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A collection of code and queries used to analyze my online chess games

With this project I set out to achieve four goals:

  1. Discover how to efficiently pull the data from all of my online chess games (more than 900 total) using R coding
  2. Use Google Sheets to process, clean, and organize the data
  3. Use SQL to discover insights about my chess games
  4. Use Tableau Public to create a visualization of the data and insights

Pulling the data efficiently using R

The initial challenge was that chess game data is stored in plaintext .pgn files which have to be manually downloaded per game from However, offers a developer API to access information about players and games on the platform including a list of a player's monthly archived games, and consolidated monthly .pgn files with every game included.

The API overview can be found here:

Initially I downloaded a single .pgn file and read it into an R dataframe. I then pulled only relevant data to my analysis from the dataframe. Example:

# read pgn file into dataframe
pgn_df_1 <- read.delim("pgn_1.pgn")

# pull relevant fields from complete dataframe (white player, black player, result, white elo, black elo, move list string)
game_summary_df_1 <- pgn_df_1[c(4,5,6,8,9,13),]

# transpose from vertical to horizontal in anticipation of stacking multiple games into a row per game
# this also creates generic column names "X1", "X2", etc
game_summary_df_1 <- data.frame(t(game_summary_df_1))

# need to name the columns the same before binding multiple dataframes
colnames(game_summary_df_3) <- c("white_player", "black_player", "result", "white_elo", "black_elo", "moves")

This worked well for a single .pgn file but was impractical for getting the data from more than 900 games. To test the API and JSON tools further, I did a simple pull of my profile:

# simple json data pull
simple_json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON("")

The next step was to figure out how to get the entire archive of my games into a useable format. To start, I used a JSON request to pull the available monthly archives from my profile and parse it out:

# get entire list of possible archived pgn games
archive_list <- jsonlite::fromJSON("")

# above returns a list of 1 that needs to be split; split on the comma
archive_list <- strsplit(archive_list$archives, ",")

# get the length of the list (number of available pgn files)

# print the list to ensure accuracy so far
for(i in 1:length(archive_list)){print(archive_list[i])}

At this point I had a list of 39 available monthly archives with each archive as a URL with a year/month stamp:

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

The link returns a large plaintext file containing all the .pgn data for that month. The next step was to pull the entirety of all my monthly archives into a single list to then extract the .pgn plaintext. The following code accomplishes that:

# create the list of all pgns using JSON requests
# uses the character string URLs from archive_list above
all_pgn_list <- list(0)
for(i in 1:length(archive_list)){all_pgn_list[i] <- (jsonlite::fromJSON(as.character(archive_list[i])))}

The resulting data in all_pgn_list was a list of length 39, each item in the list containing three dataframes - one unnamed dataframe containing most of the game info (including the .pgn plaintext) as well as one dataframe each for the white and black player:


To ensure the subsequent code would pull the right list/dataframe item, I ran a few checks:

all_pgn_list[[1]][[2]] # pulls pgn list from first list item (2018 December games)
all_pgn_list[[39]][[2]]  # pulls pgn list from last list item (2022 June games)
write_csv([[1]][[2]]), "write_csv_from_list_test.csv")

I then imported the .csv into Google Sheets and using "split text to columns" on the delimeter "]" I had one game per row:

Google Sheets

Finally, I put it all together:

# create empty data frame:
all_pgn_df <- data.frame(list(0))
# create iterative data frame to fill per loop
iterate_pgn_df <- data.frame(list(0))
# name the column to allow rbind in the loop
colnames(all_pgn_df) <- "PGN List"

# add the other PGNs
for(i in 1:length(archive_list)){
    iterate_pgn_df <-[[i]][[2]]) # pull the PGN data from each entry
    colnames(iterate_pgn_df) <- "PGN List" # make sure column names match for rbind
    all_pgn_df <- rbind(all_pgn_df, iterate_pgn_df) # stack the new pgn data below the existing
    cat("Added PGN number ", i, "\n") # print the progress

View(all_pgn_df) # confirm results

write_csv(, "all_pgn.csv")

I then imported the .csv file into Google Sheets to begin work on goal #2.

Use Google Sheets to process, clean, and initially analyze the data

I did the initial data cleaning with a series of Find & Replace actions, replacing unneeded information with blank spaces. I then deleted several columns that weren't relevant such as Round, Timezone, and the URL of the individual game.

