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File metadata and controls

301 lines (209 loc) · 11.5 KB

CAPACITOR 4 (Master)

🚨 Release 4.0.1 all platforms ->> 🚨

As no any issues where opened against version 4.0.0-1 using Capacitor 4, Developers can now install it as normal

npm install @capacitor-community/sqlite@latest

🚨 Release 4.0.1 <<- 🚨

🚨 Release 4.0.0-1 all platforms ->> 🚨 This is a tentative of implementing @Capacitor/[email protected] proposed by rdlabo (Masahiko Sakakibara). For those who want to try it do

npm install @capacitor-community/sqlite@next

Revert quickly any issue by clearly mentionning V4 in the title of the issue.

Thanks for your help in testing

🚨 Release 4.0.0-1 <<- 🚨

CAPACITOR 3 (v3.7.0)

🚨 Release 3.4.3-3 all platforms ->> 🚨

The main change is related to the delete table's rows when a synchronization table exists as well as a last_mofidied table's column, allowing for database synchronization of the local database with a remote server database.

  • All existing triggers to YOUR_TABLE_NAME_trigger_last_modified must be modified as follows

    CREATE TRIGGER YOUR_TABLE_NAME_trigger_last_modified
      FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.last_modified < OLD.last_modified
          UPDATE YOUR_TABLE_NAME SET last_modified= (strftime('%s', 'now')) WHERE;
  • an new column sql_deleted must be added to each of your tables as

    sql_deleted BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 CHECK (sql_deleted IN (0, 1))

    This column will be autommatically set to 1 when you will use a DELETE FROM ... sql statement in the execute, run or executeSet methods.

  • In the JSON object that you provide to importFromJson, all the deleted rows in your remote server database's tables must have the sql_deleted column set to 1. This will indicate to the import process to physically delete the corresponding rows in your local database. All the others rows must have the sql_deleted column set to 0.

  • In the JSON object outputs by the exportToJson, all the deleted rows in your local database have got the sql_deleted column set to 1 to help in your synchronization management process with the remote server database. A system last_exported_date is automatically saved in the synchronization table at the start of the export process flow.

  • On successful completion of your synchronization management process with the remote server database, you must

    • Set a new synchronization date (as (new Date()).toISOString()) with the setSyncDate method.
    • Execute the deleteExportedRows method which physically deletes all table's rows having 1 as value for the sql_deleted column prior to the last_exported_date in your local database.

An example of using this new feature is given in solidjs-vite-sqlite-app. It has been used to test the validity of the implementation.

🚨 Release 3.4.3-3 <<- 🚨

🚨 Release 3.4.2-4 ->> 🚨 !!!! DO NOT USE IT !!!! 🚨 Release 3.4.2-4 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.4.2-3 ->> 🚨

  • overwrite boolean parameter has been added to the Json Object (default false)

    • true : delete the physically the database whatever the version is.
    • false:
      • re-importing a database with the same version number will do nothing, keeping the existing database and will return changes = 0
      • re-importing a database with a lower version number will throw an error ImportFromJson: Cannot import a version lower than
  • During an import in full mode the Foreign Key constraint has been turn off before dropping the tables and turn back on after

🚨 Since release 3.4.2-3 <<- 🚨 🚨 Since release 3.4.1 ->> 🚨 Databases location for Electron can be set in the config.config.ts as followed:

  • for sharing databases between users:

    plugins: {
      CapacitorSQLite: {
        electronMacLocation: "/YOUR_DATABASES_PATH",
        electronWindowsLocation: "C:\\ProgramData\\CapacitorDatabases",
        electronLinuxLocation: "/home/CapacitorDatabases"
  • for only the user in its Home folder

    Plugins: {
      CapacitorSQLite: {
        electronMacLocation: "Databases",
        electronWindowsLocation: "Databases",
        electronLinuxLocation: "Databases"

For existing databases, YOU MUST COPY old databases to the new location You MUST remove the Electron folder and add it again with

npx cap add @capacitor-community/electron
npm run build 
cd electron
npm i --save sqlite3
npm i --save @types:sqlite3
npm run rebuild
cd ..
npx cap sync @capacitor-community/electron
npm run build
npx cap copy @capacitor-community/electron
npx cap open @capacitor-community/electron

🚨 Since release 3.4.1 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.4.1-1 ->> 🚨

  • add iosIsEncryption, androidIsEncryption in capacitor.config.ts When your application use only non-encrypted databases set those parameter to false then iOS KeyChain & Android MasterKey are not defined.

