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File metadata and controls

43 lines (40 loc) · 2.04 KB

Location header rewrite with non-standard port

Location header provides the information to client as where to go next. While the location header mostly gets generated by backend Apps, there is a need to change them on load balancing device. Enterprises runs legacy Apps which were written to generate the Location header with “http” while most of the front-end communication is now switched to “https”. Hence there is a need to do protocol changes as well as at times you are required to change to a non-standard port based on where actual service is running.

-- Rewrites the HTTP Location header in a HTTP Reponse from HTTP to HTTPS and a none standard port to the end of the hostname
-- e.g. Location Header '' will be changed to ''
-- The Location response header indicates the URL to redirect a page to. It only provides a meaning when served with a 3xx (redirection) or 201 (created) status response
if string.beginswith(avi.http.status(),"3") or avi.http.status() == "201" then
  location = avi.http.get_header("Location")
  -- location = ""
  http_uri = ""
  http_hostname = ""
  if location and string.beginswith(location,"http://") then
    -- remove http:// from location
    location = string.sub(location,8)
    -- extract uri from location
    for match in string.gmatch(location, "/.*") do
      http_uri = match
    -- use extracted uri to extract hostname
    len= string.len (location) - string.len(http_uri)
    http_hostname = string.sub(location,0,len)
    -- if extacted hostname contains custom port, for example, remove port from string
    if string.contains(http_hostname,":") then
      for match in string.gmatch(http_hostname, ".*:") do
        http_hostname = string.sub(match,0,-2)
    location_header = "https://" .. http_hostname .. ":80" .. http_uri
    avi.http.replace_header("Location", location_header)