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File metadata and controls

392 lines (313 loc) · 18.7 KB

CaPyCli - Clearing Automation Python Command Line Tool for SW360


  • fix: urls coming from granularity file are repository urls and not source code download urls.
  • fix wrong variable to correct bom findsources.

2.5.0 (2024-07-19)

  • Fixed an error when creating an SBOM from a project on SW360 when this project contains a component with more than one package-url.
  • Fixed an issues when getting invalid package-urls.
  • New flag -pms or --project-mainline-state to specify which project mainline state should be used for releases of a new project created by project create.
  • Dependency updates.

2.4.0 (2024-04-22)

  • CaPyCLI is more resilient when accessing SW360.
  • Dependency updates:
    • idna 3.6 => 3.7 to fix a security vulnerability
    • sw360 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0 to have an improved session handling for all api requests.

2.3.0 (2024-04-05)

  • Have an updated granularity list.
  • New feature that adds a flag force error to project prerequisites to exit the application with an error code in case of a failed prerequisites check.
  • The flag force error is also available for project getlicenseinfo and results in an error code if a CLI file is missing.

2.2.1 (2024-03-08)

  • Update dependencies, especially use sw360, version 1.4.1. to fix a problem in project update.

2.2.0 (2024-02-20)

  • getdependencies javascript can now handle package-lock.json files of version 3.
  • bom findsources can do source URL discovery using sw360 lookup, perform extensive GitLab deep search, and adapt search strategy based on diverse programming languages.
  • Have type support.

2.1.0 (2023-12-16)

  • Be more resilient about missing metadata in CycloneDX SBOMs.
  • The -o parameter of the command project GetLicenseInfo is now optional. But you still need this output when you want to create a Readme.
  • project createbom add purls, source and repository url from SW360 if available. If multiple purls are found, a warning is printed asking user to manually edit SBOM.
  • project createbom adds SW360 source and binary attachments as external reference to SBOM.
  • project createbom adds SW360 project name, version and description to SBOM.
  • bom granularity can now read custom granularity data from local files and remote URLs.
  • update dependencies, unfortunately vcrpy does not support urllib3 >= 2 and new vcrpy version result in unit test issues.

2.0.0 (2023-06-02)

  • Have an updated granularity list.
  • Re-enable support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
  • A list of frequently asked questions has been added.
  • getdependencies python now also accepts a Poetry lock file (must be poetry.lock) as input. Development dependencies are automatically excluded.
  • Code of conduct added.
  • Warnings about multiple purls entries when running bom map are now only shown if -v has been specified.
  • breaking change
    • bom map will report matches by name, but different version only if -all has been specified. The original idea of CaPyCLI was to report as many potential matches as possible and to let the user decide which match to take by editing the SBOM. But it seems that many users did not read the documentation and the expectations were different. Therefore the default behavior has been changed. The original behavior of versions prior to 2.x can be enabled via the -all switch. (2023-05-19)

  • breaking changes
    • new command bom convert to import and export SBOM in multiple formats. This new command replaces bom fromCSV, bom FromFlatFist, bom FromSbom, bom ToHtml and bom ToSbom.
    • bom sort is discontinued, CycloneDX SBOMs are always sorted by component name.
    • The option -source of GetDependencies python is discontinued, please use bom downloadsources instead.
    • project show writes the output file only in plain JSON and not CycloneDX.
    • project CreateReadme requires new entries in readme_oss_config.json to be independent of the name Siemens
      • CompanyName
      • CompanyAddressN, N = 1..4
    • bom map now uses alphanumeric identifier for mapping instead of integer values:
      • INVALID: 0-invalid instead of 0
      • FULL_MATCH_BY_ID: 1-full-match-by-id instead of 1
      • FULL_MATCH_BY_HASH: 2-full-match-by-hash instead of 2
      • FULL_MATCH_BY_NAME_AND_VERSION: 3-full-match-by-name-and-version instead of 3
      • MATCH_BY_FILENAME: 4-good-match-by-filename instead of 4
      • MATCH_BY_NAME: 5-candidate-match-by-name instead of 5
      • SIMILAR_COMPONENT_FOUND: 6-candidate-match-similar-component instead of 6
      • NO_MATCH: 9-no-match instead of 100
    • bom map now uses alphanumeric identifier for map modes (-m) instead of integer values:
      • all instead of 0
      • found instead of 1
      • notfound instead of 2
    • dropped support for option -stage. The SW360 server instance can get specified via the -url parameter.
    • The hard coded address has been removed. CaPyCLI reads the SW360 server address either from the environment variable SW360ServerUrl or via the -url parameter.
    • CaPyCLI supports an optional config file .capycli.cfg. Settings defined in the config file supersede settings in environment variables. Command line parameters supersede config file settings.
  • The cache functionality of bom map also supports the staging system.
  • project GetLicenseInfo can take over data from existing Readme_OSS config files.

