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Oomph Buildship import - building and developing

(work in progress)


Gitflow project

Please note that this is project is handled in a gitflow manner now and primary branch is 'develop'!

command example Purpose
git flow release start '1.0.0' create release branch locally
git flow release publish '1.0.0' push release branch to origin
git flow release finish '1.0.0' merge to master, tag, backmerge to develop, remove release branch - PUSH all local branches and tags after!



Task 'build' in ROOT - plugin gradle-eclipsebuild is used.

Update site

Create a release version and deploy:

{ eclipse_oomph_buildshipimport } master » ./gradlew clean build./gradlew clean build -Prelease.type=release
{ eclipse_oomph_buildshipimport } master » cd
{ } master » ../gradlew uploadUpdateSite -Prelease.type=release

For deploying a snapshot skip the last property "release" on each of the above gradle calls.


RCP IDE eclipse... etc TBC


(move this to issues?)

  • proper integration into the Oomph task lifecycle, maybe support ImportWaitTime to set a timeout review?
  • support execution of an initial Gradle-Task (one per BuildshipImportTask setupTask-Element) test
  • support more Buildship workspace settings override
  • introduce a category in generated update site retest
  • some automated testing using `eclipsebuild.TestBundlePlugin'
  • configure CI build
  • mandatory release to community (EPL 1.0))
  • release in GitHub AmadeusITGroup group?
  • make semantic versioning compliant instead of version.txt

Deployment (existing) update sites:

  1. check root project version.txt for the current version
  2. check root project property release.type (snapshot or release). This determines the target repo location.
  3. after or with build use the task uploadUpdateSite from the *.site subproject to upload and modify existing metadata