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anthoak13 edited this page May 2, 2023 · 3 revisions

There are a number of experiment/detector specific parameters that need to be specified for the code to properly function. There are all set in a parameter file and managed by the class AtDigiPar.

Setting the parameter file

FairRuntimeDb *rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb(); // run is type FairRun*
FairParAsciiFileIo *parIo1 = new FairParAsciiFileIo();
parIo1->open("path to parameter file", "in");

Example Parameter File

# Parameters used throughout ATTPCROOT software
# Format:
# parameter_name:parameter_type(Int_t-integer, Double_t-double) parameter_value
# AtDigiPar
# Description of parameters
EField:Double_t               70000   # Longitudinal E-Field [V/m]
BField:Double_t                0.0   # Longitudinal B-Field [T]
TBEntrance:Int_t               455   # Beam position at detector entrance in TB
ZPadPlane:Double_t          1000.0   # Position of the micromegas pad plane w.r.t the entrance [mm]
EIonize:Double_t             42.70   # Ionization energy of gas (w-value) [eV]
Fano:Double_t                 0.24   # Fano factor of the gas
CoefL:Double_t              0.0055   # Longitudinal coefficient of diffusion [cm^2/us]
CoefT:Double_t              0.0038   # Transverse coefficient of diffusion [cm^2/us]
DriftVelocity:Double_t        0.82   # [cm/us]
Gain:Double_t                 1000   # Average gain of micromegas
SamplingRate:Int_t             3.125 # [MHz]
GETGain:Double_t              1000   # Gain of the GET electronics [fC]
PeakingTime:Int_t              720   # Electronic peaking time [ns]