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Applitools Hackathon Submission

This repository contains the following:

  • TraditionalTestsV1 —> traditional Test code for V1 of the app
  • TraditionalTestsV2 —> traditional Test code for V2 of the app
  • ModernTestsV1 —> UFG Test code for V1 of the app
  • ModernTestsV2 —> UFG Test code for V2 of the app
  • Traditional-V1-TestResults.txt -> Placed in the root folder
  • Traditional-V2-TestResults.txt -> Placed in the root folder
  • –> Details about how to execute test project


Goal of this test framework is to keep test-code:

  • test visually using Eyes framework
  • simple
  • short
  • readable
  • optimised
  • maintainable
  • reusable (to avoid test code duplication)

Design Patterns & Principles

Each Test follows the following design patterns & principles in the test framework:

  • AAA Pattern (Arrange, Act, Assert)
  • POM Pattern (Page Object Model)
  • DRYprinciple (Do not Repeat Yourself)

Instructions: How to run the tests?

Note: This test framework uses Junit5 for running the tests

  • Did not integrate with maven

Steps to run tests in each test class:

Set up in ECLIPSE:

  • Import the test project in Eclipse IDE

  • Used JRE: JAVA SE 14 (Older version of JRE may not be compatible with this test project)

    (In project -> Right click on "JRE System Library" -> Select 'Properties' -> Select "Environment" button -> Select JRESE-14 in the list -> Check the same on the right side of the compatible JREs window -> Apply and close -> Select radio button "Execution Environment" and choose JRE14 again from the list -> Apply & close)

  • Add external JAR files such as Selenium, Junit 5, Eyes into your project (Build path -> Configure Build path -> 'Libraries' tab -> "Add External Jars" button -> Add all jars -> Apply & close)

    Download the selenium & eyes jars from here:

    Download JUnit5 jars: Add JUnit5 library to build path (make sure to crosscheck presence of org.hamcrest.core jar exists in junit5 jars) (If JUnit5 is undetected, hover over any @Test annotation in test class, and click on "Add Junit5 library to Build path")

Run tests with any of the below mentioned 2 approaches:

1st Approach

  1. Go to "AllTestSuite" test class
  2. Right click on the test class "AllTestSuite"
  3. Select Run as
  4. Click on Junit Test

2nd Approach

First run the v1 test classes using traditional & modern approaches:

  1. Go to any v1 test class (such as: TraditionalTestsV1, ModernTestsV1)
  2. Right click on test class
  3. Select Run as
  4. Click on Junit Test

When both v1 test classes are run using both the above modern & traditional approaches, run the below:

  1. Go to any v2 test class (such as: TraditionalTestsV2, ModernTestsV2)
  2. Right click on test class
  3. Select Run as
  4. Click on Junit Test

Analyse the generated test results in dashboard & local files

Steps to run traditional tests across different viewport sizes:

  1. Go to classes: TraditionalTestsV1 / TraditionalTestsV2
  2. In each of the class instance variables, update the below values for different viewport sizes and run junit tests each time.
  • public static String browser = "Chrome";
  • public static String viewport = "768x700"; // 1200x700 | 768x700 | 500x700
  • public static String device = "Tablet"; // Laptop | Tablet | Mobile
  • public static RectangleSize viewportSize = new RectangleSize(768, 700); // 1200x700 | 768x700 | 500x700
  1. After each test run, test report shall be locally generated/updated with latest test result in the txt file automatically.

Components of the Test Framework

1. Tests

Consists of:

  • Task 1

    • cross browser test
    • Fails the test, when search icon or search bar is incorrectly displayed in any viewport size
  • Task 2

    • filter black shoe test
    • Fails the test, when count of black shoes exceeds 2 (In ideal case, this should be mocked for accuracy)
  • Task 3

    • product details test
    • Fails the test, when product details such as shoe size & large image is incorrectly displayed

Other features of JUnit utilised in test classes are:

  • @BeforeClass - to run before all tests in the class
  • @AfterClass - to run after all tests in the class
  • @Before - to run before every test in the class
  • @After - to run after every test in the class

2. Actions

Consists of beautiful reusable logics.

In this test framework, actions package covers the following reusuable function calls:

  • Filter black shoe in home page is correctly working for all viewport sizes such as:

    • Laptop
    • Tablet
    • Mobile
  • Tap on first black shoe & navigate to its details page

  • Verify search bar / search icon is correctly displayed in:

    • Laptop
    • Tablet
    • Mobile
  • Verify the count of black shoes displayed on filtering black shoe

  • Verify the default shoe-size & large shoe image displayed in product details page

3. Test Data management

Common Elements

Consists of all the expected common strings used in test framework across modern & traditional tests

Common Driver Functions

Consists of all the commonly used selenium web driver command calls with webpage identifiers used in modern & traditional tests

4. Set up

Consists of

  • Browser configurations
  • Check
    • by Region
    • Full Window
  • Test Report Generator

DASHBOARD URL for Test Results: