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214 lines (158 loc) · 6.54 KB


InfluxDB reporter for Newman that sends the test results information to InfluxDB (1.x, 2.x) which can be used from Grafana to build dashboard.

npm version npm downloads code license npm publish

Getting Started

  1. Install newman
  2. Install newman-reporter-influxdb
  3. Install InfluxDB (Get the server address, port, database name, etc)


  1. node and npm
  2. newman - npm install -g newman
  3. InfluxDB


npm install -g newman-reporter-influxdb

Installation should be done globally if newman is installed globally, otherwise install without -g option


Specify -r influxdb option while running the collection

newman run <collection-url> -r influxdb \
  --reporter-influxdb-server <server-ip> \
  --reporter-influxdb-port <server-port> \
  --reporter-influxdb-name <database-name> \
  --reporter-influxdb-measurement <measurement-name>
  • By default, reporter consider influxdb version 1.x (i.e 1.7, 1.8)
  • In case of InfluxDB version 2, specify version, org and bucket name as well
    • --reporter-influxdb-version 2
    • --reporter-influxdb-org <org-name>
    • --reporter-influxdb-name <bucket-name>


# For InfluxDB version 1.x

newman run -r influxdb \
--reporter-influxdb-server localhost \
--reporter-influxdb-port 8086 \
--reporter-influxdb-name newman_reports \
--reporter-influxdb-measurement api_results

# For InfluxDB version 2.x

newman run -r influxdb \
  --reporter-influxdb-server localhost \
  --reporter-influxdb-port 8086 \
  --reporter-influxdb-org viz \
  --reporter-influxdb-version 2 \
  --reporter-influxdb-username viz \
  --reporter-influxdb-password db123456 \
  --reporter-influxdb-name viz \
  --reporter-influxdb-measurement api_results


Option Remarks
--reporter-influxdb-server IP Address or Host of InfluxDB
--reporter-influxdb-port Port no. (Usually 8086)
--reporter-influxdb-version InfluxDB Version 1, 2 (default 1)
--reporter-influxdb-org InfluxDB Org (For InfluxDB version 2.x)
--reporter-influxdb-port Port no. (Usually 8086)
--reporter-influxdb-name Database name (or Bucket name for InfluxDB version 2.x)
--reporter-influxdb-measurement Measurement Point name (If not provided, then reporter will create measurement with prefix newman_results-<timestamp>)
--reporter-influxdb-username (Optional) Username created for InfluxDB (e.g. newman_user)
--reporter-influxdb-password (Optional) Password of the user (e.g. p@ssw0rd)
--reporter-influxdb-identifier (Optional) An identifier to be passed to InfluxDB (default: run-${})
--reporter-influxdb-mode Transmission Mode http, https, udp (default: http)
--reporter-debug Enable debug mode (default: false)


newman-reporter-influxdb InfluxDB
v1.0.0+ v1.7
v2.0.0+ v1.8, v2.x


  • This reporter currently uses InfluxDB HTTP APIs / TCP Protocol to send data

To Do

  • Convert to ES6 based version
  • Folder Structure
  • Username and Password support
  • Include UDP Reporter as well
  • HTTPS Support
  • Add batch operation
  • ESLint / StandardJS
  • CI/CD with Github Actions
  • HealthCheck to InfluxDB
  • Remove axios to make it lightweight
  • Compatibility with InfluxDB 2.x
  • Tests


  • Install Dependencies: npm install
  • To Install Local Package:
    • npm pack
    • npm i -g newman-reporter-<name>.<version>.tgz
    • OR
    • make local-install
  • Run Unit Tests:
  • Run Smoke Tests:
    • make test-v1
    • make test-v2

Development Notes

npm publish --access public

- name: npm publish
        run: |
          LATEST=`npm view . version`
          CURRENT=`cat package.json | jq -r .version`
          if [ "$LATEST" != "$CURRENT" ]
            npm ci
            npm publish

    "scripts": {
        "postpublish" : "PACKAGE_VERSION=$(cat package.json | grep version | head -1 | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/[\",]//g' | tr -d '[[:space:]]') && git tag $PACKAGE_VERSION && git push --tags"

PACKAGE_VERSION=$(cat package.json \
  | grep version \
  | head -1 \
  | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' \
  | sed 's/[",]//g' \
  | tr -d '[[:space:]]')


<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm downloads"></a>

<img alt="GitHub All Releases" src="">

  enabled = true
  bind-address = ":8086"
  database = "newman_reports_udp"
  batch-size = 1000
  batch-timeout = “1s”

To write, just send newline separated line protocol over UDP.  Can send one point at a time (not very performant) or send batches.

$ echo "newman_results value=1" > /dev/udp/localhost/8086
$ echo "select * from newman_results" | influx -database newman_reports_udp
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7
InfluxDB shell 0.9
name: newman_results
time                value
2020-26-06T11:25:15.321527811Z    1

curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE newman_reports"

docker run --name influxdb-1.7 -p 8086:8086 influxdb:1.7
docker run --name influxdb-1.8 -p 8086:8086 influxdb:1.8
docker run --name influxdb-2 -p 8086:8086