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File metadata and controls

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Connect the Bebop to our wifi

To make the Bebop (red) connect to our wifi WASP1-24 using ip-address press the on/off-button for 4 seconds after it has booted.

You should be able to ping the bebop using $ping or $ping bebop

Note that you will have to change a launch-file in bebop_autonomy to run ros using this new ip-address:

in /bebop_autonomy/bebop_driver/launch/bebop_nodelet.launch specify the new ip-adress. For the red bebop this is

In the package multiple_bebops there is some documentation in how we made it possible to connect to our wifi using the on/off-button

Telnet into the Bebop

  1. Enable telnet on the drone by quickly pressing the power button 4 times
  2. Telnet into the drone using $telnet <ip address>

The <ip address> depends on whether you have connected to Bebop2-xxxxx wifi, in which case it is or if you have made the bebop connect to the WASP1-24 wifi as described above, in which case the addres is given above.

Send and publish topics to the Bebop 2 drone

Publish a message once to make it takeoff

$ rostopic pub --once /bebop/takeoff std_msgs/Empty

Echo a message once to make it takeoff

$ rostopic echo /bebop/takeoff 

Control the camera angle of the bebop

Publish a geometry_msgs/Twist to topic [namespace]/camera_control

Vertical tilting: around the y-axis Horiontal paning: around the z-axis angular.y (+) upwards and (-) downwards angular.z (+) pan left (-) pan right

$ rostopic pub --once /bebop/camera_control geometry_msgs/Twist "{linear: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, angular: {x: 0, y: -60, z: 0}}"

Running the Bebop

Step 1 - start the driver

Starting the Bebop driver is sometimes easier said than done...

First, make sure that the bebop drone is connected to the wifi. Second, run the launch file:

$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_nodelet.launch


$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch

To see if it works or not it is suggested to also run

$ rostopic echo /bebop/odom

If the intialization of the driver is sucessfull it should broadcast more than 32 frames of /bebop/odom

If it freezes (it happens!) you have to kill the driver and restart it. This might lead to the bebop loosing connection to the wifi... In that case just restart the bebop, reconnect it to the wifi and try again.

NOTE: sometimes it can take a few tries to get it up and running...

Specify namespace for the bebop-driver

This is done in the launchfile bebop_autonomy/bebop_driver/launch/bebop_nodelet.launch

Step 2 - start bebop action server + bebop controller + teleoperator

This is currently easiest done through running the launch file coordinator/launch/no_rosplan_test_bebop.launch

This starts the BebopActionServer which in turn starts the bebop controller.

The launchfile also starts the coordinator and action_feeder so if you just want to run the bebop without these you can just comment them out from the launch-file (or make a new one)

Alt. step 2 - just start bebop controller + teleoperator

To start just the bebop-controller you can run

$ rosrun bebop_controller controller

and to start just the teleoperator you can running

$ rosrun bebop_controller teleoperator