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3DPRC‐2 PoScan API

Paul edited this page Nov 29, 2023 · 30 revisions

What is 3DPRC-2 API?

3DPRC-2 (3Dpass Request for Comments), proposed by PaulS in September 2023, is a standard p2p protocol for the tokenization of objects operating within “The Ledger of Things” decentralized blockchain platform.

Every tokenized object acquires its unique on-chain identity HASH ID. By means of utilization of recognition algorithms implemented, all the assets approved by the network, will be protected from being copied to the extent of the error of the algorithm precision.

There are PoScan pallet and poscanAssets pallet integrated into 3Dpass Node runtime providing the access to the network decentralized storage by means of the object tokenization API, which allows for:

  • the user object authentication and its protection from being copied to the extent for the recognition algorithm precision;
  • non-fungible digital asset creation;
  • property rights definition and its transfers;
  • backed cryptocurrency issuance (the tokenization of the object share);
  • the asset management


1. Extrinsic 'poscan.putObject'

This method, provided by poScan module, allows for users to put an object into the poScan storage. The object authentication procedure will be triggered, as well. Either, the object will be Approved or NotApproved as a result (see more THE OBJECT AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL).

  • If Approved, the object will be allowed for any further operation with the asset (property rights transfers, backed currency issuance, etc), and the copy protection will be applied. The object will be available on the network storage with all the authentication history data attached.

  • NotApproved keeps the object and all the authentication history data available on the network storage, however, all further operations will be prohibited, and the copy protection will not be applied.


category - the object category:

  • Objects3D:
    • Grid2dLow - Grid2d algorithm (low precision), preset: -s 12 -g 8 -a grid2d_v3a (see more pass3d recognition toolkit to learn about Grid2D algo parameters)
    • Grid2dHigh - Grid2d algorithm (high precision),
  • Drawings2D,
  • Music,
  • Biometrics,
  • Movements,
  • Texts

obj - the object to tokenize (ex. 3D model in .obj format)

numApprovals: u8 - the number of confirmations in blocks to order (1-255). The object authentication loop will repeat itself as much times as it is requested

hashes: Option<Vec<H256>> - the hashes (10 at max) of the object HASH ID (ex. the top10 hashes Grid2D output)

properties: Vec<SpConsensusPoscanPropValue> (Vec<PropValue>) - the list of the object properties, which might be used for its tokenization (Non-fungible, Share, Weight, Density, etc). Each property is defined by two parameters:

  • propIdx: u32 - the property index on the poScan module storage (ex, 0 - Non-fungible; 1 - Share)
  • maxValue: u128 - Max Supply limit of tokens, backed by this property (might be issued afterwards, if having the object Approved). maxValue: 1 is a must for the propIdx: 0 (Non-fungible). A value in the format of 10^x is a must for the propIdx: 1(Share). For example, maxValue: 1000000 and maxValue: 1000 are both correct, and the maxValue: 2000000 and maxValue: 1234567 are both incorrect.

2. poscan_getPoscanObject

The objects are getting compressed with zip, before they are put on the storage. This method allows to get the object and its history unzipped.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 
"method": "poscan_getPoscanObject",
"params": [0]
}' http://localhost:9933/
  • Where the "params": [0] is the object index value

The output provides “result” parameter containing the object itself and all the history related to:

"prop": [
          "propIdx": 0,
          "maxValue": 1

Whereas the following parameters supplied:

  • state: {Status: blockN} - current status of the authentication process (ex. Estimated: 2,693 - the block at which the estimation finished)
  • obj: - the object submitted by user (ex. 3D model in .obj format)
  • category: {Objects3D: Grid2dLow} - the object category and the algorithm preset used for its authentication
  • hashes:[] - the HASH ID submitted by user (ex. the top 10 hashes from Grid2d output)
  • whenCreated: blockN - the block number the object was created at
  • whenApproved: blockN - the block number the object was approved at
  • owner: P3D address - the object owner (initially, this is a P3D account the object was submitted with)
  • estimators: [P3D address, time in mSec] - the list of Validators (P3D addresses), who voted for the object to pass the estimation threshold (2/3 validators out of the number of validators in the set), the object processing time provided
  • estOutliers:[P3D address, time in mSec] - the validators ruled out of vote, due to the weird processing time
  • approvers:[{"account_id":P3D address,"when":blockN, "proof":hash}] - the list of block authors (miners) provided their judgement on the object authenticity. "proof":hash - is a "zero knowledge proof" hash (ex. the 11th hash of Grid2D output in sha256)
  • numApprovals: N - the number of confirmations ordered by user
  • estRewards: 70,000,000,000,000,000 - the validator share of rewards in minimum indivisible units “Crumbs”, 1 Crumb = 0.0000000000001 P3D), which is to be distributed among the validators(estimators)
  • authorRewards: 30,000,000,000,000,000 - the block author share of rewards in minimun indivisible units “Crumbs”, which is to be distributed among the the miners (approvers)
  • prop: [{"propIdx": u32, "maxValue": u128}] - the list of the object properties (inherent to the object). propIdx: u32 - the property index on the poScan module storage (ex, 0 - Non-fungible; 1 - Share) maxValue: u128 - Max Supply limit for tokens, backed by this property (might be issued, if having the object at Approved).

