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214 lines (183 loc) · 7.66 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (183 loc) · 7.66 KB

JIkit Changelog

Here you can see the full list of changes between each JIkit release.

Version 0.10.0

  • Moved component classes to `UI.components
  • Remove arbitrary default margins on element
  • Added onClose and onClosed events to modal
  • Restricted layout and spacing setters to flexgrid only
  • Overhauled css style, default theme is now material-design based
  • Renamed parse to setData on ComplexDataSetter
  • Added getFieldset method to form
  • Fix bug with scrolling and AbsolutePositionMethods
  • Moved navbar-center to listStyle of list
  • Renamed align property to flexAlign
  • The select now conforms to the FormControl mixin
  • Added fieldsets to form
  • Removed masterConfig, parent, grandparent, master properties from dropdown
  • Added success, warning, danger colors to toggle
  • Fix input coloring for password
  • Massively tweaked default css styling
  • Fully autogenerated documentation of properties and components

Version 0.9.0

  • Project renamed from JIkit to UION

Version 0.8.0

  • Project renamed from Pykit to JIkit

Version 0.6.5

  • added: modal contains all UIKit modal options (bgclose, etc...)
  • changed: better color scheme for buttons in almost-flat theme

Version 0.6.4

  • fix: setValues will ignore undefined values like before
  • fix: setValues works with toggle or any other nested input fields

Version 0.6.3

  • changed: all $css, css, itemStyle css related attributes can accept both array and string
  • fix: object passed to template does not create duplicate elements upon each render
  • fix: empty string template did not default to element for view attribute
  • fix: fieldset element view now defaults to element
  • fix: improve getValues() for nested elements in fieldset
  • fix: improve setValues() for nested elements in fieldset
  • fix: help now accepts (empty string)/null/undefined for FormControl
  • added: size attribute works with icon and search
  • added: value, autocomplete, autocapitalize, autocorrect works with input and search, autocomplete
  • added: reset, enable, disable to input, autocomplete

Version 0.6.2

  • added: isOpened to dropdown
  • changed: rewrote drag and drop implementation to not use native events to support touchscreen
  • fixed: file tree drag and drop works both for touch and pointer devices

Version 0.6.1

  • added: use dropdownId to element to assign dropdown id attribute
  • added: use dropdownMarginX and dropdownMarginY to finely adjust positioning of dropdown
  • fix: tooltip inserting extra characters to data-uk-tooltip attribute
  • fix: drag events in Chrome not working due to bug, used setTimeout to avoid bug

Version 0.6.0

  • deprecated: almost-flat-dark css theme (as hard to maintain)
  • changed: changed to
  • changed: element.template attribute now takes Object/String/Function
  • changed: template String now accepts interpolated value (surround with {} to access properties from config)
  • added: new toggle component
  • changed: optimized click event handlers, onMouseDown, onMouseUp not registered by default

Version 0.5.0

  • fixed: initializing table with schema with data resulted in error
  • fixed: table align now is also applied to header
  • fixed: closeButton not working on modal
  • changed: __after__ and __init__ call order reversed, ancestor -> child

Version 0.3.12

  • changed: dark theme color tweaks

Version 0.3.11

  • added: new onDebounceResize event for all element based components

Version 0.3.10

  • changed: config scroll option x changed to xy
  • changed: config valign option top changed to parent
  • added: help text, and cleaner form control display
  • upgrade uikit version to 2.26.x

Version 0.3.9

  • added: generic positioning methods to dropdown
  • added: mixin AbsolutePositionMethods with methods moveWithinBoundary, position, positionNextTo
  • added: can override bounding rect calculation of AbsolutePositionMethods
  • changed: removed pykit.keys() for Object.keys
  • changed: margin removed from list and dropdown by default
  • changed: dropdown method _position renamed to position

Version 0.3.8

  • added: select multiple files with html5
  • added: position config now supports absolute
  • changed: uploader settings moved to uploadOptions config

Version 0.3.7

  • added: orderAfter function for custom tree sort
  • fixed: sorting order of tree
  • tweaks: dark theme colors

Version 0.3.6

  • added: new select component
  • added: justify and mode configs based on UIkit dropdown options
  • added: indexOf() to list, select, table, tree
  • added: onKeyUp event to input
  • added: new dark theme
  • fixed: path to font-awesome was not correct
  • fixed: dropdown master now refers to actual clicked ui
  • fixed: moved old master to grandparent field

Version 0.3.4

  • added: type: 'form' config to label
  • added: fill: 'screen' config to flexgrid
  • added: setValue() to label
  • fixed: substr also matched by showBatch
  • fixed: dropdown.master refers to UI object instead of config
  • fixed: flexbox min-width bug with firefox
  • changed: css changed to almost-flat theme

Version 0.3.3

  • added progress component
  • fixed bug with tabs

Version 0.3.2

  • added each(), getChildren(), getItems() to flexgrid component
  • added bodyHeight config to modal to control modal height
  • added autocomplete, autocorrect, autocapitalize config to input
  • added onMouseDown, onMouseUp events to button, link
  • added onTabMenuClick event to list with tab config set to responsive
  • added contains() to list, fieldset, tree, table
  • fixed getValues(), setValues() work with nested components in form
  • fixed responsiveness when tab config is set on list

Version 0.3.1

  • added clear(), enable() and disable() to forms and fieldsets
  • added reset() to input, password, search components

Version 0.3.0

  • fixed updateItem(), should not swap list order

Version 0.2.9

  • added args to open() on modal
  • added JSON support for header, footer of modals
  • added header, footer, body public attributes to modals and tables
  • fixed onClick event arguments
  • fixed set() working on not just setters, but all configs
  • refactored closeItem() to its own function for tabs
  • removed margins for fieldset component

Version 0.2.8

  • fixed autocomplete not working on Chrome, but FF
  • made autocomplete case-insensitive by default (changed by caseSensitive configuration)
  • fix dropdown not closing on mobile (added 10ms delay)
  • upgraded dependencies (uikit from 2.24.3 to 2.24.5)

Version 0.2.7

  • fixed bug not able to set checkbox to unchecked in forms
  • fixed setValue for checkbox component

Version 0.2.6

  • fixed uploader config not being set
  • fixed critical bug: removing tree branch with multiple items not removing all children

Version 0.2.3

  • added $preventDefault option to all click events
  • links and uploader components will have $preventDefault=false to start
  • added top, left, bottom, right position attributes to all elements
  • added select(), unselect(), isSelected() to buttons
  • removed coloring on links/selections
  • list items are unselectable by default now

Version 0.2.1

  • packaged UIkit dependencies together
  • fixed uk-icon-button ({view: icon, type: button}) configuration
  • added more generic setActive() method to list
  • changed build process
  • added new spring theme

Version 0.1.0