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File metadata and controls

200 lines (187 loc) · 28.7 KB


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Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0, < 1.6.0
aws >= 5.17.0


Name Version
aws 5.17.0


Name Source Version
acm_route53 shamimice03/acm-route53/aws 1.1.0
alb terraform-aws-modules/alb/aws 8.7.0
alb_route53_record ./modules/alb-route53 n/a
alb_sg terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws 5.1.0
asg terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws 6.10.0
custom_iam_policy terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-policy 5.30.0
ec2_sg terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws 5.1.0
efs ./modules/efs n/a
efs_parameters shamimice03/ssm-parameter/aws 0.5.0
efs_sg terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws 5.1.0
instance_profile ./modules/iam-instance-profile n/a
launch_template ./modules/launch-template n/a
primary_db_parameters shamimice03/ssm-parameter/aws 0.5.0
rds shamimice03/rds-blueprint/aws 1.3.0
rds_replica shamimice03/rds-blueprint/aws 1.3.0
rds_sg terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws 5.1.0
replica_db_parameters shamimice03/ssm-parameter/aws 0.5.0
ssh_sg terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws 5.1.0
vpc shamimice03/vpc/aws 1.2.1


Name Type
aws_acm_certificate.issued data source
aws_ami.amazonlinux2 data source