I soon realized I would need to create several new columns. For instance, the data for the 10th move of a game looked like this:

10. Nd2 {[%clk 0:15:20]} 10... h6 {[%clk 0:13:27.1]}

Parsed out, the information contained is:

10. = indicates start of the 10th move
Nd2 = white's move
{[clk 0:15:20]} = white's remaining time on the clock
10... indicates black's turn on move 10
h6 = black's move
{[clk 0:13:27.1]} = black's remaining time on the clock, note that tenths of a second are included

My time management in games is one area I specifically wanted to look at, so I created columns extracting the time data for each player using formulas:

=IFERROR(IF(AA2>10, RIGHT(AW2, 7)-RIGHT(AX2, 7), "Game Ended"), "Game Ended")


=IFERROR(IF(game_number_of_moves>10, RIGHT(white_move_10, 7)-RIGHT(black_move_10, 7), "Game Ended"), "Game Ended")    

This allowed me to format the result as a 'Duration' with an easy indicator of how the game was going - a positive duration indicates white has more time remaining, a negative duration indicates black has more.

Other new columns I created included the game length by number of moves, the day of the week of the game, and a result reason (i.e. 1-0 indicates white won, but was it through checkmate, resignation, time expiring, abandonment, or disconnect?).

Of particular interest was the sequence of the first four moves of the game, which I thought might provide insight on how I perform with various openings. I used regular expressions to extract only the first four moves in a simple format:

=IFERROR(CONCATENATE(REGEXEXTRACT(white_move_1,".+? (.+?) ")," ",REGEXEXTRACT(black_move_1,".+? (.+?) ")," ",REGEXEXTRACT(white_move_2,".+? (.+?) ")," ",REGEXEXTRACT(black_move_2,".+? (.+?) ")),)
# this returns:
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6

At this point I had enough actionable data to query and aggregate with SQL.

Use SQL to discover insights about my chess games

I began to query the data, starting with my performance by day of the week:

    COUNT(*) AS game_count,
    SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0)) AS win_count,
    SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0)) AS loss_count,
    SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0)) as draw_count,
    ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS win_pct,
    ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS loss_pct,
    ROUND(SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS draw_pct,
FROM `database.chess_dataset.complete_game_data`
    GROUP BY game_day_of_week
  (CASE WHEN game_day_of_week = "Monday" THEN 1
  WHEN game_day_of_week = "Tuesday" THEN 2
  WHEN game_day_of_week = "Wednesday" THEN 3
  WHEN game_day_of_week = "Thursday" THEN 4
  WHEN game_day_of_week = "Friday" THEN 5
  WHEN game_day_of_week = "Saturday" THEN 6
  ELSE 7

And the result:

Day of the Week

Without going into too much detail here, from this type of query I was able to gain insights such as strong performances Tuesday - Friday but with a significant drop on Thursday. I expected my weekend performance to be good but Saturday and Sunday had high loss percentages.

The query below proved that time management was a substantial problem in most of my games:

COUNT(*) as total_games,
-- time differences for move 10
 SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_ten,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_ten,
-- percentage for move 10
 ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-", 1, 0)) / 
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-", 1, 0)) +
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_ten_negative_time_pct,
-- time differences for move 15
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_fifteen,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_fifteen,
-- percentage for move 15
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-", 1, 0)) / 
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-", 1, 0)) +
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_fifteen_negative_time_pct,  
-- time differences for move 20
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_twenty,
 SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_twenty,
-- percentage for move 20
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) / 
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-", 1, 0)) +
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_twenty_negative_time_pct,  
-- time differences for move 30
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_thirty,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_thirty,
-- percentage for move 30
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) / 
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-", 1, 0)) +
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_thirty_negative_time_pct,
FROM `database.chess_dataset.complete_game_data`

The results show that I am behind on the clock by move 10 in most of my games and I never recover:

Time Differences

One final example of my SQL work I would like to show uses the "first four moves" idea and finds my win/loss/draw percentage based on just the first four moves. Here is the query and results:

    COUNT(*) AS game_count,
    SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0)) AS win_count,
    SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0)) AS loss_count,
    SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0)) AS draw_count,
    ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS win_pct,
    ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS loss_pct,
    ROUND(SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS draw_pct,
FROM `database.chess_dataset.complete_game_data`
GROUP BY first_four_moves
ORDER BY game_count DESC


I have only included the results for those openings that appear at in at least 15 games (of my 900+ total). There are some obvious points of emphasis - a 60 percent loss rate for a few of the openings! The first four sequences listed comprise 30 percent of my total games. I have a 50 percent or better win rate on only three opening sequences.

With a host of insightful queries, my final step was to visualize the data.

Visualize the data with Tableau Public

I created a visualization appropriately titled "I Suck at Chess," the link is here:

I have posted files with the R code and SQL queries into the project. I hope you found this interesting or helpful in some way!

Brian Carpenter