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bootstrap using R

loading require packages

if (!require(tidymodels)) {
    chooseCRANmirror(ind = 1, graphics = FALSE)

if (!require(boot)) {
    chooseCRANmirror(ind = 1, graphics = FALSE)

if (!require(bootstrap)) {
    chooseCRANmirror(ind = 1, graphics = FALSE)

Generate data

seed <- 1234
n <- 30

dat <- tibble(
    x1 = rgamma(n, 2, 2), 
    x2 = rnorm(n, 3, 1),
    x3 = rbinom(n, size = 10, prob = .4), 
    y = 2 * x1 + 3 * x2 - x3 + rnorm(n)

split data into train and test

data_split <- initial_split(dat, prop = 0.75)
train_dat <- training(data_split)
test_dat <- testing(data_split)

implement regression model using boot package

startt <- Sys.time()
coef_fun <- function(dat, Ind) {
    d_temp <- dat[Ind, ]
    m_temp <- lm(y ~ . - 1, data = d_temp)
res1 <- boot :: boot(data = train_dat, statistic = coef_fun, 
R = 1e+4)
(boot_coef <- res1$t  |> colMeans() |> setNames(
                paste0("x", 1:3))
       x1        x2        x3 
 1.821370  3.087255 -1.015949 
endd <- Sys.time()
(boot_time <- difftime(endd, startt, unit = 'sec'))
Time difference of 4.127518 secs
y_test <- test_dat['y'] |> unlist()
x_test = test_dat[, -4]
boot_pred_test <- boot_coef %*% (x_test |> |> data.matrix() |> t()) |> as.numeric()
(RMSE_boot <- sqrt(mean((y_test - boot_pred_test)^2)))
[1] 1.041219

implement regression model using bootstrap package

startt2 <- Sys.time()
N <- nrow(train_dat)
coef_funn <- function(x, train_dat) { 
    temp_dat <- train_dat[x, ]
    temp_m <- lm(y ~ . -1, data = temp_dat)

res2 <- bootstrap(1:N, 1e+4, coef_funn, train_dat)
(bootstrap_coef <- res2$thetastar  |> rowMeans())
       x1        x2        x3 
 1.823545  3.088103 -1.017617 
endd2 <- Sys.time()
(bootstrap_time <- difftime(endd2, startt2, unit = 'sec'))
Time difference of 4.129818 secs
bootstrap_pred_test <- bootstrap_coef %*% 
                    (x_test |> |> data.matrix() |> t()) |> 
(RMSE_bootstrap <- sqrt(mean((y_test - bootstrap_pred_test)^2)))
[1] 1.044444

implement regression model using rsample package

startt3 <- Sys.time()

bootstraps <- bootstraps(train_dat, times = 1e+4)

temp_model_3 <- function(split) {
    analysis <- analysis(split)
    model <- lm(y ~ . -1, data = analysis)

model_coefficients <- bootstraps$splits |> 
                    map_dfr(temp_model_3, .id = "bootstrap_sample")
(rsample_coef <- model_coefficients |> _[, -1] |> colMeans())
       x1        x2        x3 
 1.821007  3.090123 -1.017255 
endd3 <- Sys.time()
(rsample_time <- difftime(endd3, startt3, unit = 'sec'))
Time difference of 4.704723 secs
rsample_pred_test <- rsample_coef %*% 
                    (x_test |> |> data.matrix() |> t()) |> 
(RMSE_rsample <- sqrt(mean((y_test - rsample_pred_test)^2)))
[1] 1.040529

Using python

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import resample
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import time

py_dat = r.train_dat

startt4 = time.process_time()
## implement regression model 
py_model = LinearRegression()

n_iterations = int(1e+4)
python_coef = pd.DataFrame()

for i in range(n_iterations):
    X_train = resample(py_dat.drop('y', axis=1), replace=True, n_samples=len(py_dat))
    y_train = py_dat.loc[X_train.index, 'y']
    # Fit model, y_train)
    # Store coefficients
    coefs = pd.DataFrame([py_model.coef_], columns=X_train.columns)
    python_coef = pd.concat([python_coef, coefs])
# Now, bootstrap_coefs contains the coefficients from each bootstrap sample

python_coef_boot = python_coef.mean().values
endd4 = time.process_time()
python_time = endd4 - startt4

real_coef = np.array([2, 3, -1])
python_bias = python_coef_boot - real_coef

py_test_dat = r.test_dat 
x_test = py_test_dat.drop(columns = 'y')
py_pred_test = python_coef_boot @ x_test.T
y_test = py_test_dat['y'].values
py_err_test = (py_pred_test.values - y_test)**2
RMSE_py = np.sqrt(py_err_test.mean())

report result

tibble(package = c("boot", "bootstrap", "rsample", "python_bootstrap"), 
        Elapsed_Time = c(boot_time, bootstrap_time, rsample_time, py$python_time), 
        x1_bias = c(boot_coef[1] - 2, bootstrap_coef[1] - 2, rsample_coef[1] - 2, py$python_bias[1]),
        x2_bias =  c(boot_coef[2] - 3, bootstrap_coef[2] - 3, rsample_coef[2] - 3, py$python_bias[2]),
        x3_bias = c(boot_coef[3] + 1, bootstrap_coef[3] + 1, rsample_coef[3] + 1, py$python_bias[3]), 
        RMSE_test = c(RMSE_boot, RMSE_bootstrap, RMSE_rsample, py$RMSE_py)
) |> 
knitr :: kable(align = "c", caption = "Table of Results")
package Elapsed_Time x1_bias x2_bias x3_bias RMSE_test
boot 4.127518 secs -0.1786297 0.0872549 -0.0159486 1.041219
bootstrap 4.129818 secs -0.1764553 0.0881029 -0.0176172 1.044444
rsample 4.704723 secs -0.1789929 0.0901226 -0.0172552 1.040529
python_bootstrap 9.875000 secs -0.3385282 -0.0661995 -0.0937691 1.770228

Table of Results