Name Description Type Default Required
acm_allow_record_overwrite Allow record overwrite in DNS validation bool true no
acm_domain_names Domain name for ACM certificate list(string) [] no
acm_hosted_zone_name Hosted zone name for DNS validation string "" no
acm_private_zone Whether the hosted zone is private or not bool false no
acm_ttl Time to live (TTL) for DNS records number 60 no
acm_validation_method Validation method for ACM certificate string "DNS" no
alb_acm_certificate_domain_name ACM Certificate domain name string "" no
alb_name_prefix Prefix for the Application Load Balancer name string "" no
alb_route53_allow_record_overwrite Allow creation of this record in Terraform to overwrite an existing record bool false no
alb_route53_evaluate_target_health Whether to evaluate the target health of the ALB bool true no
alb_route53_private_zone Whether the DNS zone is private or not bool false no
alb_route53_record_names The DNS record name for the first ALB record list(string) [] no
alb_route53_record_type The DNS record type for ALB records string "A" no
alb_route53_zone_name The DNS zone name string "" no
alb_security_groups List of security group IDs for the Application Load Balancer (ALB) list(string) [] no
alb_sg_name Name of the ALB security group string "aws-ref-alb-sg" no
alb_subnets List of subnet IDs for the Application Load Balancer (ALB) list(string) [] no
alb_target_group_name_prefix Prefix for the ALB target group name string "" no
allocated_storage Allocated storage for the RDS instance (in GB) string "20" no
apply_immediately Apply changes immediately or during the next maintenance window bool true no
asg_create Whether to create asg or not. asg dependent on Launch Template bool true no
asg_desired_capacity Desired capacity of the Auto Scaling Group number 1 no
asg_enable_monitoring Enable monitoring for the Auto Scaling Group bool true no
asg_health_check_grace_period Health check grace period for instances in the Auto Scaling Group number 300 no
asg_health_check_type Health check type for the Auto Scaling Group string "ELB" no
asg_max_size Maximum size of the Auto Scaling Group number 2 no
asg_min_size Minimum size of the Auto Scaling Group number 1 no
asg_name Name of the Auto Scaling Group string "" no
asg_vpc_zone_identifier List of subnet IDs to launch resources in. Subnets automatically determine which availability zones the group will reside. Required if VPC is not created as part of this project list(string) [] no
asg_wait_for_capacity_timeout Timeout for waiting for the desired capacity to be reached string "10m" no
azs Availability Zones for subnets list(string) [] no
backup_retention_period Backup retention period (in days) for the RDS instance number 7 no
backup_window Preferred backup window for the RDS instance string "03:00-05:00" no
cidr CIDR block for the VPC string "" no
create_alb_route53_record Whether to create ALB - Route53 record bool true no
create_alb_sg Whether to create the Application Load Balancer (ALB) security group. bool false no
create_certificates Controls if certificate should be generated bool true no
create_custom_policy Whether to create custom policy bool false no
create_db_subnet_group Create a new DB subnet group bool true no
create_ec2_sg Whether to create the EC2 instance security group. bool false no
create_efs_parameters Whether to store efs parameters on SSM parameter store bool false no
create_efs_sg Whether to create the Elastic File System (EFS) security group. bool false no
create_instance_profile Whether to create an instance profile bool true no
create_launch_template Whether to create new launch template bool true no
create_lb Controls if the Load Balancer should be created bool true no
create_primary_database Whether to create primary database bool true no
create_primary_db_parameters Whether to store primary database parameters on SSM parameter store bool false no
create_rds_sg Whether to create the RDS security group. bool false no
create_replica_database Whether to create replica database. create_primary_database must be true bool true no
create_replica_db_parameters Whether to store replica database parameters on SSM parameter store bool false no
create_ssh_sg Whether to create the SSH security group bool false no
create_vpc Controls if VPC should be created bool true no
custom_iam_policy_description Description for the IAM policy. Required if create_custom_policy set to true string "custom policy" no
custom_iam_policy_json JSON policy document. Required if create_custom_policy set to true string "" no
custom_iam_policy_name_prefix Prefix for the IAM policy name. Required if create_custom_policy set to true string "" no
custom_iam_policy_path The path for the IAM policy. Required if create_custom_policy set to true string "/" no
database_port Port for the RDS instance number 3306 no
db_identifier The name of the RDS instance string "aws-ref-arch-db" no
db_master_username Master username for the RDS instance string "" no
db_name Name of the initial database string "" no
db_security_groups List of security group IDs for the RDS instance list(string) [] no
db_subnet_cidr CIDR blocks for database subnets list(string) [] no
db_subnet_group_name Name for the DB subnet group string "aws-ref-arch-db-subnet" no
db_subnets List of DB subnets for the RDS instance list(string) [] no
delete_automated_backups Delete automated backups when the RDS instance is deleted bool true no
deletion_protection Enable or disable deletion protection for the RDS instance bool false no
ec2_sg_name Name of the ec2 security group string "aws-ref-ec2-sg" no
efs_create Whether to create Elastic File System bool false no
efs_encrypted Whether to enable encryption for the EFS file system bool true no
efs_mount_target_security_group_ids List of security group IDs for EFS mount targets list(string) [] no
efs_mount_target_subnet_ids List of subnet IDs for EFS mount targets list(string) [] no
efs_name Name of the Elastic File System string "" no
efs_performance_mode The performance mode for the EFS file system (e.g., 'generalPurpose' or 'maxIO') string "generalPurpose" no
efs_sg_name Name of the EFS security group string "aws-ref-efs-sg" no
efs_throughput_mode The throughput mode for the EFS file system (e.g., 'bursting' or 'provisioned') string "bursting" no
