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125 lines (90 loc) · 3.88 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (90 loc) · 3.88 KB


This is my personal project created to apply my programming knowledge. In this project, I validate the ViaCEP public API using cucumber and ruby technologies.


  • It has Gherkin syntax in the features files.
Feature: Search for address

 The ViaCEP public API allows to search for a address using a
 8 digit zip code (e.g., '01001000'). Also the return format
 must be defined, it can be JSON, XML, Querty...

 Scenario: User informs valid zip code
  Given a zip code search
  And a value of <zipcode>
  And the return format of "json"
  When I search for the address
  Then I validate the street value matches with <street>

   | zipcode  | street             |
   | 41205017 | Rua Tancredo Neves |
   | 01001000 | Praça da Sé        |
   | 91420270 | Rua São Domingos   |

# ...


  • It has step definitions written in Ruby.
Given(/^a zip code search$/) do
 @base_url = ''

And(/^a value of ([^"]*)$/) do |zipcode|
   raise RuntimeError, 'The zip code is alphanumeric or does not have 8 digits'

 @zipcode = zipcode

# ...


When (/^I search for the address$/) do
 response = HTTParty.get("#{@base_url}/#{@zipcode}/#{@return_format}/")
 if(response.code == 200)
  @street = response.parsed_response['logradouro']
  # ...


Running the project

You can run the following script in the directory of the project to execute it (I do recommend to use the CMDER shell):

cucumber features\search_for_address.feature --publish-quiet

The --publish-quiet option is to disable a LOG message from the Cucumber framework

In case of success, the shell of your choice should output something like this:

$ cucumber features\search_for_address.feature --publish-quiet
Feature: Search for address
 The ViaCEP public API allows to search for a address using a
 8 digit zip code (e.g., '01001000'). Also the return format
 must be defined, it can be JSON, XML, Querty...

 Scenario: User informs valid zip code                   # features/search_for_address.feature:7
  Given a zip code search                                # features/search_for_address.feature:8
  And a value of <zipcode>                               # features/search_for_address.feature:9
  And the return format of "json"                        # features/search_for_address.feature:10
  When I search for the address                          # features/search_for_address.feature:11
  Then I validate the street value matches with <street> # features/search_for_address.feature:12

   | zipcode  | street             |
   | 41205017 | Rua Tancredo Neves |
   | 01001000 | Praça da Sé        |
   | 91420270 | Rua São Domingos   |

3 scenarios (3 passed)
15 steps (15 passed)



That is pretty much it. Did you like my project? Star it and connect with me on my LinkedIn profile.


ViaCEP API document

ViaCEP Ruby gem

Creating Ruby basic structure

Adding Cucumber dependecies

Defining step definition

Check if a String is numeric

HTTParty gem

CMDER shell

Executing .feature file