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File metadata and controls

92 lines (67 loc) · 2.98 KB


A sys-admin project for setting up some containerized web services/hosting.

The LAMP stack is what we are asked to do:

  • Linux for the os
  • Enginx for the webserver
  • Mariadb for the database
  • PHP for dynamic processing

This readme is, a dump of some personal notes and links.



  • launch the vm
  • connect with ssh: ssh znichola@localhost -p2222
  • pull the prject and cd into it
  • run: make
  • after install open browser to [email protected] to see wp site
  • make <containter name> to docker exec into the container to poke around
  • make data-clean to compeltly while all files on disk
  • make fclean to remove all containers and docker bits
  • sudo make data-clean && make re to wipe everything and start again from scratch


Add port forwarding to the vmbox

admir         8080 8080
ssh           2222 22
svelte-deploy 4200 4200
svelte-dev    5173 5173
wordpress     442  443 - this won't work when browsing becuase on mac we don't have access to hosts

To show the mariadb database is setup correctly

-- to see the different database there are

-- select a db to use
USE wordpress;

-- to show the varous tables there are in the db

-- to see the various colum names in the table
DESCRIBE wp_comments;

-- to select data to be displayed
SELECT comment_author, comment_content FROM wp_comments;

-- or to see everything in a table;
SELECT * FROM wp_users;

ftp commands

make info
# ip adresses for the containers and env passwords
ftp -p <wordpress ip>
ftp> ls

# uploads the makefile from the local files
ftp> put Makefile

# the ! tells ftp to run a local command, in this case ls
ftp> !ls