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File metadata and controls

272 lines (237 loc) · 34.8 KB


This role installs Icinga 2 and configures it for a master. A new CA is initialized and a local certificate is signed using the CA. A PostgreSQL database can be initialized (user and database) and the schema is automatically imported. All configuration files, including checks, hosts, and notifications are created.

A zone file for all hosts in the inventory is created. Each host gets an Endpoint and a Zone consisting of only this endpoint. The parent of this Zone is defined via the host variable icinga2_parent_zone. This variable must point to an existing Ansible group. All hosts in this group get assigned to a Zone by that name and won't be assigned to their own zones. If a parent Zone has itself as its parent, it is assumed that this is the root Zone and it won't get a parent.

Additionaly, a global zone called global-templates is created.

Hosts are automatically generated from your inventory. You can use icinga2_forwarded_vars to include hostvars into the custom vars section of the Icinga 2 hosts. Each host must have an description attribute that holds the description of the host. Addutionally, ansible_host is filled in as the address of the Icinga 2 host. If the zone is in the group specified by icinga2_noagent_group, the hostalive check is chosen for the host. If not, the check specified by icinga2_agent_check is performed. All Ansible groups are automatically converted into Icinga 2 groups. Descriptions can be given using the icinga2_host_groups dict.

Every string variable can optionally be prefixed with :nq: (no quotes). This causes the string quotes to be omitted, which can be used for the usage of constants and conditional statements.


Ubuntu or Debian

Role Variables

Name Default / Mandatory Description
icinga2_user nagios User under which Icinga 2 is run
icinga2_group nagios Group under which Icinga 2 is run
icinga2_features [ checker, command, mainlog, notification, syslog ] A list of features to enable
icinga2_constants {} Dict of constants to set
icinga2_monitoring_package monitoring-plugins Name of the monitoring plugins package
icinga2_configure_postgres true Whether to configure a PostgreSQL user and database and import the schema
icinga2_postgres_login_host localhost Host to connect to for setting up PostgreSQL
icinga2_postgres_login_user postgres User to connect with for setting up PostgreSQL
icinga2_postgres_login_password Password to connect with for setting up PostgreSQL
icinga2_postgres_user icinga2 Name of the PostgreSQL user to create
icinga2_postgres_database icinga2 Name of the PostgreSQL database to create
icinga2_feature_api_salt (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only when issuing certificates) Salt for certificate creation. Keep it secret!
icinga2_feature_api_bind Host to bind to for API requests
icinga2_feature_api_port 5665 Port to bind to for API requests
icinga2_feature_api_accept_config false Whether to accept configurations via the API cluster
icinga2_feature_api_accept_commands false Whether to accept commands via the API cluster
icinga2_feature_api_tlsmin TLSv1.2 Minimum TLS version for API clients
icinga2_feature_checker_concurrent 512 Number of concurrent checks to execute
icinga2_feature_command_path /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd Path to the command socket to create
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_host localhost PostgreSQL host to connect to
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_port 5432 PostgreSQL port to connect to
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_user icinga2 PostgreSQL user to connect with
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_password icinga2 PostgreSQL password to connect with
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_database icinga2 PostgreSQL database to connect to
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_instance_name default Name for this instance in the DB. Used for HA
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_ha true Enable Icinga 2 HA in the database
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_failover_timeout 60s HA failover in the database
icinga2_feature_idogpsql_cleanup {} Items to clean (key) and their maximum age (value)
icinga2_feature_mainlog_severity information Minimum log level for messages to be logged
icinga2_feature_mainlog_path /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log Path to the mainlog
icinga2_feature_notification_ha true Whether to enable notification HA
icinga2_feature_syslog_severity information Minimum log level for messages to be logged to syslog
icinga2_host_filter JMESPath filter to apply to all hosts (hostname is key, configuration is value)
icinga2_host_max_check_attempts 3 Maximum amonut of check attempts on a host
icinga2_host_check_interval 1m Check interval for hosts
icinga2_host_retry_interval 30s Check interval for hosts wen in a SOFT state
icinga2_host_flapping_threshold_high 30.0 High flapping threshold for hosts
icinga2_host_flapping_threshold_low 25.0 Low flapping threshold for hosts
icinga2_api_master_users {} List of Username-Values dicts of API users configured in this master. See below for possible values
icinga2_api_global_users {} List of Username-Values dicts of API users configured in the global zone. See below for possible values
icinga2_host_dependencies {} List of Name-Values dicts of dependencies applied to hosts. See below for possible values
icinga2_service_dependencies {} List of Name-Values dicts of dependencies applied to services. See below for possible values
icinga2_host_downtimes {} List of Name-Values dicts of scheduled downtimes applied to hosts. See below for possible values
icinga2_service_downtimes {} List of Name-Values dicts of scheduled downtimes applied to services. See below for possible values
icinga2_event_commands {} List of Name-Values dicts of event commands. See below for possible values
icinga2_forwarded_vars {} List of names of hostvars that are inserted into the custom variables of the corresponding Icinga 2 hosts
icinga2_noagent_group icinga2-noagent Name of a group a host has to be in in order to use the hostalive check instead of the agent check (see next variable)
icinga2_agent_check ✔️ Name of the check to perform in order to validate the Icinga 2 client on the machine is alive
icinga2_host_groups {} Name-Description dict of hostgroups
icinga2_notification_commands {} List of Name-Values dicts of notification commands. See below for possible values
icinga2_host_notifications {} List of Name-Values dicts of notifications applied to hosts. See below for possible values
icinga2_service_notifications {} List of Name-Values dicts of notifications applied to services. See below for possible values
icinga2_services {} List of Name-Values dicts of services applied to hosts. See below for possible values
icinga2_service_groups {} Name-Description dict of service groups
icinga2_timeperiods {} List of Name-Values dicts of time periods. See below for possible values
icinga2_users {} List of Name-Values dicts of users. See below for possible values
icinga2_user_groups {} Name-Description dict of user groups
icinga2_check_commands {} List of Name-Values dicts of check commands. See below for possible values
icinga2_service_max_attempts 3 Maximum amount of check attempts on a service. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_service_volatile false Whether all services are volatile. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_service_check_interval 5m Check interval for services. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_service_retry_interval 5m Check interval for services when in a SOFT state. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_service_flapping true Whether flapping detection is enabled for all services. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_service_flapping_threshold_high 30.0 High flapping threshold for all services. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_service_flapping_threshold_low 25.0 Low flapping threshold for all services. Can be overridden per-service
icinga2_user_default_types All types Notification types to notify all users about. Can be overridden per-user

API users

Name Default / Mandatory Description
password Password of this API user. Either this or password_hash is required
password_hash Hashed password of this API user. Either this or password is required
client_cn CN the client is required to have when connecting to the API with this user
permissions List of Icinga 2 API permissions this user holds


Name Default / Mandatory Description
parent_host ✔️ Name of the parent host
parent_service Name of the parent service. If omitted, the dependency is made to the host
disable_checks false Disable child checks once parent checks fail
disable_notifications true Disable child notifications once parent checks fail
ignore_soft_states true Ignore soft states on the parent
period Name of a period where this dependency is valid
states List of states that are considered OK
assign ✔️ List of assign specifications (assign where is automatically prepended)
ignore List of ignore specifications (ignore where is automatically prepended)

Scheduled Downtimes

Name Default / Mandatory Description
author ✔️ Name of the author of this downtime
description ✔️ Description of this downtime
duration Duration specification of this downtime. If set, converts this downtime to a flexible downtime
ranges ✔️ Day-Duration dict of downtime ranges
assign ✔️ List of assign specifications (assign where is automatically prepended)
ignore List of ignore specifications (ignore where is automatically prepended)


