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clusterverse-example   License PRs Welcome

This is an example of a deployment of clusterverse - the full-lifecycle cloud infrastructure cluster management project, using Ansible.

Please refer to the full in the main clusterverse repository.


Contributions are welcome and encouraged. Please see for details.


  • Ansible >= 2.9
  • Python >= 2.7

Invocation examples: deploy, scale, repair

The cluster.yml sub-role immutably deploys a cluster from the config defined above. If it is run again it will do nothing. If the cluster_vars are changed (e.g. add a host), the cluster will reflect the new variables (e.g. a new host will be added to the cluster).


ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=testid -e cloud_type=aws -e region=eu-west-1 [email protected]
ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=testid -e cloud_type=aws -e region=eu-west-1 [email protected] --tags=clusterverse_clean -e clean=_all_
ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test_aws_euw1 [email protected]
ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test_aws_euw1 [email protected] --tags=clusterverse_clean -e clean=_all_


ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=testid -e cloud_type=gcp -e region=europe-west1 [email protected]
ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=testid -e cloud_type=gcp -e region=europe-west1 [email protected] --tags=clusterverse_clean -e clean=_all_
ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test_gcp_euw1 [email protected]
ansible-playbook cluster.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test_gcp_euw1 [email protected] --tags=clusterverse_clean -e clean=_all_

Mandatory command-line variables:

  • -e buildenv=<sandbox> - The environment (dev, stage, etc), which must be an attribute of cluster_vars (i.e. {{cluster_vars[build_env]}})

Optional extra variables:

  • -e app_name=<nginx> - Normally defined in /cluster_defs/. The name of the application cluster (e.g. 'couchbase', 'nginx'); becomes part of cluster_name
  • -e app_class=<proxy> - Normally defined in /cluster_defs/. The class of application (e.g. 'database', 'webserver'); becomes part of the fqdn
  • -e release_version=<v1.0.1> - Identifies the application version that is being deployed.
  • -e clean=[current|retiring|redeployfail|_all_] - Deletes VMs in lifecycle_state, or _all_, as well as networking and security groups
  • -e pkgupdate=[always|onCreate] - Upgrade the OS packages (not good for determinism). onCreate only upgrades when creating the VM for the first time.
  • -e reboot_on_package_upgrade=true - After updating packages, performs a reboot on all nodes.
  • -e prometheus_node_exporter_install=false - Does not install the prometheus node_exporter
  • -e static_journal=true - Creates /var/log/journal directory, which will keep a permanent record of journald logs in systemd machines (normally ephemeral)
  • -e filebeat_install=false - Does not install filebeat
  • -e metricbeat_install=false - Does not install metricbeat
  • -e wait_for_dns=false - Does not wait for DNS resolution
  • -e create_gcp_network=true - Create GCP network and subnetwork (probably needed if creating from scratch and using public network)
  • -e delete_gcp_network_on_clean=true - Delete GCP network and subnetwork when run with -e clean=_all_
  • -e debug_nested_log_output=true - Show the log output from nested calls to embedded Ansible playbooks (i.e. when redeploying)
  • -e cluster_vars_override='{"sandbox":{"hosttype_vars":{"sys":{"vms_by_az":{"b":1,"c":1,"d":0}}}}}' - Ability to override cluster_vars dictionary elements from the command line. NOTE: there must be NO SPACES in this string.


  • clusterverse_clean: Deletes all VMs and security groups (also needs -e clean=[current|retiring|redeployfail|_all_] on command line)
  • clusterverse_create: Creates only EC2 VMs, based on the hosttype_vars values in /cluster_defs/
  • clusterverse_config: Updates packages, sets hostname, adds hosts to DNS

Invocation examples: redeploy

The redeploy.yml sub-role will completely redeploy the cluster; this is useful for example to upgrade the underlying operating system version, or changing the disk sizes.


ansible-playbook redeploy.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e cloud_type=aws -e region=eu-west-1 -e clusterid=test [email protected] -e canary=none
ansible-playbook redeploy.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test_aws_euw1 [email protected] -e canary=none


ansible-playbook redeploy.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test -e cloud_type=gcp -e region=europe-west1 [email protected] -e canary=none
ansible-playbook redeploy.yml -e buildenv=sandbox -e clusterid=test_aws_euw1 [email protected] -e canary=none

Mandatory command-line variables:

  • -e buildenv=<sandbox> - The environment (dev, stage, etc), which must be an attribute of cluster_vars defined in group_vars/<clusterid>/cluster_vars.yml
  • -e canary=['start', 'finish', 'filter', 'none', 'tidy'] - Specify whether to start, finish or filter a canary redeploy (or 'none', to redeploy the whole cluster in one command). See below (-e canary_filter_regex) for canary=filter.

Extra variables:

  • -e redeploy_scheme=<subrole_name> - The scheme corresponds to one defined in roles/clusterverse/redeploy
  • -e canary_tidy_on_success=[true|false] - Whether to run the tidy (remove the replaced VMs and DNS) on successful redeploy
  • -e canary_filter_regex='^.*-test-sysdisks.*$' - Sets the regex pattern used to filter the target hosts by their hostnames - mandatory when using canary=filter
  • -e myhosttypes="master,slave"- In redeployment you can define which host type you like to redeploy. If not defined it will redeploy all host types