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A collection of Python scripts solving some of the math-info problems available online at

I used Python3 along with its native libraries, plus tqdm for the progress bars.

Problem ID Name Difficulty
1 Multiples of 3 and 5 5%
2 Even Fibonacci numbers 5%
3 Largest prime factor 5%
4 Largest palindrome product 5%
5 Smallest multiple 5%
6 Sum square difference 5%
7 10001st prime 5%
8 Largest product in a series 5%
9 Special Pythagorean triplet 5%
10 Summation of primes 5%
11 Largest product in a grid 5%
12 Highly divisible triangular number 5%
13 Large sum 5%
14 Longest Collatz sequence 5%
15 Lattice paths 5%
16 Power digit sum 5%
17 Number letter counts 5%
18 Maximum path sum I 5%
19 Counting Sundays 5%
20 Factorial digit sum 5%
21 Amicable numbers 5%
22 Names scores 5%
23 Non-abundant sums 5%
24 Lexicographic permutations 5%
25 1000-digit Fibonacci number 5%
26 Reciprocal cycles 5%
27 Quadratic primes 5%
28 Number spiral diagonals 5%
29 Distinct powers 5%
30 Digit fifth powers 5%
31 Coin sums 5%
32 Pandigital products 5%
33 Digit cancelling fractions 5%
34 Digit factorials 5%
35 Circular primes 5%
36 Double-base palindromes 5%
37 Truncatable primes 5%
38 Pandigital multiples 5%
39 Integer right triangles 5%
40 Champernowne's constant 5%
41 Pandigital prime 5%
42 Coded triangle numbers 5%
43 Sub-string divisibility 5%
44 Pentagon numbers 5%
45 Triangular, pentagonal and hexagonal 5%
46 Goldobach's other conjecture 5%
54 Poker hands 10%
65 Convergents of e 15%
67 Maximum path sum II 5%
79 Passcode derivation 5%
89 Roman numerals 20%
92 Square digit chains 5%
107 Minimal network 35%
202 Laserbeam 60%
205 Dice game 15%
209 Circular logic 60%


A collection of algorithms solving problems from







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