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Creating Reloadable Uberjar'able App

This example lives in the uberjar branch. If you'd like to follow along:

$ git checkout uberjar
Switched to branch 'uberjar'

App state

Here is an example app that has these states:

22:15:17.175 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.config/app-config
22:15:17.176 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.db/conn
22:15:17.196 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.www/nyse-app
22:15:17.199 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app/nrepl

where nyse-app is the app. It has the usual routes:

(defroutes mount-example-routes

  (GET "/" [] "welcome to mount sample app!")
  (GET "/nyse/orders/:ticker" [ticker]
       (generate-string (find-orders ticker)))

  (POST "/nyse/orders" [ticker qty bid offer] 
        (add-order ticker (bigdec bid) (bigdec offer) (Integer/parseInt qty))
        (generate-string {:added {:ticker ticker 
                                  :qty qty 
                                  :bid bid 
                                  :offer offer}})))

and the reloadable state:

(defn start-nyse [{:keys [www]}]
  (-> (routes mount-example-routes)
      (run-jetty {:join? false
                  :port (:port www)})))

(defstate nyse-app :start (start-nyse app-config)
                   :stop (.stop nyse-app))        ;; it's a "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server" at this point

In order not to block, and being reloadable, the Jetty server is started in the ":join? false" mode which starts the server, and just returns a reference to it, so it can be easily stopped by (.stop server)

"Uberjar is the :main"

In order for a standalone jar to run, it needs an entry point. This sample app has one:

;; example of an app entry point
(defn -main [& args]

And some usual suspects from project.clj:

;; "test" is in sources here to just "demo" the uberjar without poluting mount "src"
:uberjar {:source-paths ["test/app"]
          :main app
          :aot :all}})

REPL time

$ lein do clean, repl

user=> (dev)(reset)
22:15:17.175 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.config/app-config
22:15:17.176 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.db/conn
22:15:17.196 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.www/nyse-app
22:15:17.199 [nREPL-worker-0] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app/nrepl

Jetty server is started and ready to roll. And everything is still reloadable:

dev=> (reset)
22:19:49.436 [nREPL-worker-3] INFO  app.utils.logging - << stopping..  #'app/nrepl
22:19:49.436 [nREPL-worker-3] INFO  app.utils.logging - << stopping..  #'app.db/conn
22:19:49.437 [nREPL-worker-3] INFO  app.utils.logging - << stopping..  #'app.config/app-config

:reloading ()

22:19:49.471 [nREPL-worker-3] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.config/app-config
22:19:49.472 [nREPL-worker-3] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app.db/conn
22:19:49.490 [nREPL-worker-3] INFO  app.utils.logging - >> starting..  #'app/nrepl

notice that a web server #'app.www/nyse-app was not restarted. This is done by choice, not to get an occasional Address already in use when reloading. We can skip restarting any state or states by using (stop-except). Here is from dev.clj:

(defn stop []
  (mount/stop-except #'app.www/nyse-app))

This is not really related to uberjaring, but it is a nice optional property. Here is more documentation on stopping an application except certain states.

Packaging one super uber jar

$ lein do clean, uberjar
Created /path-to/mount/target/mount-0.1.5-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar ;;  your version may vary

Let's give it a spin:

$ java -jar target/mount-0.1.5-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
22:25:35.303 [main] INFO  o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started [email protected]:4242
22:25:35.303 [main] DEBUG o.e.j.u.component.AbstractLifeCycle - STARTED [email protected]:4242
22:25:35.304 [main] DEBUG o.e.j.u.component.AbstractLifeCycle - STARTED org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server@ab2009f

Up and running on port :4242:

See if we have any orders:

we don't. let's put something into Datomic:

$ curl -X POST -d "ticker=GOOG&qty=100&bid=665.51&offer=665.59" "http://localhost:4242/nyse/orders"

now we should:


There are multiple ways to start a web app. This above is the most straighforward one: start server / stop server.

But depending on the requirements / architecture, the app can also have an entry point to (mount/start) via something like :ring :init). Or the (mount/start) can go into the handler function, etc.