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Code Link Booster

This package will help you to develop your projects 10x faster than the normal way. you can achieve many of the repeated features by less coding with high performance and this will make your project clean, faster, secure and organized.


Firstly, you must add the package as a submodule in your project. Kinldy run these commands in your root project directory.

git submodule add
git submodule update --init

Then go to composer.json and add to autoload.psr-4

"CodeLink\\Booster\\": "code-link-booster/src/"

Then autoload the files by

composer dump-autoload

Note: when you deploy your project you must run this command or add them to your deployment script to install/update the submodule.

git submodule update --init


Go to config/app.php and then add booster service provider to providers


Then add Booster facade as alias

'Booster' => CodeLink\Booster\Facades\Booster::class,

You can run this command in your console to ensure that the package is installed successfully

php artisan tinker



And you will see the dump message Welcome in code link booster.


The booster has many publish files that you can overwrite them.

Config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=booster-config

View files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=booster-views

Translation files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=booster-lang

Stub files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=booster-stubs


You can create files by an artisan command.


Create a report class with a static generate method for chart report use.

php artisan make:report FILE_NAME


Create an enum class with CodeLink\Booster\Traits\EnumHandler trait that have these methods (names - values - options). names() return a collection of enum's names values() return a collection of enum's values options() return an array of options for select box.

php artisan make:enum FILE_NAME

Array Exports

Create an array export class that have a static toArray method for excel export handler (fields & values).

php artisan make:array-export FILE_NAME


Create an arrayable class that have a toArray method to prepare data for [Edit - Create] pages.

php artisan make:arrayable FILE_NAME


Create a transformer class that have a transform method to prepare data for database or similar things.

php artisan make:transformer FILE_NAME


Create a builder class that have methods for filterable queries.

php artisan make:builder FILE_NAME


Otp Verification

You must allow otp from config (set to true). Then kindly run

php artisan migrate

You can set the timeout of the otp from config (in minutes).

Otp Generator

Otp configured to be static zeros with the default length 0000 length in the develope server and randomly in the live server. To setup a develope server you can set the APP_ENV to local or modify the develop server url from config booster.develop_server_url when your APP_ENV is production. To setup live server you can set the APP_ENV to production.

Email Otp

You can send otp by email with default otp length from config You can customize email class You can customize email title You can publish the markdown from booster-views tag.

Booster::sendOtpByEmail('[email protected]');

You can send otp by email with custom otp length = 4

Booster::sendOtpByEmail('[email protected]', 4);

Sms Otp

You can send otp by sms with default otp length from config You can customize the sms service from config (must be instance of CodeLink\Booster\Contracts\SmsContract).


You can send otp by sms with custom otp length = 4

Booster::sendOtpBySms('+966501234567', 4);

Verify Otp

You can verify otp for [Sms - Email] by

Booster::verifyOtp('[email protected]', '0000');

Select Box Options

You can get options for select box from 3 different types.

1- Table Options

You can select the data from a table by entering these parameters:

  • 1st the select query builder.
  • 2nd the column name for option's label.
  • 3rd the column name for option's value.

Note: You can customize the label/value key or define them from the booster config in booster.transformers.select_box_table.label_key/value_key.

You can get the options by default label/value key name from the booster config by that way:


Or customize the label/value columns by:

Booster::getSelectBoxTableOptions(User::query(), 'id', 'name');

2- Table Cast Options

You can select the data from a table for a casting fields by entering these parameters:

  • 1st the select query builder.
  • 2nd the extra select (you must enter all the fields that you need to perform your select query).
  • 3rd the casting attribute/column name for option's label.
  • 4th the casting attribute/column for option's value.

Note: You can customize the label/value key or define them from the booster config in booster.transformers.select_box_table.label_key/value_key.

You can get label/value when they represented as a casting attributes by:

Booster::getSelectBoxTableCastOptions(User::query(), ['firstname', 'lastname', 'birthdate'], 'fullname', 'age');

Note: In the previous example we need to get all the users and display thier fullname for the label key (that is a casting attribute = firstname . ' ' . lastname) and for the id key we have pass the casting attribute age which depends on the birthdate.

3- Enum Options

You can select the data from an enum class by entering these parameters:

  • 1st the cases that you want to get options for.
  • 2nd the locale path to translate the data for.

Note: You can customize the default locale path or define it from the booster config in booster.transformers.enum_translation_path.

You can get the options by the default locale path from the booster config by that way:


Or customize the locale translation path by:

Booster::getSelectBoxEnumOptions(Sort::cases(), 'enums.options.Sort'); 

Addition to you can get an enum cases as options directly from the enum class if using the CodeLink\Booster\Traits\EnumHandler trait inside your enum class


or customize the locale translation path by:


Note: You can create the enum class by running this command and it will add the EnumHandler automatically to your class.

php artisan make:enum Sort


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