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Releases: thepeanutgalleryandco/create-and-mint-nft-collection

Minor Bug Fix On Starting startCollectionEditionFrom Setting

22 Mar 08:32
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A minor bug was identified when setting the startCollectionEditionFrom value to '0'.

The check that was done previously would check if startCollectionEditionFrom exists as a number, which technically is correct, however, the number '0', gets picked up as not existing. An additional check was added to cater for '0' and now all cases are generating collection numbers correctly now.

v1.6.4 - Added Start Collection Edition From Setting

17 Mar 19:58
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Created a new startCollectionEditionFrom setting in the constants/nft_details.js file. This will allow users to specify the edition number that their collection will start creating from.

This is needed for users that want to make use of Collection Contracts on NFTPort as well as anyone that wants to start their collections from a different number.

FEATURE - Start Edition From X

v1.6.3 - Minor Fix For Maximum Repeatability Filtration Usage

15 Mar 16:33
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The previous version of the code base, when making use of the maximum repeatability filtration functionality, allowed the selected traits from one layer configuration object to affect the the maximum repeatability configuration of another layer configuration, which should not be the case as each of these settings are set at a layer configuration level, not at a global level for all layer configuration objects.

The new changes simply allows the selected traits used in the maximum repeatability filtration rules of a specific layer configuration set to only apply to its own layer configuration set, instead of to all layer configuration sets.

Should users require the previous functionality, then a new issue can be created where a minor rework can be done on the maximum repeatability filter along with re-working the main module.

v1.6.2 - Trait Dependency Filtration Addition And NFTPort Metadata Directory API

15 Mar 00:53
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Added the ability to specify dependent layer items for NFT creation - FEATURE - Trait dependencies

Added the ability to upload metadata JSON directory in a single API call NFTPort Metadata Directory API Functionality - NFTPort API

v1.6.1 - Opensea NFT Refresh Metadata And Rarity Scripts Additions

02 Mar 15:42
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Added a new library (Puppeteer) to allow for chrome automation functionality.
Added a new utils/custom/update_opensea_metadata.js script that will allow users to refresh metadata on Opensea via an automated process. Feature Opensea Refresh Metadata Script

Added codeSTACKr's rarity scripts from the version 1.2.0 repo codeSTACKr v1.2.0.

v.1.6.0 - Reveal, Wallet List And Exclusions Enhancements

28 Feb 15:33
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Added the ability to make use of a reveal script to reveal NFTs that do not belong to you anymore (i.e. They have been sold or transferred). Feature - Reveal NFTs Functionality Via NFTPort

Added the ability to specify a list of wallet addresses along with the number of NFTs that each wallet address should receive and then mint against these wallets the specific NFT editions. Feature - Minting Against Wallet List

Added the ability to specify the maximum repeatability of layer items at a global level, per layer level or per layer item level. Feature - Layer Item Maximum Repeatability Settings

v1.5.0 - Exclusions Enhancement In Generation And Randomised Unrevealed Images

04 Feb 15:26
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Added the ability to provide a list of ipfs urls that can be used in the generation of generic metadata. Feature - Randomised Generic Metadata Images

Added the ability to exclude certain layer item combinations from appearing on the art being generated. Feature - Layer Combination Exclusions

Added the ability to exclude certain layer item combinations from appearing on the art being generated. Feature - Layer Maximum Repeatability Settings

v1.4.2 - Dependency Patch

31 Jan 08:45
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Security upgrade for simple-get library from version 3.0.3 to 4.0.1

Upgrade for canvas library from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0. Also added the security upgrade of simple-get library from 3.0.3 to 4.0.1 for this library.

Removed the requirement of running multiple npm install commands. The npm install command will install all the required dependencies and correct versions in a single command.

v1.4.1 - Fixed Blank Filename Bug

29 Jan 13:28
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Fixed a minor bug that caused the code not to adhere to the "ignoreExactBlankName" and "ignoreAllNamesWithBlank" settings in the constants/nft_details.js file.

v.1.4.0 - Provenance functionality and Solana Fix

27 Jan 08:03
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New Functionality

  • Added the generate_metadata.js script from the Hashlips repo. This is an experimental feature and should be used with caution.
  • Add a new create_provenance.js script that will generate provenance hashes for each NFT image and for a NFT collection as a whole. Massive thanks to Gerhard Molin for writing the base code for this.


  • Fixed a minor bug that stopped the build process to complete when using the Solana as the network.
  • Added a new check for any dashes ( "-" ) in the layer item names and will now stop the build process if it is found.