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File metadata and controls

37 lines (33 loc) · 2.58 KB


ChatUI provides image objects as an extension of the Image class in SwiftUI, where each image is created as a static variable with a default value being an image with a specific system name. These image names can be used to display icons, avatars, and other images. The names of these images can be used in the code to display the respective icon for various purposes in the user interface.

Property Name Type Default Value Description
menu Image Image(systemName: "circle.grid.2x2.fill") Icon for a menu
camera Image Image(systemName: "camera.fill") Icon for a camera
photoLibrary Image Image(systemName: "photo") Icon for a photo library
mic Image Image(systemName: "mic.fill") Icon for a microphone
giphy Image Image(systemName: "face.smiling.fill") Icon for GIPHY
send Image Image(systemName: "paperplane.fill") Icon for sending a message
buttonHidden Image Image(systemName: "chevron.right") Icon for a hidden button
directionDown Image Image(systemName: "chevron.down") Icon for a downward direction
location Image Image(systemName: "location.fill") Icon for a location
document Image Image(systemName: "paperclip") Icon for a document
music Image Image(systemName: "music.note") Icon for music
sending Image Image(systemName: "circle.dotted") Icon for a message that is currently being sent
sent Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for a sent message
delivered Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for a delivered message
failed Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for a failed message
downloadFailed Image Image(systemName: "icloud.slash") Icon for a failed download
close Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for closing a window
flip Image Image(systemName: "arrow.triangle.2.circlepath") Icon for flipping an object
delete Image Image(systemName: "trash") Icon for deleting an object
pause Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for pausing an activity
play Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for playing an activity
person Image Image(systemName: "") Icon for a person

The example usage in the code demonstrates how to use these images to display the send icon, by making the icon resizable, setting its size, and clipping it to a circle shape.

    .frame(width: 100, height: 100)