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File metadata and controls

33 lines (22 loc) · 1.18 KB

Setting up mod_wsgi with Apache

Install apache and mod_wsgi for python 3

sudo apt-get install apache2  libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3

Copy conekt.template.wsgi to conekt.wsgi and add the correct paths.

WSGI_PATH = 'location of your app'
WSGI_ENV = 'location of, in the bin folder of the virtual environment'

When using the built-in venv module in Python 3.6 and up is no longer automatically included in the virtual environment and needs to be added manually. You can find it here

Configure apache, example below can be added to the default VirtualHost. A valid user (non-admin), usually www-data, is required for this:

# This part is optional, but will improve speed
Alias /conekt/static /path/to/conekt/static

<Directory /path/to/conekt/static>
    Require all granted

# Set up WSGI
WSGIDaemonProcess application user=user group=user threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias /conekt /path/to/conekt.wsgi

<Location /conekt>
    WSGIProcessGroup application
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Require all granted