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A dynamically-typed, RPN-based, and stack-based esoteric language.

> 'Hello World!'; // Hello World!
> 1 1 + 2 2 + -; // -2

x = 5;
< 1 2 3 $x [>]; // [5, 3, 2, 1]

adder = (a) => (
    (b) => $a $b +

> 3 5 $adder@@; // 8

is_prime = (num) => (
    $num $sqrt@ $floor@ 2 (sqnum, i) => ({
        $num $i % 0 == : !?,
        $i $sqnum >= : $num 1 !=,
        !! : $sqnum $i 1 + $@

> 1231 $is_prime@; // true


See the explanation for the language at the documentations.
Note that it is not a guide but rather just the syntax and operators.


RPNLang is interpreted with JavaScript.
You can require the module and run code:

const RPNProgram = require('rpnlang');

const program = new RPNProgram('> 1 1 +;');
program.execute(); // 2

You can also use RPNProgram.makeModule in order to make a module compatible with RPNLang.
To call a lambda from RPNLang, use RPNProgram.callLambda.

const RPNProgram = require('rpnlang');
module.exports = RPNProgram.makeModule({
    num: 5,
    add: (a, b) => a + b,
    map: (...args) => {
        const mapper = args[0];
        return args.slice(1).map(e => RPNProgram.callLambda(mapper, [e])[0]);
math << 'math.js';
> math::num 10 math::add@; // 15

RPNProgram(source[, options])

  • source - The source code.
  • options.log - Function for standard output.
  • options.debug - Debug mode, prints more errors.
  • - Disables file I/O and stdin.


You can also run a file via the CLI:

$ rpn input_file.rpn


  • -c [code] - Runs code.
  • -d - Enables debug mode.
  • -s - Enables safe mode.


RPNLang is made purely for fun, don't take it too seriously!
Created with jison.