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Atomic npm version

Dead simple shared state in Reason React with a redux-like interface.


yarn add reason-atomic

Then add reason-atomic to your bs-dependencies in bsconfig.json

  "bs-dependencies": ["reason-atomic"]


Configure your state by creating a module with state, getInitialState, action, and reducer.

module Config = {
  type state = {count: int};

  let getInitialState = () => {count: 0};

  type action =
    | Increment
    | Decrement
    | NoChange;

  let reducer = state =>
    | Increment => {count: state.count + 1}
    | Decrement => {count: state.count - 1}
    | NoChange => state;


Create a new state module with the config

module AppState = Atomic.Make(Config);
// module AppState2 = Atomic.Make(Config);
// module AppState3 = Atomic.Make(Config);

// Create as many instances as you like..

Access the state as a hook, and dispatch actions

let make = () => {
  let state = AppState.useState();

    {React.string("global count: " ++ string_of_int(state.count))}
    <button onClick={_ => AppState.dispatch(Increment)}> {React.string("+")} </button>
    <button onClick={_ => AppState.dispatch(Decrement)}> {React.string("-")} </button>

If you only care about a subset of the state, you can use useMappedState. This also means that the component with the hook won't re-render unless the state it cares about changes - avoiding excessive re-rendering.

let make = () => {
  let count = AppState.useMappedState(state => state.count);

    {React.string("global count: " ++ string_of_int(count))}

You can also use the render-props pattern to consume the state as well, using the Consumer component and pass the mapper prop.

let make = () => {
  <AppState.Consumer mapper={state => state.count}>
    {count => React.string("global count: " ++ string_of_int(count))}