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File metadata and controls

231 lines (173 loc) · 11 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.2.3] - 2023-10-15


  • Fixed json_attributes property deserialization for DocumentHistoryResponse model

1.2.2 - 2023-08-27


  • IEventSubscription interface for any operation with Events
  • Webhooks 2.0 API partially implemented
  • ValidatorId and LockToSignDate properties added to the signNow document model (FieldJsonAttributes)


  • Token type is always set to Bearer or Basic explicitly in every service


  • LockToSignDate property serialization for Date validator tag

1.2.1 - 2023-07-13


  • Added DateValidatorTag to Complex Tags
  • Added OwnerName property to SignNowDocument model


  • Fixed Json property name for attachment complex tag

1.2.0 - 2023-07-03


  • Added Readme and License files to Nuget package
  • OAuth2Service: added ability to configure token expiration time
  • Added OAuth2 service to SignNow service container
  • All the services can use custom HttpClient via constructor of class #148
  • Complex Text Tags support while upload document with Fields


  • OAuth2Service moved to SignNow.Net.Services namespace

1.1.1 - 2023-05-02


  • Properties for sign invite that allows you to prefill text in the Signature field, allows for signers to use their saved signature, allows recipients reassign this invite to another email address, allow recipients decline the invite.
  • Add support for field type stamp #149

1.1.0 - 2023-01-23


  • The Thumbnail property on Model.SignNowDocument, which allows you to get document thumbnails in small, medium and large image sizes


  • Fixed fails when parsing error response from auth service #134


  • Removed built-in validation for LinkExpiration

1.0.0 - 2022-02-26


  • IDocumentService.PrefillTextFieldsAsync that allows you to prefill document fields
  • IDocumentService.EditDocumentAsync that allows you to add/change various fields
  • IFieldEditable that represents editable Field attributes
  • Model.EditFields.TextField that allows you to configure text field and add/change the document fields


  • FieldJsonAttributes added to ISignNowFields that allows you to get Field attributes

0.9.0 - 2021-07-07


  • IUserService.GetModifiedDocumentsAsync that allows to get all modified documents for User
  • IUserService.GetUserDocumentsAsync that allows to get all information of user's documents that were not modified yet
  • Interfaces.ISignNowContext extended with IFolderService that allows you works with Folders
  • IFolderService.GetAllFoldersAsync that allows you to get all user Folders with documents
  • IFolderService.GetFolderAsync that allows you to get all details of a specific folder including all documents in that folder.
  • IFolderService.CreateFolderAsync that allows you to create folder for a user.
  • IFolderService.DeleteFolderAsync that allows you to deletes a folder.
  • IFolderService.RenameFolderAsync that allows you to renames a folder.
  • IDocumentService.MoveDocumentAsync that allows you to move the document to a specified folder.

0.8.0 - 2021-04-26


  • IDocumentService.CreateTemplateFromDocumentAsync that allows to create template by flattening an existing document
  • IDocumentService.CreateDocumentFromTemplateAsync that allows to create document from the template

0.7.0 - 2021-03-28


  • ISignInvite.CreateInviteAsync that allows to create embedded signing invite for a document
  • ISignInvite.CancelEmbeddedInviteAsync that allows to delete embedded signing invite for a document
  • ISignInvite.GenerateEmbeddedInviteLinkAsync that allows to create a link for the embedded signing invite for a document


  • Changed JsonConverter for Model.SignNowInvite properties

0.6.0-beta - 2020-11-17


  • Carbon Copy for freeform invite and role-based invite #106
  • Service.DocumentService.MergeDocumentsAsync that allows to merge two or more documents into one document
  • Service.DocumentService.GetDocumentHistoryAsync that allows to retrieve the history of the document actions
  • Service.DocumentService.CreateOneTimeDownloadLinkAsync that allows to share document via one-time URL
  • Service.UserService.CreateUserAsync that allows to create an account for user
  • Service.UserService.UpdateUserAsync that allows to update user information i.e. first name, last name
  • Service.UserService.SendVerificationEmailAsync that allows to sends verification email to a user
  • Service.UserService.SendPasswordResetLinkAsync that allows to sends password reset link to a user


