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File metadata and controls

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Secure Image Repository API

The Secure Image Repository API features encrypted private and non-encrypted public image storage/sharing, user-to-user image transfer, and request authentication via user credentials. Powered by NodeJS (Express, Sequelize, Jest) and PostgreSQL.

How to start the application locally (confirmed working on macOS)

  1. Excecute npm install (if you have not done so already)
  2. Start Docker and execute docker run --name db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
  3. Then, once the database is active, execute npm start
    • If the database is not yet running, you will get an error stating: "SequelizeConnectionError: Connection terminated unexpectedly". To resolve this issue, wait until the postgres server is active and execute the command again.

General interaction flow

  1. Create a new user via POST http://localhost:8080/user (since each image is associated to a user)
  2. Upload an image via POST http://localhost:8080/image
  3. Then you can manipulate the uploaded data (delete, list, transfer, download) using the various functions listed below in the API summary (i.e. download via GET http://localhost:8080/image?imageId={imageId})

How to run the tests

  • Execute npm install if you have not already done so
  • Execute npm run test

API Summary

  • General notes:
    • All parameters sent in the body of requests must be in the format of form-data
    • If you are using Postman, you can have the authorization header (including encoding) be auto-generated by selecting Basic Auth as the type in the Authorization section of the request generation
      • If not using Postman, an example authentication entry located in the header is:
        • Actual value: 1:password (repersenting userId=1 and userPassword=password)
        • Entry in header: authorization: Basic MTpwYXNzd29yZA
    • The database resets everytime the API is restarted. This is a configured setting in server.js and is intentional


  • POST http://localhost:8080/user
    • Create a new user. Returns the new user id and password
    • Request requirements:
      • Body: password (desired password for the user)
  • GET http://localhost:8080/user
    • Get all users in the database. Returns a list of user objects in the database
    • Request requirements: no additional fields


  • POST http://localhost:8080/image
    • Uploads a new image to the database. Returns the imageId of the uploaded image
    • Request requirements:
      • Header: authorization: Basic <credentials> (requester's credentials, formatted userId:password encoded in Base64)
      • Body: image (file to upload), is-private (1 (true) or 0 (false), sets privacy permission)
  • PUT http://localhost:8080/image/transfer
    • Transfers an image owned by the requesting user to a target user
    • Request requirements:
      • Header: authorization: Basic <credentials> (requester's credentials, formatted userId:password encoded in Base64)
      • Body: send-to-user-id (userId of user to transfer image to), image-id (image to transfer that is owned currently by the requesting user)
  • GET http://localhost:8080/image?image-id={target-image-id}
    • Gets an uploaded image with imageId {targetImageId} (if the requesting user has permission)
    • Request requirements:
      • Header: authorization: Basic <credentials> (requester's credentials, formatted userId:password encoded in Base64)
  • GET http://localhost:8080/image/info?image-id={target-image-id}
    • Gets the metadata information of an uploaded image with imageId {targetImageId} (if the requesting user has permission)
    • Request requirements:
      • Header: authorization: Basic <credentials> (requester's credentials, formatted userId:password encoded in Base64)
  • GET http://localhost:8080/image/info
    • Gets the metadata information of all uploaded image for the requesting user
    • Request requirements:
      • Header: authorization: Basic <credentials> (requester's credentials, formatted userId:password encoded in Base64)
  • GET http://localhost:8080/image/info/public
    • Gets the metadata information of all publically uploaded images in the database
    • Request requirements: no additional fields
  • DELETE http://localhost:8080/image/{target-image-id}
    • Deletes an image with imageId of target-image-id from the database (if the requesting user has permission)
    • Request requirements:
      • Header: authorization: Basic <credentials> (requester's credentials, formatted userId:password encoded in Base64)