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Maven Build

My very first 2D game engine to support my very first game, snek!

TEngine (pronounced "ten-gin", short for "Tessa's Engine") developed out of the game engine supplied by the lecturers of the 159.261 Games Programming course at Massey University. I fleshed out the original lone little into what you see here, and used it to build the games that I submitted for course assignments.

TEngine was built using Java 17 and uses Java Swing for window management (based on requirement for the course). The structure of game objects (called Actors) is loosely based on the ECS model. There is support for actors and actor management, level and world management, audio, composite primitive containers, transforms, text, animated sprites and sprite sequences, and basic broad-phase collision detection and collision event notifications.


  • Minimum Java SE 17+
  • IntelliJ, Eclipse, or your favourite Java editor
  • Maven (install locally for command-line-only builds)

How to Build & Package TEngine

This project was developed using the Maven build system. You can either build and package the project straight from the command line or using your favourite Java IDE that has support for Maven.

When first opening the project, you'll see the project plugins and dependencies being downloaded. It may take a minute for the project to process and index all the files. You can use the pre-existing Maven goals to install the project dependencies and package up the TEngine into a .jar for use in other projects.

To build from the command-line only, you will need to have Maven installed locally. You can then use Maven to install the necessary dependencies and package up the TEngine into a .jar for use in other projects. Enter the following commands in the project root:

# install dependencies
mvn install
# package the game engine
mvn package

A file called TEngine.jar will be created in the out/artifacts/TEngine_jar/ dir. This .jar can be included in external projects in the usual way you link to external libraries.


TEngine is a 2D game engine that makes use of an ECS model to create and coordinate Actors. It has a graphics engine, and physics engine,

  • Actors & Actor Management: Supported ✅
  • Audio: Supported ✅
  • Graphics Engine: Supported ✅
    • Drawing primitives: circles, rectangles
    • Compound primitive containers
    • Text
    • Sprites
    • Animated Sprites & Sprite Sequences
    • Transforms
  • Physics Engine: WIP 🛠️
    • Broad-phase collision detection for AABBs ✅
    • Broad-phase collision detection for Circles
    • Collision detection events ✅
    • Collision events notifications ✅
    • Collision resolution
  • World Management: Supported ✅

Package Diagram

Package Diagram of TEngine

Working with TEngine

For a practical example of working with TEngine, see the snek! game here.

Creating a Game

To create your own game, first create a new class that extends GameEngine, for now we'll refer to it as Game. The GameEngine will take care of creating a window, handling mouse and key events, and running the core game loop for you. Your Game class will take care of the game logic, and being fun! :)

Inside Game is where you might decide to coordinate and manage various screens, e.g. a menu, high score, or game over screen, the state of the game, e.g. playing, paused, game over, etc, the current level, (called a World), and anything else that relates to your game logic.

There are a variety of methods that you can override so your Game can set itself up, load levels, and listen for mouse, key, and collision events. As an example, the structure of your Game class might look like this:

Example of Game Structure

Your Game class is the entrypoint for the program, so you will define a main like so:

public class Game extends GameEngine {
    private static int FRAMERATE = 60;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        createGame(new Game(), FRAMERATE);

    public void init() { /* ... */ }

    // ...

Any custom setup for your game prior to starting can be done by overriding the init() method. To set a custom window dimension and title, call setWindowProperties(Dimension, String) from within init().

World and Actor Management

Conceptually, a World is the same as level in a game. You can create multiple different Worlds to represent different levels of your game. You can also maintain and manipulate the same World throughout the game by adding and destroying Actors (explained in the next section) and make changes while the player is playing.

World & Actor Management

At the beginning of your game, you need to load a World into the GameEngine by calling loadWorld(World) on your Game class. To swap out one World for another, first call unloadWorld(World) and then loadWorld(World).

Actors and the ECS model

An Actor, a.k.a. Game Object, Game Entity, or Node, is a general purpose object that interacts with your game, and responds to player input or other Actors in the world. An Actor in TEngine is modelled on an Entity Component System (ECS).

