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Vector Processor - Timing Simulator


  • Akshath Mahajan (avm6288)
  • Rugved Mhatre (rrm9598)

VMIPS ISA Specifications

  • Vector Length - 64
  • Vector Data Memory - 512KB, word addressable
  • Scalar Data Memory - 32KB, word addressable
  • Scalar Register File - 8 registers, 32-bit elements
  • Vector Register File - 8 registers, 64 32-bit elements
  • Vector Lenth Register - 1 register, 32-bit
  • Vector Mask Register - 1 register, 64 1-bit elements

VMIPS Architecture

Vector Processor Block Diagram

Vector Processor Block Diagram

  • 1 Scalar Functional Unit
  • 1 Vector Load/Store Functional Unit
  • 1 Vector Add/Subtract Functional Unit
  • 1 Vector Multiply Functional Unit
  • 1 Vector Divide Functional Unit
  • 1 Vector Shuffle Functional Unit

Base Configuration

  • Dispatch Queue Configuration:
    • Vector Data Queue Depth - 4
    • Vector Compute Queue Depth - 4
    • Scalar Compute Queue Depth - 4
  • Vector Data Memory Configuration:
    • Vector Data Memory Banks - 16
    • Vector Data Memory Bank Busy Time - 2
    • Vector Load/Store Pipeline Depth - 11
  • Vector Compute Configuration:
    • Vector Lanes - 4
    • Vector Add/Sub Pipeline Depth - 2
    • Vector Multiply Pipeline Depth - 12
    • Vector Divide Pipeline Depth - 8
    • Vector Shuffle Pipeline Depth - 5

Furthermore, the VRFs have only 1 Read and 1 Write port. Hence, two instructions simultaneously reading the same Vector Register is not supported.

Example 1

Here is an example of the execution time of a simple load vector program.



Execution Flow

  • In the $1^{st}$ cycle, LV VR1 SR0 is fetched.
  • In the $2^{nd}$ cycle, HALT is fetched, and LV VR1 SR0 is decoded, checked for strucutral hazards, and since there are no hazards, it is sent to the dispatch queue.
  • In the $3^{rd}$ cycle, HALT is decoded, and is stalled, as it will wait for all the current instructions to be completed. LV VR1 SR0 instruction is popped off the queue and starts executing. The pipeline depth for vector load instruction is 11 cycles, so 1 execution cycle completes in this cycle and now 10 cycles remain.
  • In the $13^{th}$ cycle, LV VR1 SR0 instruction triggers the Vector Data Memory Bank for the $1^{st}$ element address. The bank busy time is 2 cycles, so 1 cycle completes in this cycle, and now in next cycle the $1^{st}$ element is populated in the VR1 register.
  • In the $14^{th}$ cycle, we have populated the $1^{st}$ element in the VR1 register, and triggered the Vector Data Memory Bank for the $2^{nd}$ element address.
  • In the $77^{th}$ cycle, we have populated the $64^{th}$ element in the VR1 register, and it is cleared off the busy board. HALT instruction stall is removed, and is moved to the dispatch queue.
  • In the $78^{th}$ cycle, the HALT instruction is executed and the program stops.

Example 1 Timing Diagram

Example 1 : Timing Diagram

Example 1 Timing Diagram - Memory Bank View

Example 1 : Timing Diagram - Memory Bank View

Running Timing Simulator

  1. Execute the functional simulator to generate the resolved code flow, and to verify the functioning of the Vector Processor.

    python --iodir test_cases/test_0
  2. Execute the timing simulator to verify the timing performance of the Vector Processor.

    python --iodir test_cases/test_0
  3. To generate the Timing Diagram CSV file, use the following code. However, note that, for large programs like fully connected layer and convolution layer, the CSV file size is very large (in GB), and the code execution takes much longer.

    python --iodir test_cases/test_0 --timing Y