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Verifiable Credentials Data Integrity Explainer


  • Manu Sporny
  • Dave Longley
  • Dmitri Zagidulin
  • Gregg Kellogg
  • Markus Sabadello


Table of Contents


These family of VC Data Integrity specifications describe mechanisms for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of Verifiable Credentials and similar types of constrained digital documents using cryptography, especially through the use of digital signatures and related mathematical proofs. The resulting proofs can be embedded in their native representations (JSON, YAML, etc.) instead of having to be base64-encoded and made opaque to developers and database tooling. Advanced features such as selective disclosure and unlinkable digital signatures are supported through the design of this security system.


We are trying to make it easier for developers to take advantage of new forms of cryptography while keeping the resulting digitally signed messages easy to work with in their native data representations.


Compatability with JWTs, JOSE, or COSE. There are other specifications that are under development in the same WG that do that, such as VC-JWT.

Digitally signing experimental graph formats such as Labeled Property Graphs, RDF-Star graphs, or other newer graph formats.

User research

The work on Data Integrity started over a decade ago and has been incubated in the W3C Credentials Community Group over that time period. We have performed a number of interoperability plugfests over the years to test whether or not developers find using the technology acceptable when they have a use case that requires the features described in Data Integrity. These technologies have also been deployed at scale in proof of concept, pilot, and production systems, in retail point of sale solutions, in federal government systems, and consumer-facing applications. The results of that research are continuously fed back into future iterations of the work.

What We're Trying to Accomplish

In general, what Data Integrity attempts to accomplish is to take a document that looks like this:

  "title": "Hello world!"

and digitally sign it so the document ends up looking like this;

  "title": "Hello world!",
  "proof": {
    "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
    "cryptosuite": "example-signature-2022",
    "created": "2020-11-05T19:23:24Z",
    "verificationMethod": "https://di.example/issuer#z6MkjL...XfxnG",
    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
    "proofValue": "zQeVbY4oey5q2M3XKaxu...FkXJeV6doDwLWx"

The digitally signed document above can then be sent, received, verified, and stored in a way that enables the receiver to determine if the data has been tampered with in transit.

How it Works

The operation of Data Integrity is conceptually simple. To create a cryptographic proof, the following steps are performed: 1) Transformation, 2) Hashing, and 3) Proof Generation.


Figure 1 To create a cryptographic proof, data is transformed, hashed, and cryptographically protected.

Transformation is a process described by a transformation algorithm that takes input data and prepares it for the hashing process. One example of a possible transformation is to take a record of people's names that attended a meeting, sort the list alphabetically by the individual's family name, and rewrite the names on a piece of paper, one per line, in sorted order. Possible transformations include canonicalization and binary-to-text encoding.

Hashing is a process described by a hashing algorithm that calculates an identifier for the transformed data using a cryptographic hash function. This process is conceptually similar to how a phone address book functions, where one takes a person's name (the input data) and maps that name to that individual's phone number (the hash). Possible cryptographic hash functions include SHA-3 and BLAKE-3.

Proof Generation is a process described by a proof serialization algorithm that calculates a value that protects the integrity of the input data from modification or otherwise proves a certain desired threshold of trust. This process is conceptually similar to the way a wax seal can be used on an envelope containing a letter to establish trust in the sender and show that the letter has not been tampered with in transit. Possible proof serialization functions include digital signatures and proofs of stake.

To verify a cryptographic proof, the following steps are performed: 1) Transformation, 2) Hashing, and 3) Proof Verification.


Figure 2 To verify a cryptographic proof, data is transformed, hashed, and checked for correctness.

During verification, the transformation and hashing steps are conceptually the same as described above.

Proof Verification is a process that is described by a proof verification algorithm that applies a cryptographic proof verification function to see if the input data can be trusted. Possible proof verification functions include digital signatures and proofs of stake.

Key scenarios

Signatures in Plain JSON

Mastodon was one of the first implementations that used Data Integrity signatures (many years ago) to digitally sign messages from individuals. There is a more recent effort to use the updated Data Integrity cryptosuites to digitally sign messages. There is a desire to use JSON Canonicalization Scheme to canonicalize and then embed the proof in messages such that people in the Fediverse know that a message came from you and it has not been tampered with in transit (or by the server).

Signatures on Semantics (Verifiable Credentials)

In order to disambiguate the meaning of properties like "website" or "name", it is useful to use globally unambiguous URLs for properties. The Verifiable Credentials Data Model uses JSON-LD to accomplish this task, while attempting to keep the objects in a JSON format that is familiar to developers. When digitally signing a Verifiable Credential, transformations are done (RDF Dataset Canonicalization) to ensure that the information model is secured appropriately. The result is a JSON object that is familiar to a developer that is also secured using an information model with global semantics.

Selective Disclosure

When an entity protects a document, they might want to empower the receiver of that document to share a subset of the document. This is called "selective disclosure". The Data Integrity specification (when working in concert with specific cryptosuites that allow for selective disclosure) enable subsets of documents to be shared while not breaking the digital signature on the subset of the document that's shared.