efs_transition_to_ia The lifecycle policy transition for files to Infrequent Access (IA) storage string "AFTER_30_DAYS" no
enable_dns_hostnames Enable DNS hostnames for the VPC bool true no
enable_dns_support Enable DNS resolution for the VPC bool true no
enable_single_nat_gateway Enable a single NAT gateway for all private subnets bool false no
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports Set of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. If omitted, no logs will be exported. Valid values (depending on engine). MySQL and MariaDB: audit, error, general, slowquery. PostgreSQL: postgresql, upgrade. MSSQL: agent , error. Oracle: alert, audit, listener, trace. list(string)
engine Database engine type string "mysql" no
engine_version Database engine version string "8.0" no
general_tags General tags to apply to resources created map(string)
"Env": "dev",
"Project_name": "aws-ref-architecture",
"Team": "platform-team"
iam_database_authentication_enabled Enable IAM database authentication bool false no
instance_class RDS instance class string "db.t3.micro" no
instance_profile_custom_policy_arns List of ARNs of custom policies(created outside of this project) to attach to the role list(string) [] no
instance_profile_instance_profile_name Name of the IAM instance profile string "" no
instance_profile_managed_policy_arns List of ARNs of managed policies to attach to the role list(string) [] no
instance_profile_role_name Name of the IAM role associated with the instance profile string "aws-ref-instance-role" no
instance_profile_role_path The path for the IAM role string "/" no
intra_subnet_cidr CIDR blocks for intra subnets. Used as EFS subnets list(string) [] no
launch_template_delete_on_termination Whether the root volume should be deleted on instance termination bool true no
launch_template_device_name The device name for the root volume string "/dev/xvda" no
launch_template_enable_monitoring Whether instance monitoring should be enabled bool false no
launch_template_image_id The AMI from which to launch the instance. Default will be Amazonlinux2 string "" no
launch_template_instance_type The EC2 instance type for instances launched from the template string "t2.micro" no
launch_template_key_name The name of the SSH key pair to associate with instances launched from the template string "" no
launch_template_name_prefix Creates a unique name beginning with the specified prefix string "aws-ref" no
launch_template_resource_type The type of resource to tag string "instance" no
launch_template_sg_ids List of security group IDs for the launch template list(string) [] no
launch_template_update_default_version Flag to update the default version of the launch template bool true no
launch_template_userdata_file_path Path to the user data script file string "" no
launch_template_volume_size The size of the root volume for instances launched from the template (in GiB) number 20 no
launch_template_volume_type The type of volume for the root volume (e.g., 'gp2') string "gp2" no
load_balancer_type Type of the Load Balancer string "application" no
maintenance_window Maintenance window for the RDS instance string "Sat:05:00-Sat:07:00" no
master_db_availability_zone Availability zone for the RDS instance string "" no
max_allocated_storage Maximum allocated storage for the RDS instance (in GB) string "20" no
multi_az Enable multi-AZ deployment for the RDS instance bool false no
project_name Name of the project string "aws-ref-architecture" no
public_subnet_cidr CIDR blocks for public subnets list(string) [] no
publicly_accessible Make the RDS instance publicly accessible bool false no
rds_sg_name Name of the RDS security group string "aws-ref-rds-sg" no
replica_apply_immediately Apply changes immediately or during the next maintenance window for the replica bool null no
replica_backup_retention_period Backup retention period (in days) for the RDS replica instance number null no
replica_backup_window Preferred backup window for the RDS replica instance string "" no
replica_database_port Port for the RDS replica instance number null no
replica_db_availability_zone Availability zone for the RDS replica instance string "" no
replica_db_identifier Identifier for the RDS replica instance string "" no
replica_delete_automated_backups Delete automated backups when the RDS replica instance is deleted bool null no
replica_deletion_protection Enable or disable deletion protection for the RDS replica instance bool null no
replica_enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports Set of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. If omitted, no logs will be exported. Valid values (depending on engine). MySQL and MariaDB: audit, error, general, slowquery. PostgreSQL: postgresql, upgrade. MSSQL: agent , error. Oracle: alert, audit, listener, trace. list(string) [] no
replica_engine Database engine type for the RDS replica instance string "" no
replica_engine_version Database engine version for the RDS replica instance string "" no
replica_iam_database_authentication_enabled Enable IAM database authentication bool null no
replica_instance_class RDS instance class for the replica string "" no
replica_maintenance_window Maintenance window for the RDS replica instance string "" no
replica_max_allocated_storage Maximum allocated storage for the RDS replica instance (in GB) string "" no
replica_multi_az Enable multi-AZ deployment for the RDS replica instance bool null no
replica_publicly_accessible Make the RDS replica instance publicly accessible bool null no
replica_skip_final_snapshot Skip the final DB snapshot when the RDS replica instance is deleted bool null no
replica_storage_type Storage type for the RDS replica instance string "" no
skip_final_snapshot Skip the final DB snapshot when the RDS instance is deleted bool true no
ssh_ingress_cidr List of CIDR blocks allowed to SSH into the EC2 instances list(any) [] no
ssh_sg_name Name of the SSH security group string "aws-ref-ssh-sg" no
storage_type Storage type for the RDS instance string "gp2" no
vpc_id Id of the VPC.Required while provisioning on an existing VPC string "" no
vpc_name Name of the VPC string "aws-ref-arch-vpc" no


Name Description
efs_parameters List of EFS Parameters
primary_db_parameters List of Primary DB Parameters
replica_db_parameters List of Primary DB Parameters