In an ECS, an Actor has many individual components to represent its data, characteristics, or properties. A game engine using an ECS has systems which operate on these components, e.g. physics, graphics, AI, collisions, etc. The Actor is usually only used to loosely associate the components to one another via pointers, references, or even simply using an ID.

The Actor Class

Actor is the base class for an object that can be added to a World. Anything that the player can control or interact with in the World is considered an Actor. This base class has an initial set of methods and data that you may find useful. There are a few that you should pay particular attention to:

  • velocity, setVelocity() and velocity(): these do what you expect, without requiring your Actor to have a TPhysicsComponent to work. This is because you usually want to be able to update the position (origin) of your Actor and all of its components using setOrigin (TPoint). By default, setOrigin(TPoint) will propagate this change to its graphical and physical components, but you can override this method to customize this behavior.

  • setWorld(World): Associates this Actor with a particular World. This can be used to pass your Actor between Worlds.


You do not need to call this method directly. This method is called by World when you add an Actor to it by calling myWorld.add(myActor).

  • destroyWhenOffScreen(bool): set whether this Actor should be destroyed when it goes offscreen. You can query this setting by calling destroyWhenOffScreen().

  • markPendingDestroy(): destroy the Actor on the next update.

  • destroy(): removes the graphic from the Worlds graphical canvas, and the Actor from the world's list of Actors.


You only need to mark an Actor to be destroyed, and destroy() is called automatically by GameEngine in the update loop.

Components of an Actor

An Actor comprises two components: a graphical representation (TGraphicObject), and an optional physical representation (TPhysicsComponent). By default, an Actor does not have a graphical or physical representation. These components must be created and associated with the Actor in the extending class constructor before the Actor can be used.


You can choose not to give your Actor a physical component if it doesn't make sense for your game, but it must have a graphical component.

Creating an Actor

Below is a skeleton class for an Actor that represents the player. You may want to keep small pieces of data in here, such as the number of lives or the player's score. Alternatively encapsulate this data in a separate PlayerModel component and associate that object with this class.


public class Player extends Actor {
    private final PlayerModel model = new PlayerModel();
    private final Dimension dimension;

    private Player(Dimension dimension) {
        // Initialize any private data members here...
        this.dimension = dimension;

        // Initialize graphic
        graphic = initSprite(dimension);

        // Initialize physics (optional)
        // physicsBody = initPhysics(dimension);

        // ...

     * Initialize the graphic for this Player. You can use any Graphics class
     * that extends from TGraphicObject, e.g. TRect, AnimatedSprite, or
     * even a TGraphicCompound.
    private TSprite initSprite(Dimension dim) {
        // Initialize the Player's graphic here! You can also choose to 
        // do this step in the constructor if this setup is trivial.
        // ...

     * Call this method from within your World's update method to update
     * this Player every tick. You don't need to worry about updating the
     * graphic or physicsBody from here, that's handled by the GraphicsEngine
     * and PhysicsEngine!
    public void update() {
        // Update the internal state of the Player here. This could be
        // moving to the next GridSquare, checking for game over conditions,
        // updating the Player's score, etc.

    public boolean hasDied() { return model.numLives() == 0; }

    public boolean handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { /* ... */ }
    // etc...

Adding an Actor to the World

Adding Actors to the World can be done by using the public methods on the base World class:

  • add(Actor): adds a single Actor to a World, and
  • add(Actor...): adds a variable number of Actors to a World, e.g. myWorld.add(player, opponent, ball, playerGoal, opponentGoal)


You do not need to call the setWorld(World) method on an Actor, this is taken care of by the World itself:

Add Actor to World

Destroying an Actor

Removing Actors from the World can be done by marking the actor to be destroyed with the public method on the base Actor class markPendingDestroy(). From there, the GameEngine will take care of removing destroying the Actor.