3. Extrinsic 'poscan.setAlgoTime'

This method allows to set up the time frame limit in seconds for the objets to get processed. This value can be set up by the Council vote only.

           algoTime: u32

  • algoTime: u32 - the timeframe limit in seconds (10 seconds is set up by default)

4. Extrinsic 'poscan.setFeePerByte'

This method allows to set up the object authentication fee. This value can be set up by the Council vote only.

            fee: u64

  • fee: u64 - P3D/Byte for user to pay

5. poscan.approve

This method is utilized by new block authors (miners) to provide their judgement on objects “Estimated” (after the estimation procedure, performed by Validators, is completed successfully). If the estimation procedure was not successful or fully complete (ex, the object is still at “Estimating” or “Created”), the judgement and the block will be rejected by the majority of the network.

  • author: P3D address - block author
  • objIdx: u32 - the object index on the poScan storage
  • proof: Option<H256> - zero-knowledge proof of work hash (see more THE OBJECT AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL)

6. Extrinsic 'poscanAssets.Create'

This method, provided by the poscanAssets module, allows for the object owner to create a backed currency (a token backed by the object). Only one of the object properties is allowed to be tokenized, as long as the object has been Approved at the authentication stage (see more poscan.putObject).

By means of dealing with the object properties, it is possible to turn the object into either Fungible or Non-fungible asset, depending on the purpose of its tokenization. For example, the tokenization of the object Share (as well as such properties as Weight, Square, Volume, Length, etc) will always stand for its collective ownership or ICO (Initial Coin Offering). These properties will always be tokenized as Fungible assets, the MaxSupply of which is limited to the property value attached to the object. For example, if the object weight is 1000 gram, then the token MaxSupply=1000 limit will be set up for the token created (you won't be able to issue more than 1000 minimum indivisible units). While transferring tokens, the object share is being transferred.

There is a specific property named Non-Fungible, which is leveraged to get the object tokenized as a Non-fungible asset. If chosen, the MaxSupply = 1 limit will be applied to the token created. Whereas 1 is the minimum indivisible unit of The Ledger of Things. By means of transferring this unit, the ownership of the entire object is being transferred.

  • id: Compact<u32> - the index id for the asset
  • admin: AccountId - the admin P3D account
  • minBalance: u128 - min balance in tokens to keep any account alive (accounts going below min balance are going to be removed)
  • objDetails:
    • objIdx: u32 - the object index id on the poScan module storage
    • propIdx: u32 - the property index id on the poScan module storage
    • maxSupply: u128 - MaxSupply limit in tokens, which is going to be apply to the asset. Must not exceed the object property MaxValue (see more poscan.putObject).

7. Extrinsic 'poscanAssets.setMetadata'

This method allows to set up metadata for the asset actually created.

  • id: Compact<u32> - the index id of the asset, actually existing on the poscanAssets module storage, you are about to set up metadata for
  • name: Bytes - the asset name (ex. "My very expensive diamond shares")
  • symbol: Bytes - the asset symbol (ex. XYZ - 1000 XYZ)
  • decimals: u8 - the number of decimals applied to the asset (ex. decimals: 4 will set up min indivisible unit at 0.0001 XYZ)

8. Extrinsic 'poscanAssts.Mint'

Once having the asset created and set up its metadata, it is possible to use this method to mint some tokens. MaxSupply limit the asset has been created with cannot be exceeded.

  • id: Compact<u32> - the index id of the asset, actually existing on the poscanAssets module storage, you are about to mint tokens for
  • amount: Compact<u128> - amount to mint

9. Extrinsic 'poscanAssets.Transfer'

This method allows to transfer minted tokens from one account to another. Some P3D is required to cover the Ledger of Things transaction fee.

  • id: Compact<u32> - the index id of the asset, actually created on the poscanAssets module storage
  • target: AccountId - P3D account to receive the transfer
  • amount: Compact<u128> - amount to transfer