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81 lines (72 loc) · 2.9 KB

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81 lines (72 loc) · 2.9 KB


Cimple C Compiler Flex, Bison, and LLVM compiler for a subset of the C language. Generates LLVM IR.


The compiler supports the following C keywords:

  • if
  • while
  • for
  • break
  • continue
  • return

It supports the following types:

  • int
  • float
  • bool (built-in true and false)
  • void

It supports the following operations:

  • Comparisons (!=, ==, <, >, <=, >=)
  • Addition (+, +=)
  • Subtraction (-, -=)
  • Multiplication (*, *=)
  • Division (/, /=)
  • Modulo (%)
  • Logical and (&&), logical or (||)
  • Ternary expression (condition ? true expression : false expression)
  • Bitwise operators and(&), or(|), xor(^), and not(~)
  • Shift operators << and >>

ccc consists of the following components:

  • Preprocessor

    • Removes comments from the original source code
  • Lexer

    • Uses Flex to parse the preprocessed file into lexemes
  • Parser

    • Uses Bison to parse the lexems following our grammar rules
    • Generates an Abstract Synta Tree that we can use for further analysis and transformations
  • Verification

    • Traverses our AST and performs semantic analysis of the program to ensure correctness
    • Errors checked:
      • Existence of main function
      • Redeclaration of variables in the same scope
      • Type mismatch in variable assignment or function returns
      • Type mismatch in binary, logical, or relational operation
      • Use of undeclared variables or functions
      • Missing return value in non-void functions
      • Redefinition of function (Multiple declaration are OK!)
      • Type returned from function doesn't match declared type
      • If, for, while, and ternary conditions must evaluate to boolean
      • Can only cast between int and float
  • Optimization

    • Any binary, unary, or relational operation whose operands are strictly constant will be simplified as much as possible
    • If statements with constant predicates will either be removed entirely if it always evaluates to false, or always executed if the condition always evaluates to true.
    • Ternary operations with a constant predicate will be replaced with either their true expression or false expression.
    • While statements with a constantly false conditions will be removed entirely.
  • Code generation

    • Traverse the AST and emit the appropriate LLVM IR
  • Command line options

    • --print-lex or -l, display the tokens generated by flex
    • --print-ir or -i, display the IR code generated by LLVM
    • --print-ast or -a, display the asbtract syntax tree generated by
    • --optimization-level NUM or -o NUM, NUM is 0 or 1 where 0 is no optimization, 1 is default
    • --keep-preprocessed or -e, don't erase preprocessed file upon completion
    • --help or -h, display help message
    • --version or -v, display version information
  • Requirements:

    • Bison 3.6.4
    • Cmake 3.18.2
    • gcc 10.2.0
    • flex 2.6.4
    • llvm 10.0.1
  • Installation
    Create folder, clone repo, make sure you have above requirements installed, and run Make in ccc/src