1.9.1 (2023-03-23)

  • Purl cache will only retrieve package URLs from SW360 with the types used in BOM to reduce the number of warnings for inconsistent SW360 entries.
  • use CycloneDX BOM syntax from for source urls ("comment": "source archive (download location)" in externalReferences)
  • support CycloneDX externalReferences/hashes for SHA-1 hash
  • All commands have now proper result/exit codes, see Exit Codes.
  • project GetLicenseInfo can now add all available CLI files to the readme configuration file if the -all option is being used. A warning will be displayed if there are multiple CLI files for the same component. project CreateReadme will put all contents of all CLI files in the Readme_OSS, but will also display a warning when there are multiple CLI files for the same component.
  • The use of "id" to identify a release has been deprecated, we now only use "Sw360id".
  • bom check and bom checkitemstatus now process also BOM item without Sw360id. In this case they will search SW360 by name and version ... which takes much more time.

1.9.0 (2023-01-09)

  • Drop support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 due to dependency updates and the new OSS version of cli, called cli-support.
  • use sw360, version 1.2.1 with minimal logging support.
  • Have direct help support for project licenses, project createreadme, project createbom, and project GetLicenseInfo.

1.8.3 (2022-11-11)

  • bom map is now more resilient about errors during the mapping of a single BOM item.
  • bom map has a new parameter mode. If mode is not set, then there is the default mapping. If mode = 1, then the resulting BOM contains only components where a full match was found. If mode = 2, then the resulting BOM contains only components where no match was found.
  • getdependencies python and project prerequisites now support CycloneDX SBOM.
  • bom filter add command can now add properties to existing bom items.
  • bom downloadsources handles quotes in filenames returned by content-disposition.
  • bom downloadsources can now write an updated BOM including SHA1 hashes.
  • In CycloneDX SBOMs, the URL to source files will now be stored and read to/from externalReferences of type distribution (with special comment "source URL") in addition to our custom source-file-url property.
  • Fix command project show which cause an exception if some of the mandatory data is missing
  • --dbx (Debian relaxed version handling) in bom create... improved: First, it will check for exact matches now. When falling back to relaxed matching, Debian epoch strings are ignored, while Debian revisions are always considered. Output BOM will have SW360 versions.
  • bom create* will set package-urls for existing and new components
  • Key error issue fixed in
  • All commands show now the version number, i.e. something like CaPyCli, 1.8.3.

1.8.2 (2022-07-13)

  • Fix in CycloneDX reading of JavaScript or Java component that have a group property.
  • New command project ecc to show the project export control details.
  • Fix: when bom granularity reads a BOM in CycloneDX format, it now also writes the BOM in CycloneDX format.

1.8.1 (2022-07-01)

  • Fixed bug in getdependencies javascript when not all meta information for a package could get retrieved.
  • bom downloadsources now supports also option -cx to support the CycloneDX SBOM format.
  • CycloneDX JSON BOMs are expected in UTF-8 encoding.
  • bom map has now a much faster way to create/update the cache. Due to the new SW360 REST API endpoint to get all releases with one call it now takes only 1.3 minutes.
  • project vulnerabilities is working again. It seems that there was a breaking change in the REST API answer.