  • Increased timeout for Http Client
  • Added Http method, Url and response time to error messages
  • Added support for Basic Auth param to Model.Token

0.5.2-beta - 2020-05-22


  • Fixed Models.FieldContents.RadiobuttonContent converting error #104

0.5.1-beta - 2020-04-18


  • Upgraded netcore version from 2.x to 3.x for SignNow.Net.Test
  • Added project SignNow.Net.Examples with code samples
  • Added validation for all document identity


  • Fixed Field.Type converting error #96

0.5.0-beta - 2020-03-06


  • All SignNow field types: Signature, Initial, Text, Dropdown, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Attachment, Hyperlink
  • Internal.Model.FieldJsonAttributes that contains fields properties such as name, label, X/Y coordinates, width, height, etc.
  • The ISignNowContent interface that allows to retrieve value of any SignNow (Field) content object.
  • The ISignNowField interface that allows to retrieve the field value using the Type and ElementId parameters of the field element
  • Model.SignNowDocument.GetFieldContent(FieldType) that allows to retrieve the field content of any SignNow field.


  • Changed expires_in token value from a timestamp to token lifetime


  • Model.Field now contains property Model.FieldJsonAttributes
  • Model.SignNowDocument extended by added collections of various SignNow fields (Texts, Checkboxes, Hyperlinks... etc.)
  • Model.Signature renamed to Model.FieldContents.SignatureContent

0.4.0-beta - 2020-02-19


  • Code samples for role-based invite and freeform invite to README
  • Signature status property for the document - Models.SignNowDocument.Status; can be NoInvite, Pending, Complete
  • Signature status for the specified signer of a Freeform invite - Models.FreeformInvite.Status
  • Signature status for the specified signer of a field invite - Models.FieldInvite.Status
  • ISignNowInviteStatus interface for role-based or freeform invites status retrieval
  • Model.DocumentStatus with all statuses for the document
  • Model.InviteStatus with all statuses for the Freeform and Field (role-based) invites


  • Removed redundant tests.
  • Changed duplicated tests to parametrized tests.
  • Replaced Json mocks with Bogus library for tests.

0.3.0-beta - 2020-02-03


  • IUserService.GetCurrentUserAsync method which allows developers to retrieve the User resource.
  • IUserService.CreateInviteAsync method for creating freeform or role-based invites.
  • IUserService.CancelInviteAsync method for canceling a freeform invite using the invite ID or canceling a role-based invite using the document ID.
  • Model.FreeFormInvite which allows developers to create freeform invites to sign the document.
  • Model.RoleBasedInvite which allows developers to create role-based invites to sign the document (with options on how to verify the signer's identity: by password protection, a phone call, or sms)


  • IDocumentService returns SignNowDocument model instead of DocumentResponse
  • IDocumentService.GetDocumentAsync method can now be used to retrieve document roles, invite requests, timestamps, pages count, etc..

0.2.0-beta - 2019-12-18


  • DocumentService.DownloadDocumentAsync method which allows to download a document by ID in either Collapsed/With History/Zipped mode


  • "Argument passed in is not serializable" error on any SignNowException in .NET 4.5

0.1.0-beta - 2019-11-18


  • OAuth2Service.RefreshTokenAsync method.
  • OAuth2Service.ValidateTokenAsync method.

[0.0.0-beta] - 2019-10-30


  • Authorization token retrieval
  • Document upload
  • Document delete
  • Create signing link (to the document that requires an e-signature)
  • SignNowException implements AggregateException. If SignNow returns several errors in response, SignNowException contains all the errors as child exceptions.
  • SignNowException.Data contains the integer value of a response status code instead of a string one.
  • Implemented document ID parameter value validation in DocumentService.DeleteDocumentAsync method.