Name Default / Mandatory Description
command ✔️ Command to execute. You need to quote this string yourself, so you can use variables, e.g. "PluginDir + \"my_check\""
args {} Argument-Values dict to pass to the command. See below for valid values
env Dict to append to the environment of the executed command
sudo false Prefix this command with sudo
timeout 1m Timeout of the command
vars {} Variables to pass to the command

Command Arguments

Name Default / Mandatory Description
value Value of this argument
setIf Set this argument if the condition evaulates to true
order Order specification of this argument
description ✔️ Description of this argument
required false Whether this argument is required
skip_key false Whether to skip the key (name) of this argument when passing it to the command line
repeat_key true Whether to repeat the key (name) for each occurence of the argument


Name Default / Mandatory Description
command ✔️ Name of the notification command to execute for this notification
interval Interval in which to renotify
users List of users to notify (either this or user_groups is required)
user_groups List of user groups to notify (either this or users is required)
zone Zone in which to execute this notification
types List of notification types to notify on
states List of states to notify on
period Name of a period in which to notify in
vars {} Variables to pass to the notification
assign ✔️ List of assign specifications (assign where is automatically prepended)
ignore List of ignore specifications (ignore where is automatically prepended)


Name Default / Mandatory Description
for false Enables the for (key => value) assignment
for_key key Key to use for a for (key => value) assignment
for_value Value to use for a for (key => value) assignment. If this is not set, the iteration happens over a list instead of a dict.
no_name false Set to true to prevent giving a name to this service (only makes sense in combination with for)
volatile false Whether this service is volatile
check_command ✔️ Command to execute to check this service
max_check_attempts {{icinga2_service_max_attempts}} Amount of checks before the hard state is set
check_period Period in which to execute the check
check_timeout Timeout of the check
check_interval {{icinga2_service_check_interval}} Interval in which the service is checked
retry_interval {{icinga2_service_retry_interval}} Interval in which the service is checked when in a SOFT state
event_command Event command executed for this service
zone Zone in which the check is executed
command_endpoint (See next value) Endpoint the check is executed on
remote false Set to true to execute service checks on this Icinga 2 master instead of the on the client. If false, the service is not applied to hosts in the icinga2_noagent_group
flapping {{icinga2_service_flapping}} Enable flapping detection for this service
flapping_threshold_high {{icinga2_service_flapping_threshold_high}} Flapping upper bound in percent
flapping_threshold_low {{icinga2_service_flapping_threshold_lower}} Flapping lower bound in percent
description Display name of this service
groups List of service groups that are automatically created once mentioned in a service
notes Notes about this service
notes_url URL for the notes of the service
action_url URL for actions for the service
icon_image Icon image for the service
icon_image_alt Alt text for the icon image of the service
vars {} Custom variables of this service
assign ✔️ List of assign specifications (assign where is automatically prepended)
ignore List of ignore specifications (ignore where is automatically prepended)

Time Periods

Name Default / Mandatory Description
description Optional description of this time period
ranges ✔️ Day-Duration dict of ranges
includes Name of included time periods
excludes Name of excluded time periods
prefer_includes true Whether to prefer includes over excludes


Name Default / Mandatory Description
name Display name of this user
groups List of user groups that are automatically created once mentioned in a user
email Email address of this user
pager A pager string for this user
enable_notifications Whether to enable notifications for this user
period Name of a period in which this user is notified in
types {{icinga2_user_default_types}} Notifications types to send to this user
states States on which to notify this user
vars {} Custom variables of this user

Example Playbook

- hosts: icinga
    - role: icinga2-master
      icinga2_feature_api_salt: ieChahchaecei8zai1va
      icinga2_feature_idopgsql_ha: false
      icinga2_host_filter: "value.functionality != 'testing'"
        PluginDir: /var/lib/nagios/plugins
          name: John Doe
          groups: [ admins ]
          command: "PluginDir + \"/check_dummy\""
              description: Foo bar
              value: "$dummy_warning$"
            command: load
              - "true"

        icinga2_agent_check: dummy


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