You do not need to call the remove(Actor) method on a World, this is taken care of by the Actor itself:

Destroy an Actor and Remove Actor from World


The GraphicsEngine will take care of drawing anything that you add to a World. You generally won't need to interact much with the GraphicsEngine or worry about what goes on in here. The GameEngine will take care of retrieving the Actor list from your World and loading their graphical components into the GraphicsEngine. Actors are drawn in the order that you add them to the World, so you can maintain a pseudo-z ordering by taking advantage of this.


TGraphicObject is the base class for all graphical objects that can be displayed in the window. The basic primitive shapes are TRect and TOval (which is actually a circle). These shapes can be drawn filled or outlined in any valid java.awt.Color. There is also support for displaying text using TLabel and images via the GraphicsCtx interface. Using these primitives and a TGraphicCompound, you can already do quite a lot! You may want to create a custom class that extends from TShape, and in that case you can specify how the GraphicsCtx draws your shape. Override the draw() method and make use of the following methods:

  • drawRect(Dimension, Color)
  • drawFilledRect(Dimension, Color)
  • drawCircle(Dimension, Color)
  • drawFilledCircle(Dimension, Color)
  • drawText(Point, String, Font, Color)
  • drawImage(Image)
  • drawImage(Image, Dimension)

More than likely though, you will use a Sprite or AnimatedSprite for games. An indepth look at these classes can be found below.

Below is an overview of the entire Graphics class hierarchy and the methods for each class:

Overview of Graphics classes


Currently, there is no support for getting the actual width or height from a TLabel.

All TGraphicObjects can have translation, rotation, and scale transforms applied to them. To set the translation of an object, use setOrigin(). To set the scale, use setScale(x, y), and to set the rotation use setRotation(angleDegrees, rotationOrigin). You can specify the origin (relative to the object's origin) about which a rotation applies; passing in (0, 0) will rotate the object around its own origin.


Using TGraphicCompound to compose a graphic

The TGraphicCompound is a composite primitive container that lets you group different TGraphicObjects and treat them as a single object. Following the GoF Composite Pattern, a TGraphicCompound can contain anything that is also a TGraphicObject, which includes other TGraphicCompounds. Each object added to a TGraphicCompound will apply its own transforms after the transforms for the parent container have been applied, meaning that transforms will accumulate.


  • TODO: Create and use a Sprite


  • TODO: Create and update an AnimatedSprite


The PhysicsEngine is responsible for collision detection between Actors in your world, creating CollisionEvents, and notifying the GameEngine when two Actors collide via a callback method. The GameEngine sets this callback method to the onCollision(CollisionEvent) so your game can respond to CollisionEvents by overriding this method.

To detect collisions between any two Actors, both Actors need to have physical components (TPhysicsComponent) with collisions active (hasCollisions) and a CollisionShape.


Currently, only basic broad phase collision detection between two AABBs is supported. Please ensure you use a CollisionRect when building up a TPhysicsComponent.

To create a TPhysicsComponent for your Actor, use the TPhysicsComponentBuilder class. This class follows [Bloch's Java Builder pattern]( com/javamagazine/post/exploring-joshua-blochs-builder-design-pattern-in-java), so works as you would expect:

import tengine.physics.*;

class BouncingBox extends Actor {
    BouncingBox(Dimension dimension) {
        this.dimension = dimension;
        // other initialization...

        physics = initPhysics();

    TPhysicsComponent initPhysics() {
        var boxPhysicsBuilder = new TPhysicsComponentBuilder();
        var collisionRect = new CollisionRect(this.origin, this.dimension);
                         .isStatic(false)               // Optional: is this Actor stationary? Default = true
                         .collisionShape(collisionRect) // Optional: default = null
                         .hasCollisions(true);          // Optional: default = false


    // ...

For tile-based games or board games, you may find the GridSquare class a more useful and lightweight concept for collision detection simply by checking if they occupy the position in a grid.