1.8.0 (2022-04-07)

  • Fix bug in bom findsources when using CycloneDX bom files.
  • Improved help support
    • When no command has been specified, the global help will be shown.
    • When no sub-command has been specified, the respective command help will be shown.
  • project vulnerabilities uses only the information from SW360 to display security vulnerabilities and can exit with exit code 1 when a not yet handled security vulnerability of a certain minimum priority has been found.

1.7.0 (2022-03-25)

  • project show now also displays the component clearing state.
  • bom filter allows to include additional filter lists. This simplifies filtering for large number of BOM entries and many items to get filtered.
  • bom create* will now ignore rejected attachments in SW360. So if an invalid attachment is rejected in SW360, it will upload the fixed sources.
  • project update will not overwrite links to other projects any more
  • A couple of crashes have been fixed in bom map, bom filter and project create.
  • several fixes for purl cache handling.

1.6.0 (2022-02-08)

  • License changed to MIT!
  • bom map handles now also multiple package-urls per release correctly.
  • new command project update which will add new releases instead of replacing existing links.
  • project prerequisites now checks if all BOM entries are in SW360 project.
  • BOM mapping documented.
  • bom CheckItemStatus updated:
    • the new default is that only the releases in the BOM are shown. Only when the flag -all is specified, all versions of the component are checked.
    • new option -cx to support the CycloneDX SBOM format.
    • Have improved help support.
  • New command bom findsources to find source code for existing BOMs.
  • bom filter supports removal of entries by RepositoryId. This is sometimes required when a (CycloneDX) BOM contains several items with the same name.
  • getdependencies javascript creates a BOM item with the name Homepage. This is not the intended name, it has to be ProjectSite. The code for dependency detection and component creation has been updated. For compatibility both names are support, but Homepage is marked as deprecated.
  • bom findsources is more fail save and allows to specify GitHub credentials.

1.5.0 (2021-12-20)

  • New parameter -package-source to specify a custom package manager. The parameter is very helpful if your are in an environment where you cannot access the internet, for example when running CI/CD on Package metadata can get retrieved for example from BT-Artifactory:
  • Fix: NOT_README_OSS tags are now properly handled during Readme_OSS generation.
  • The granularity check reset all release information which are not correct anymore after merging them by granularity check.
  • When downloading files in bom createcomponents, filenames are now updated according to HTTP content-disposition.
  • bom diff can now write lists of different and of identical BOM items.
  • bom map has some improvements in package-url handling.
  • getdependencies javascript has an improved method to determine source files.
  • getdependencies MavenList has improved parsing of Maven output.
  • project create can now use all data in projectinfo.json that conforms with the REST API specification. It is now for example also possible to add attachment during project creation.
  • New option -cx to support the CycloneDX SBOM format for the commands
    • bom diff
  • Unit tests for bom diff added.
  • Improved help support:
    • When -h is specified for a main command, a help on all respective subcommands. Available for bom, moverview, mapping, project, getdependencies.
    • When -h is specified for a sub-command, then a specific help for this sub-command is shown. Available for show bom, bom filter, bom diff, bom merge, bom check, bom granularity, bom fromsbom, bom map, bom createcomponents, bom downloadsources, mapping toxlsx, mapping tohtml, moverview toxlsx, moverview tohtml, getdependencies python, getdependencies javascript, getdependencies nuget, getdependencies mavenpom, getdependencies mavenlist.

Pre-release 1.5.0b1 (2021-12-03)

  • bom filter now supports trailing wildcards.
  • Improved CycloneDX handling (schema 1.3) for commands bom fromsbom and bom tosbom.
  • New option -cx to support the CycloneDX SBOM format for the commands
    • bom show
    • bom filter
    • bom map
    • bom check
    • bom createcomponents
    • project create
    • bom granularity

1.4.1 (2021-12-03)

  • Fix wrong project id assignment in project show.

