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STSproxy is an AWS STS (Security Token Service) Authentication Proxy, providing a simple and secure way for you to provision temporary, limited-privilege AWS credentials for third-parties who need access to your AWS resource(s).

🌟 Use Case

Ideal for scenarios where a third-party vendor without an AWS account needs access to your AWS resources, ensuring secure and controlled access. Flow Diagram

📋 What You Need to Get Started

  • AWS account
  • An IAM user with sts:AssumeRole permissions.
  • An IAM role with the necessary permissions for the resources you want to grant access to (e.g. read-only access to an S3 bucket).

🛠️ Building the App from Source


  • Java JDK 21

Clone the repository

git clone
cd sts-proxy

Set environment variables

export ROLE_ARN=<IAM role arn> # arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access key id of user who has sts:AssumeRole permission>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret access key of user who has sts:AssumeRole permission>


The AWS_ prefixed variables are not needed if running on an EC2 instance with the required IAM role.

Run the application

./gradlew bootRun

Test the API

Use Swagger UI to test the API at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html.

🚀 API usage

POST /auth

Request body

  "username": "vendor", 
  "password": "password"


200 OK

  "accessKeyId": "ASIA...",
  "secretAccessKey": "+kd...",
  "sessionToken": "IQo...",
  "expiresOn": "2024-01-20T02:28:37Z"

400 Bad Request

  • The request body was invalid or malformed.

401 Unauthorized

  • The credentials were incorrect.

503 Service Unavailable

  • Authentication was successful but the AWS client encountered an error.

⚙️ Configuration

The file contains several configuration options to tailor the behavior of the application.

These can be overridden using environment variables.


This is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the application will assume when interacting with AWS Security Token Service (STS).

  • Environment variable: ROLE_ARN
  • Application property: aws.role.arn=${ROLE_ARN}


Example ARN would be arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access

Session Lifetime

Specifies the duration, in seconds, for which the credentials should remain valid. The default and minimum value is 900 seconds (15 minutes). The maximum value is 43200 seconds (12 hours).

  • Environment variable: ROLE_SESSION_DURATION_SECONDS
  • Configuration property: aws.role.session.duration.seconds=${ROLE_SESSION_DURATION_SECONDS:900}


The session duration should be long enough to perform the necessary tasks but short enough to maintain security.

Proxy Username

This is the username for proxy authentication. Default value is vendor.

  • Environment variable: VENDOR_USERNAME
  • Application property: vendor.username=${VENDOR_USERNAME:vendor}

Proxy Password

The bcrypt hash of the password used for proxy authentication. The default value hash corresponds to the password password.

  • Environment variable: VENDOR_PASSWORD
  • Application property: vendor.password=${VENDOR_PASSWORD:{bcrypt}$2a$10$dXJ3SW6G7P50lGmMkkmwe.20cQQubK3.HZWzG3YB1tlRy.fqvM/BG}


It is highly recommended to change the default password. Use a bcrypt generator to create a new hash using 10 rounds.

🔒 Security Considerations for Production

Use a TLS/SSL Certificate

Always use HTTPS with TLS/SSL certificates to secure data in transit. This protects sensitive data, such as authentication credentials and session tokens, from being intercepted.

Secure Application Properties

Avoid storing sensitive information directly in

Role and Access Management

Apply the principle of least privilege for the AWS IAM roles. Ensure that the IAM role assumed by your application has only the necessary permissions and nothing more.

Use Strong Complex Password for API Access

Enforce the following guidelines for the password:

  • Minimum Length: Password should be at least 12 characters long.
  • Complexity Requirements: Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • No Predictable Patterns: Avoid sequential characters (e.g., 1234, abcd) and repeated characters (e.g., aaaa, 1111).

IP Whitelisting

Restrict access to authorized IP addresses for an additional layer of security.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.