g. import canadianFrench from "./locales/fr-CA") and add the imported value to the usedLanguages array (e.g. [foo, bar, canadianFrench])

Via Weblate

Follow the instructions on the Weblate page.