1.4 (2021-12-03)

  • bom create supports additional BOM fields SourceFileType and SourceFileComment
  • bom create now supports updating of existing releases - source URL and external ID will be added if not set already. Source file will be uploaded if the existing release has no source attachments - otherwise capycli will warn if existing upload doesn't match BOM. So bom create can be interrupted and resumed at any time or just ran to verify existing releases.
  • getdependencies javascript now creates package-urls and no longer npm-ids.
  • getdependencies nuget now creates package-urls and no longer nuget-ids.

1.3 (2021-11-15)

  • bom create with --dbx option will reuse existing SW360 releases with "similar" Debian versions. It will ignore epoch prefix ("2:") and ".debian" suffix, so BOM entry "2:5.2.1-1.debian" will match SW360 release "5.2.1-1".
  • bom create only downloads missing sources if --download is specified
  • bom create now respects filename given in "SourceFile" also when "SourceFileUrl" is given
  • getdependencies python now uses the common -source option to specify the folder for downloading sources instead of the special --download_sources option
  • getdependencies mavenlist allows now to specify a Maven dependency file using the -i option. This file is then converted to a BOM.

1.2 (2021-10-28)

  • project createbom to create a CycloneDX SBOM file for an existing SW360 project.

1.1.1 (2021-09-28)

  • improve error output for project create and bom CreateComponents.
  • fix: adapt moderators handling for project create.
  • fix temp folder handling and attachment upload for bom CreateComponents.

1.1.0 (2021-09-24)

  • bom fromsbom supports also JSON CycloneDX SBOMs.
  • bom fromsbom extracts also ProjectSite and RepositoryUrl from SBOMs.
  • missing dependency chardet added.

1.0.0 (2021-09-21)

  • improved JavaScript metadata search and evaluation.
  • new command bom granularity to check a bill of material for potential component granularity issues.
  • getdependencies nuget now also handles Visual Studio solution files.
  • getdependencies javascript is more flexible about missing information.
  • new feature bom diff to compare two bills of material.
  • new feature bom merge to merge two bills of material.
  • the exit code is only displayed when the -ex option has been specified.

0.9.9 (2021-06-22)

  • project prerequisites: If a BOM with "SourceFileHash" entries is provided as input, verify SHA1s of sources. It also checks that there's exactly one source file per release.
  • new command bom createReleases to limit automation to creation of new releases in components identified via package-urls (see
  • bom map: full support for searching components and releases by package-url (purl) in --nocache as well as in default mode
  • bom map: leave original item im BOM if no good release match was found, and include "ComponentId" if we know if for sure (e.g. match by purl) (2020-11-20)

  • due to a breaking change in the SW360 REST API: downloadurl has been replaced by sourceCodeDownloadurl

0.9.8 (2020-11-09)

  • better handling of missing keys

0.9.7 (2020-11-09)

  • fixed bug that crashed capycli if -old-version param was missing

0.9.6 (2020-11-03)

  • new switch -old-version to update an existing project to a new version instead of creating a new project (thanks to Bogdan Victor Serbanescu).

0.9.5 (2020-10-09)

  • Added extra validation (name equality) when choosing a matching component (thanks to Bogdan Victor Serbanescu).

0.9.4 (2020-09-21)

  • Fix: project show status: check that a release has "_embedded" data.
  • version 0.9.4 released.

0.9.3 (2020-06-04)

  • new command bom downloadsources to download source files from the URL specified in the BOM.
  • all errors result in exit code = 1.
  • new option -source for command bom createcomponents to specify a folder where to find/store source code files.
  • bom createcomponents: source code files will only get downloaded if they do not yet exist locally.
  • fix: correct handling of components without releases.

0.9.2 (2020-05-22)

  • automatic upload of source files/urls as attachments
  • determine source code URL for JavaScript component from package-lock.json
  • version 0.9.2 released

0.9.1 (2020-05-13)

  • creation of components fixed
  • version 0.9.1 released

0.9.0 (2020-05-05)

  • new structure: there is only one script: CaPyCli
  • version 0.9.0 released, binaries are available on BT-Artifactory


  • Improved error handling in
  • Base class for scripts added


  • Introduced pipenv (Pipfile, Pipfile.lock)
  • Replaced ansi by colorama for better compatibility