🚨 Since release 3.4.1-1 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.4.0-2 ->> 🚨

  • iOS & Android only Adding biometric FaceID/TouchID to secure the pass phrase in the Keychain/SharedPreferences stores. see: Biometric_Authentication

  • iOS only Fix identical pass phrase stored in the Keychain for differents applications using the plugin by adding an application prefix to the Keychain account. Before the account "CapacitorSQLitePlugin" was used and was the same for all applications. Now by adding iosKeychainPrefix: 'YOUR_APP_NAME'in the capacitor.config.ts of your application, the account will be "YOUR_APP_NAME_CapacitorSQLitePlugin" If you were having a pass phrase stored, first modify the capacitor.config.ts and then run the command isSecretStored which will manage the upgrade of the Keychain account. 🚨 Since release 3.4.0-2 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.3.3-2 ->> 🚨

  • iOS only Support for a database location not visible to iTunes and backed up to iCloud. For this you must add to the const config: CapacitorConfig of the capacitor.config.ts file of your application the following:
      plugins: {
        CapacitorSQLite: {
          "iosDatabaseLocation": "Library/CapacitorDatabase"
    Pre-existing databases from the Documents folder will be moved to the new folder Library/CapacitorDatabase and your application will work as before. If you do not modify the capacitor.config.ts file of your application the databases will still reside in the Documents folder

🚨 Since release 3.3.3-2 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.2.5-2 ->> 🚨

  • support zip file in copyFromAssets method
  • add optional overwrite parameter (true/false) default to true

🚨 Since release 3.2.5-2 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.2.3-1 ->> 🚨

The initWebStore and saveToStore methods have been added to the Web platform.

  • The initWebStore has been added to fix the issue#172 and since then is MANDATORY
if(platform === "web") {
  await customElements.whenDefined('jeep-sqlite');
  const jeepSqliteEl = document.querySelector('jeep-sqlite');
  if(jeepSqliteEl != null) {
    await sqliteConnection.initWebStore()
  • the saveToStore allows to perform intermediate save of the database in case the browser needs to delete the cache.

🚨 Since release 3.2.3-1 <<- 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.2.2-2 ->> 🚨

The executeSet method accepts now no values, see below

const setIssue170: Array<capSQLiteSet>  = [
  { statement: "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS issue170", values: [] },
  { statement: "CREATE TABLE issue170 (src VARCHAR(255))", values: [] },
  { statement: "INSERT INTO issue170 (src) values (?)", values: [""] },

🚨 Since release 3.2.0-5 ->> 🚨

The Web plugin is now implemented based on the stencil companion [email protected] which is using [email protected] for database queries and [email protected]for database persistency.

🚨 Since release 3.2.0-3 ->> 🚨

The Electron plugin is now based on @capacitor-community/[email protected] thanks to the hard and heavy work from Mike Summerfeldt IT-MikeS 👏 🙏

🚨 Since release 3.2.0-2 ->> 🚨 🚨 !!! for Electron developper, the Electron plugin is back !!! 🚨

Based on sqlite3, so without encryption The two listeners sqliteImportProgressEvent and sqliteExportProgressEvent are not available.

🚨 Since release 3.1.2 ->> 🚨

Thanks to Nirajhinge and Chris, an example of using the TypeORM driver in a Ionic/Vue app has been developed see

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-rc.2 ->> 🚨

Thanks to Chris, a driver to TypeORM is now available

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.13 ->> 🚨

  • GlobalSQLite secret and newsecret are deprecated

  • The user can now set its own secure secret (passphrase)

    • use setEncryptionSecret ONCE to migrate encrypted databases from secret to secure stored secret

    • use changeEncryptionSecret to change your secure stored secret

  • iOS used KeyChain service to store the secret

  • Android used Encrypted SharedPreferences to store the secret, the minimun sdk should be set to 23 (limitation from Google)

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.13 ->> 🚨

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.11 ->> 🚨

  • Checking of types has been removed in all methods of the plugin both iOS & Android. This has been achieved to allow the use of others RDBMS types. The type checking is now under the responsability of the developers.

  • NULL values are now returned as null

  • values for the query method is now an Array of any.

  • option to disable transaction for the execute, executeSet, run.

🚨 Since release 3.0.0-beta.11 <<- 🚨

REFACTOR (Move to branch 2.9.x)

The 2.9.x is now 🛑 NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE 🛑.

The refactor offers now (since 2.9.0-beta.1) all the features that the previous was offering. It has been a quite heavy process, hoping that the developpers will take benefit from it.

The main reasons for it:

  • multiple database connections
  • db connector allowing for easy commands, db.close, ...
  • improve the response time of the encrypted database by removing the internal open and close database for each sqlite query
  • moving to the latest
  • offering encryption for Electron platform by using @journeyapps/sqlcipher on MacOs, !!! NOT ON WINDOWS !!!
  • cleaning and aligning the code between platforms
  • allowing developers to develop typeorm or spatialite drivers.

This was discussed lengthly in issue#1 and issue#52

Refactor available for Android, iOS and Electron platforms.

The test has been achieved on:

Other frameworks will be tested later

  • Stencil

@INITIAL 🛑 (Move to branch 2.4.x)

The 2.4.x is now 🛑 NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE 🛑.

To install it

npm i --save @capacitor-community/sqlite@initial

The test has been achieved on: