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What is a Shebang

What is the Shell

What is the shell

What is the difference between a terminal and a shell

What is the shell prompt

How to use the history (the basics)

How to navigate in an Unix system

How to list files and directories

How to display the content of a file

How to create a file or directory

How to remove a file or directory

How to move or copy a file or directory

What happens when you type $ ls -l *.txt


What do the commands or built-ins cd, pwd, ls do

How to navigate the filesystem

What are the . and .. directories

What is the working directory, how to print it and how to change it

What is the root directory

What is the home directory, and how to go there

What is the difference between the root directory and the home directory of the user root

What are the characteristics of hidden files and how to list them

What does the command cd - do

Looking Around

What do the commands ls, less, file do

How do you use options and arguments with commands

Understand the ls long format and how to display it


What is Emacs

Who is Richard Stallman

How to open and save files

What is a buffer and how to switch from one to the other

How to use the mark and the point to set the region

How to cut and paste lines and regions

How to search forward and backward

How to invoke commands by name

How to undo

How to cancel half-entered commands

How to quit Emacs


What is vi

Who is Bill Joy

How to start and exit vi

What are the command and insert modes, and how to switch from one to the other

How to edit text

How to cut and paste lines

How to search forward and backward

How to undo

How to quit vi

A Guided Tour

What does the ln command do

What do you find in the most common/important directories

What is a symbolic link

What is a hard link

What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link

Manipulating Files

What do the commands cp, mv, rm, mkdir do

What are wildcards and how do they work

How to use wildcards

Working with Commands

What do type, which, help, man commands do

What are the different kinds of commands

What is an alias

When do you use the command help instead of man

Reading Man Pages

How to read a man page

What are man page sections

What are the section numbers for User commands, System calls and Library functions

Keyboard Shortcuts for Bash

Common shortcuts for Bash


What does LTS mean


What do the commands chmod, sudo, su, chown, chgrp do

Linux file permissions

How to represent each of the three sets of permissions (owner, group, and other) as a single digit

How to change permissions, owner and group of a file

Why can’t a normal user chown a file

How to run a command with root privileges

How to change user ID or become superuser

Other Man Pages

How to create a user

How to create a group

How to print real and effective user and group IDs

How to print the groups a user is in

How to print the effective userid

How to display a line of text

How to concatenate files and print on the standard output

How to reverse a string

How to remove sections from each line of files

What is the /etc/passwd file and what is its format

What is the /etc/shadow file and what is its format

Shell, I/O Redirection

What do the commands head, tail, find, wc, sort, uniq, grep, tr do

How to redirect standard output to a file

How to get standard input from a file instead of the keyboard

How to send the output from one program to the input of another program

How to combine commands and filters with redirections

Special Characters

What are special characters

Understand what do the white spaces, single quotes, double quotes, backslash, comment, pipe, command separator, tilde and how and when to use them

Shell Initialization Files

What are the /etc/profile file and the /etc/profile.d directory

What is the ~/.bashrc file


What is the difference between a local and a global variable

What is a reserved variable

How to create, update and delete shell variables

What are the roles of the following reserved variables: HOME, PATH, PS1

What are special parameters

What is the special parameter $??


What is expansion and how to use them

What is the difference between single and double quotes and how to use them properly

How to do command substitution with $() and backticks

Shell Arithmetic

How to perform arithmetic operations with the shell

The alias Command

How to create an alias

How to list aliases

How to temporarily disable an alias

Other help pages

How to execute commands from a file in the current shell

Command line for the win

CMD CHALLENGE is a pretty cool game challenging you on Bash skills. Everything is done via the command line and the questions are becoming increasingly complicated. It’s a good training to improve your command line skills!


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