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testutils is a collection of utility functions to be used in testing Go code.

Author: Yaroslav Grebnov

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docker package

docker package provides utility functions to work with Docker objects in Go code tests.

In order to execute the package functions, Docker daemon must be available and running in the local environment.

Essentially, it is a collection of functions wrapping objects. The main goal of the package is to provide a simplified way of interaction with the Docker objects in Go code tests.

  1. Basic functionality - functions

docker package exposes functions for performing essential operations with Docker objects:

  • PullImage(name) - pulls a Docker image identified by name,
  • CreateContainer(image, options) - pulls a Docker image and creates a new Docker container. Optional container attributes values can be specified in options argument. Optional attributes list can be found below. Function returns the created container id,
  • StartContainer(id) - starts Docker container identified by given id,
  • CreateStartContainer(image, options) - combines CreateContainer and StartContainer functions,
  • StopContainer(id) - stops id Docker container,
  • RemoveContainer(id) - removes id Docker container,
  • StopRemoveContainer(id) - combines StopContainer and RemoveContainer functions.

All functions take context.Context parameter and return error.

Example, without optional attributes:

package somepackage

import (


func Test_SomeFunction(t *testing.T) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    containerID, err := docker.CreateStartContainer(ctx, "image/name", nil)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    defer func() { require.NoError(t, docker.StopRemoveContainer(ctx, containerID)) }()

    // Your test here

In the example above, a few lines of code allow to:

  • pull an image/name Docker image,
  • create and start a new Docker container,
  • stop and remove the container at the end of the test.

Optional attributes list:

  • Name - container name,
  • EnvironmentVariables - a list of environment variables to be created inside the container. Format is name=value,
  • ExposedPorts - a list of exposed ports. Format is host_port:container_port,
  • Healthcheck - a command to check whether the service inside container has started. Healthcheck commands are automatically prefixed with CMD-SHELL,
  • StartTimeout - service inside the container start timeout in seconds. The default value is 60.

Example, with optional attributes:

package somepackage

import (


func Test_SomeFunction(t *testing.T) {
    ctx := context.Background()
	options := docker.Options{
		Name: "test-container",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"MYVAR=my-var-value"}, 
		ExposedPorts: []string{"8080:80"},
    containerID, err := docker.CreateStartContainer(ctx, "image/name", &options)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    defer func() { require.NoError(t, docker.StopRemoveContainer(ctx, containerID)) }()

    // Your test here

In the example above, a few lines of code allow to:

  • pull an image/name Docker image,
  • create and start a new Docker container with name test-container,
  • create MYVAR environment variable with value my-var-value inside the container,
  • expose port 80 and bind it to the host port 8080,
  • stop and remove test-container at the end of the test.
  1. Extended functionality - Container object

docker package also exposes a Container object which holds container data and synchronizes it with the corresponding Docker container on the host.

Container object can be created using two constructors.

The first constructor, NewContainer takes only one parameter image (image name) which is the only one Container object attribute required on creation.

The second constructor, NewContainerWithOptions in addition to image, takes one more options parameter. It allows to specify Container object optional attributes values (the list can be found above). Optional attributes values can be specified only on new Container object creation. Examples of constructing new Container objects are provided below.

Container object exposed methods:

  • Create - using the object attributes, pulls a Docker image, creates a new Docker container with all the specified attributes,
  • Start - starts the container and waits until it starts. If Options.Healthcheck has been specified, also waits until the service inside the container starts,
  • CreateStart - performs all the Create actions and starts the created container,
  • Stop - stops the container,
  • Remove - removes the container if it exists,
  • StopRemove - stops and removes the container if it exists.

All methods take context.Context parameter and return error.

An example of using basic NewContainer constructor:

package somepackage

import (


func Test_SomeFunction(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	testContainer := docker.NewContainer("image/name")
	require.NoError(t, testContainer.CreateStart(ctx)) // using "image/name" image, creates and starts a new Docker container on host
	defer func() { require.NoError(t, testContainer.StopRemove(ctx)) }() // Docker container at the end of the test

	// Your test here

The main difference between using the docker package functions and Container object is that the latter allows to interact with Docker containers which may have been created before the code execution. For example, if some test requires that a new container with a specific name should be created, it can be implemented as:

package somepackage

import (


func Test_SomeFunction(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	options := docker.Options{
		Name: "test-container",
		EnvironmentVariables: []string{"MYVAR=my-var-value"},
		ExposedPorts: []string{"8080:80"},
	testContainer := docker.NewContainerWithOptions("image/name", options)
	require.NoError(t, testContainer.StopRemove(ctx))  // stops and removes "test-container" Docker container if it exists on host
	require.NoError(t, testContainer.CreateStart(ctx)) // creates and starts a new "test-container" Docker container on host
	defer func() { require.NoError(t, testContainer.StopRemove(ctx)) }() // stops and removes "test-container" Docker container at the end of the test

	// Your test here

presets package

presets package contains a collection of preset objects. The main idea here is to provide ready-to-use objects with most commonly used configuration already applied. For example, while creating a PostgreSQL container, we may set values of POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_USER, PGPORT environment variables, set a healthcheck based on pg_isready command, and expose 5432 port. presets package provides a preset object with such configuration.

Each preset allows to create a new preconfigured object and a new preconfigured object with customizable optional attributes. For example, for the case when we want to expose port 5433 instead of port 5432 in a PostgreSQL container.

List of presets:

  • PostgreSQL - preconfigured object can be obtained using NewPostgresqlContainer() function, or the same object, but customizable - using NewCustomizedPostgresqlContainer(options docker.Options) function.

Basic example of using presets in tests:

package somepackage

import (


func Test_SomeFunction(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	testContainer := presets.NewPostgresqlContainer()
	require.NoError(t, testContainer.CreateStart(ctx)) // creates and starts a new PostgreSQL Docker container on host
	defer func() { require.NoError(t, testContainer.StopRemove(ctx)) }() // stops and removes PostgreSQL Docker container at the end of the test

	// Your test here

An example of using presets with customized attributes values:

package somepackage

import (


func Test_SomeFunction(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	options := docker.Options{ExposedPorts: []string{"5433:5432"}} // container port 5432 is bound to the host 5433 port, other configuration remains unchanged
	testContainer := presets.NewCustomizedPostgresqlContainer(options)
	require.NoError(t, testContainer.CreateStart(ctx)) // creates and starts a new PostgreSQL Docker container on host
	defer func() { require.NoError(t, testContainer.StopRemove(ctx)) }() // stops and removes PostgreSQL Docker container at the end of the test

	// Your test here


To install testutils, use go get command:

go get

This will make the package available for you.

Staying up to date

To update testutils to the latest version, use go get

Supported Go versions

We currently support the latest major Go versions from 1.19 onwards.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.