Repeatedly sharing information in a document can create a correlation and tracking risk. For example, repeatedly sharing a driver's license to prove that one is above a certain age can lead to using the driver's license number to track the individual. A more appropriate sharing would be to just share one's age in a way that cannot be used to track the individual. Note that a digital signature is unique enough to be used as a global tracking token, thus the need for a digital signature that changes every time its presented while still allowing the signature to be verified.

High-level Design discussion


One of the difficult design decisions we had to make in the specification had to do with whether or not we would support canonicalization of content. The requirement for this came from the work, where content authors were marking up things like products for sale, store locations, store hours, and other impactful data in a way that could be utilized in other venues if it was digitally signed. This data is often embedded in a web page (as JSON-LD) and indexed by the search crawlers. The data often contains whitespace content, or reordering of content in a semantically meaningless manner, that typically invalidates digital signatures. So, we needed a way to ensure that 1) authors could continue to embed content for search crawlers in the way they were doing (JSON-LD embedded in web pages) while 2) ensuring that white space and reordering didn't negatively affect the digital signature.

The solution was to use canonicalization, which adds complexity to the design but allows for the use case (and others like it) to be accomplished. At present, Data Integrity uses two types of canonicalization. JSON Canonicalization Scheme (JCS) is used when an author is working with pure JSON data (with no formal semantics). RDF Dataset Canonicalization is used when the author is working with formal semantics and might desire the data to be transformed from one serialization (JSON-LD) into another serialization (NQuads) to be stored and processed in a graph-based processing engine (and/or) graph database. Representation in a statement-ordered, graph-based format also provides a variety of benefits for selective disclosure and unlinkable signatures.

The main cost for performing canonicalization is processing time and memory overhead. In practice, it does not seem to add significant cost to the systems in which it has been integrated.

Use of RDF

One of the Data Integrity canonicalization options includes the ability to transform to and from RDF. This approach adds complexity, but allows for some advanced use cases, such as being able to digitally sign over an information model (and not a base-64 encoded serialization), and the ability to perform Semantic Compression via the use of CBOR-LD. While Data Integrity does not have to use RDF Dataset Canonicalization (and can use JCS instead), it's existence continues to be the source of a variety of criticisms against Data Integrity.

Considered alternatives


The initial solutions for securing Verifiable Credentials used the JOSE/JWT stack, but the lack of canonicalization, selective disclosure, unlinkability, and not being able to support an information model with semantics caused us to look into the alternative proposed in these specifications.


The same design considerations that led to the avoidance of JOSE and JWT also led to the avoidance of the COSE and CWT stack, though we do utilize CBOR to structure the digital signatures in some of the selective disclosure mechanisms.

SD-JWTs and JWPs

The Data Integrity work was started far in advance of he SD-JWT and JWP work at IETF. While we are tracking that work, it continues to not align well with the scenarios outlined above.


There were 17 implementers that demonstrated interoperability on a subset of the Data Integrity work:

Additionally, the US Federal Government (DHS) has aligned their latest profile for digital identity to use Verifiable Credentials and Data Integrity.

There are a number of critics of the Data Integrity approach that are focusing their efforts on VC-JWT, SD-JWT, and JWP. Those approaches continue to not address the scenarios and use cases that are a focus for the Data Integrity work.


Many thanks for valuable feedback and advice from:

Christopher Allen, David Ammouial, Joe Andrieu, Bohdan Andriyiv, Ganesh Annan, Kazuyuki Ashimura, Tim Bouma, Pelle Braendgaard, Dan Brickley, Allen Brown, Jeff Burdges, Daniel Burnett, ckennedy422, David Chadwick, Chaoxinhu, Kim (Hamilton) Duffy, Lautaro Dragan, enuoCM, Ken Ebert, Eric Elliott, William Entriken, David Ezell, Nathan George, Reto Gmür, Ryan Grant, glauserr, Adrian Gropper, Joel Gustafson, Amy Guy, Lovesh Harchandani, Daniel Hardman, Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Jonathan Holt, David Hyland-Wood, Iso5786, Renato Iannella, Richard Ishida, Ian Jacobs, Anil John, Tom Jones, Rieks Joosten, Gregg Kellogg, Kevin, Eric Korb, David I. Lehn, Michael Lodder, Dave Longley, Christian Lundkvist, Jim Masloski, Pat McBennett, Adam C. Migus, Liam Missin, Alexander Mühle, Anthony Nadalin, Clare Nelson, Mircea Nistor, Grant Noble, Darrell O'Donnell, Nate Otto, Matt Peterson, Addison Phillips, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Liam Quin, Rajesh Rathnam, Drummond Reed, Yancy Ribbens, Justin Richer, Evstifeev Roman, RorschachRev, Steven Rowat, Pete Rowley, Markus Sabadello, Kristijan Sedlak, Tzviya Seigman, Reza Soltani, Manu Sporny, Orie Steele, Matt Stone, Oliver Terbu, Ted Thibodeau Jr, John Tibbetts, Mike Varley, Richard Varn, Heather Vescent, Christopher Lemmer Webber, Benjamin Young, Kaliya Young, Dmitri Zagidulin, and Brent Zundel.