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161 lines (121 loc) · 7.43 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (121 loc) · 7.43 KB


Version 3.0

  • Moved to C++17 as minimum supported standard C++ version.
  • Reworked the whole library to be able to use it without c++ exceptions enabled.
  • Breaking Change: The method Stack<T>::push now takes a std::error_code& as last parameter and returns a bool.
  • Breaking Change: The class LuaException has been reworked and it now take a std::error_code instead of a int.
  • Breaking Change: The class LuaException is now thrown if a unregistered class is pushed via the Stack class, also when calling LuaRef::operator(), but only if exceptions are enabled.
  • Breaking Change: LuaRef::operator() now returns the class LuaResult, where it is possible to obtain the call results or error message.
  • Breaking Change: LuaBridge does not silently enable exceptions when calling getGlobalNamespace. Call enableExceptions(lua_State*) if you want to enable them explicitly.
  • Breaking Change: Removed RefCounterPtr, maintaining the reference counts in a unsynchronized global table is not production quality.
  • Breaking Change: Removed Class<T>::addStaticData, it was just an alias for Class<T>::addStaticProperty.
  • Breaking Change: Removed Class<T>::addCFunction, it was just an alias for Class<T>::addFunction.
  • Breaking Change: Removed Class<T>::addStaticCFunction, it was just an alias for Class<T>::addStaticFunction.
  • Allow specifying a non virtual base class method when declaring class members (functions or variables) not exposed in the inherited class.
  • Allow using capturing lambdas in Namespace::addFunction, Namespace::addProperty, Class<T>::addFunction, Class<T>::addStaticFunction, Class<T>::addProperty and Class<T>::addStaticProperty.
  • Added support for specifying factory functor in Class<T>::addConstructor to do placement new of the object instance.
  • Added Namespace::addVariable to allow adding a modifiable value by copy into the namespace without incurring in function calls or metatables generation.
  • Added getNamespaceFromStack function to construct a namespace object from a table on the stack.
  • Added registerMainThread function especially useful when using lua 5.1 to register the main lua thread.
  • Added std::shared_ptr support for types intrusively deriving from std::enable_shared_from_this.
  • Added Class<T>::addFunction overload taking a lua_CFunction as if it were a member.
  • Added Class<T>::addIndexMetaMethod to allow register __index metamethod fallback on a registered class.
  • Added Class<T>::addNewIndexMetaMethod to allow register __newindex metamethod fallback on a registered class.
  • Added LuaRef::isValid to check when the reference is a LUA_NOREF.
  • Added LuaRef::isCallable to check when the reference is a function or has a __call metamethod.
  • Added LuaException::state to return the lua_State associated with the exception.
  • Added support for std::byte as stack value type.
  • Added support for std::string_view as stack value type.
  • Added support for std::tuple as stack value type.
  • Added support for std::optional as stack value type.
  • Added support for std::set as stack value type by using LuaBridge/Set.h.
  • Added support to LuaRef for being hashed with std::hash (LuaRef properly usable in std::unordered_map).
  • Added single header amalgamated distribution file, to simplify including in projects.
  • Added more asserts for functions and property names.
  • Renamed luabridge::Nil to luabridge::LuaNil to allow including LuaBridge in Obj-C sources.
  • Removed the limitation of maximum 8 parameters in functions.
  • Removed the limitation of maximum 8 parameters in constructors.
  • Removed Class<T>::addData, it was just an alias for Class<T>::addProperty.
  • Removed TypeList from loki, using parameter packs and std::tuple with std::apply.
  • Removed juce traces from unit tests, simplified unit tests runs.
  • Changed all generic functions in LuaRef and TableItem to accept arguments by const reference instead of by copy.
  • Fixed issue when LuaRef::cast<> fails with exceptions enabled, popping from the now empty stack could trigger the panic handler twice.
  • Fixed unaligned access in user allocated member pointers in 64bit machines reported by ASAN.
  • Fixed access of LuaRef in garbage collected lua_thread.
  • Included testing against Luau VM
  • Bumped lua 5.2.x in unit tests from lua 5.2.0 to 5.2.4.
  • Bumped lua 5.4.x in unit tests from lua 5.4.1 to 5.4.4.
  • Run against lua 5.3.6 and 5.4.4 in unit tests.
  • Run against Luau and LuaJIT in unit tests.
  • Converted the manual from html to markdown.
  • Small improvements to code and doxygen comments readability.
  • Support for __fastcall function pointers.

Version 2.6

  • Added namespace addFunction() accepting std::function (C++11 only).
  • Added class addStaticFunction() accepting std::function (C++11 only).
  • Update the Doxygen documentation.
  • Add brief API reference into the manual.
  • Hide non-public luabridge members into the detail namespace.
  • Fix stack cleanup by LuaRef::isInstance() method.

Version 2.5

  • Introduce stack isInstance() method.
  • Introduce LuaRef isInstance() method.
  • Added a convenience isInstance() function template.

Version 2.4.1

  • Do not call the object destructor then its constructor throws.

Version 2.4

  • String stack get specialization doesn't change the stack value anymore.
  • Added namespace addProperty() accepting C-functions.
  • Introduce enableExceptions function.

Version 2.3.2

  • Fixed registration continuation for an already registered class.

Version 2.3.1

  • Fixed registration continuation issues.

Version 2.3

  • Added class addFunction() accepting proxy functions (C++11 only).
  • Added class addFunction() accepting std::function (C++11 only).
  • Added class addProperty() accepting functions with lua_State* parameter.
  • Added class addProperty() accepting std::function (C++11 only).
  • Added stack traits for std::unordered_map (UnorderedMap.h).
  • Now using lightuserdata for function pointers.

Version 2.2.2

  • Performance optimization.

Version 2.2.1

  • Refactored namespace and class handling.

Version 2.2

  • Refactored stack operations.
  • Handle exceptions in stack operations.

Version 2.1.2

  • Added operator== and operator!= for RefCountedPtr template.

Version 2.1.1

  • Support for __stdcall function pointers.

Version 2.1

  • Added stack traits for std::vector (Vector.h).
  • Added stack traits for std::list (List.h).
  • Added stack traits for std::map (Map.h).
  • Added ability to use LuaRef objects as an std::map keys.
  • Fixed some manual errata.

Version 2.0

  • Numerous bug fixes.
  • Feature Requests from Github issues.
  • Added LuaRef object.
  • Rewritten documentation.

Version 1.1.0

  • Split code up into several files.
  • Add Lua table and type representations (based on Nigel's code).
  • Reformat documentation as external HTML file.

Version 1.0.3

  • Pass nil to Lua when a null pointer is passed for objects with shared lifetime.

Version 1.0.2

  • Option to hide metatables selectable at runtime, default to true.
  • addStaticMethod() renamed to addStaticFunction() for consistency.
  • addMethod() renamed to addFunction() for consistency.
  • addCFunction() registrations.
  • Convert null pointers to and from nil.
  • Small performance increase in class pointer extraction.

Version 1.0.1

  • Backward compatibility with Lua 5.1.x.

Version 1.0

  • Explicit lifetime management models.
  • Generalized containers.
  • Single header distribution.