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Latent Profile Analysis

Using R (mclust package)

# install.packages("mclust")

dat <- USArrests
dat |> dim()
[1] 50  4
dat |> head()
           Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
Alabama      13.2     236       58 21.2
Alaska       10.0     263       48 44.5
Arizona       8.1     294       80 31.0
Arkansas      8.8     190       50 19.5
California    9.0     276       91 40.6
Colorado      7.9     204       78 38.7
dat_scale <- dat |> scale() |>
lpa_Model <- dat_scale |>  
                Mclust(G = 1:5)

lpa_Model |> summary()
Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm 

Mclust VEI (diagonal, equal shape) model with 3 components: 

 log-likelihood  n df       BIC       ICL
      -217.3636 50 20 -512.9677 -517.5878

Clustering table:
 1  2  3 
20 10 20 
lpa_assignments <- lpa_Model$classification

# Summarize the latent profiles
dat |> 
    scale() |> |> 
            mutate(Profile = lpa_assignments) |> 
                group_by(Profile) |> 
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  Profile Murder Assault UrbanPop   Rape
    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
1       1  1.00    1.01     0.198  0.847
2       2 -1.17   -1.21    -1.00  -1.10 
3       3 -0.419  -0.410    0.305 -0.296

pred_Model_1 <- lpa_Model$classification 

Using R (tidyLPA package)

# install.packages("tidyLPA")
n_profiles <- 3 # Specify the number of profiles

# Perform the LPA
lpa_Model2 <- dat |> 
                scale() |> 
                    dplyr :: select(Murder, Assault, UrbanPop, Rape) |> 
                        tidyLPA :: estimate_profiles(n_profiles, variances = "equal")

# Print the results
tidyLPA analysis using mclust: 

 Model Classes AIC    BIC    Entropy prob_min prob_max n_min n_max BLRT_p
 1     3       491.81 526.23 0.89    0.89     0.98     0.20  0.42  0.01  

Using python (scikit-learn)

# first in terminal: 
# pip install -U scikit-learn

# Import the necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

# Load the USArrests data
df = r.dat_scale
              Murder   Assault  UrbanPop      Rape
Alabama     1.242564  0.782839 -0.520907 -0.003416
Alaska      0.507862  1.106823 -1.211764  2.484203
Arizona     0.071633  1.478803  0.998980  1.042878
Arkansas    0.232349  0.230868 -1.073593 -0.184917
California  0.278268  1.262814  1.758923  2.067820
# Perform the LPA using GaussianMixture
gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=3)
# Print the results
print('Converged:',gmm.converged_) # Check if the model has converged
Converged: True
print('Means of each component:', gmm.means_)
Means of each component: [[ 0.74091791  1.09029287  0.88324838  1.17867533]
 [-0.63090974 -0.64882412 -0.11177974 -0.52502015]
 [ 1.43792924  0.9906128  -0.86322129  0.36089059]]
print('Covariances of each component:', gmm.covariances_)
Covariances of each component: [[[ 0.27150252  0.09193423 -0.04525653 -0.04753029]
  [ 0.09193423  0.23101086 -0.00776302  0.00647574]
  [-0.04525653 -0.00776302  0.22954278  0.09530718]
  [-0.04753029  0.00647574  0.09530718  0.52797728]]

 [[ 0.30958715  0.19226303  0.10475609  0.1959609 ]
  [ 0.19226303  0.33122242  0.24295797  0.17901775]
  [ 0.10475609  0.24295797  0.94853759  0.24437661]
  [ 0.1959609   0.17901775  0.24437661  0.36605652]]

 [[ 0.24585138 -0.06644101  0.07407172 -0.27213895]
  [-0.06644101  0.26184261 -0.18289239 -0.12412389]
  [ 0.07407172 -0.18289239  0.26709043  0.02721027]
  [-0.27213895 -0.12412389  0.02721027  0.81800715]]]
# Predict the labels for the data samples in df_scaled using gmm model
python_labels = gmm.predict(df)
py_labels = np.array(python_labels) + 1
R_labels = r.pred_Model_1
pd.DataFrame({"R_Labels": list(map(lambda x: int(x), R_labels)), "Python_Labels": py_labels})
    R_Labels  Python_Labels
0          1              3
1          1              3
2          1              1
3          3              2
4          1              1
5          1              1
6          3              2
7          3              2
8          1              1
9          1              3
10         3              2
11         2              2
12         1              1
13         3              2
14         2              2
15         3              2
16         3              2
17         1              3
18         2              2
19         1              1
20         3              2
21         1              1
22         2              2
23         1              3
24         1              2
25         3              2
26         3              2
27         1              1
28         2              2
29         3              2
30         1              1
31         1              1
32         1              3
33         2              2
34         3              2
35         3              2
36         3              2
37         3              2
38         3              2
39         1              3
40         2              2
41         1              3
42         1              1
43         3              2
44         2              2
45         3              2
46         3              2
47         2              2
48         2              2
49         3              2

compare results

adjustedRandIndex(py$R_labels, py$python_labels)
[1] 0.4314684