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Monitor Kubernetes and send alert notifications to Email, Slack etc.

This follows a similar approach to consul-alerts.


  1. Kubernetes
  2. Heapster
  3. Etcd


Binaries are here and docker images here.


To build from source, clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ cd kubernetes-alerts

Get gb (package manager):

$ go get

Get dependencies:

$ make deps

and lastly, build:

$ make build

The binary will be in bin/$GOOS/$GOARCH directory.


The docker image can be pulled from

$ docker pull$tag


$ kube-alerts [options]

or using docker:

$ docker run$tag [options]



kube-alerts requires to connect to Kubernetes, Heapster, and ETCD. Here are the flags to configure the connections:

Kubernetes flags

flag description example
-k8s-api the base url for the Kubernetes API https://localhost/api/v1
-k8s-certificate-authority the certificate authority of the Kubernetes API /etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.pem
-k8s-client-certificate the client certificate for authentication /etc/kubernetes/ssl/admin.pem
-k8s-client-key the client key for authentication /etc/kubernetes/ssl/admin-key.pem
-k8s-token the token for authentication F0XBLTDaL3xDlBsq5YKAFIH7yzZNBhs6

Heapster flags

flag description example
-heapster-api the base url for the Heapster API https://localhost/api/v1
-heapster-certificate-authority the certificate authority of the Heapster API /etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.pem
-heapster-client-certificate the client certificate for authentication /etc/kubernetes/ssl/admin.pem
-heapster-client-key the client key for authentication /etc/kubernetes/ssl/admin-key.pem
-heapster-token the token for authentication F0XBLTDaL3xDlBsq5YKAFIH7yzZNBhs6

Note: Heapster can be accessed via Kubernetes. The heapster flag may change (not yet used).

KV store flags

flag description example
-kv-addresses comma separated addresses for the KV store https://localhost:2379
-kv-backend the KV store backend (only etcd supported for now) etcd
-kv-certificate-authority the certificate authority of the KV store /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.pem
-kv-client-certificate the client certificate for authentication /etc/etcd/ssl/client.pem
-kv-client-key the client key for authentication /etc/etcd/ssl/client-key.pem


There are three major kinds of checks that are monitored by kube-alerts. Node checks, cluster checks, and resource checks (pods). At the moment, only node checks are available. Here the options:

Node check flags

flag description example
-node-check-interval interval when running the node checks (seconds) 10
-node-check-threshold amount of time (seconds) a change of state needed to qualify as state change 60


Different notifiers can be configured. At the moment, only Slack and Email are supported.

General notification flags

flag description example
-notification-interval amount of time (seconds) to wait before sending pending notifications 60
-enable-email enable email notifier true
-enable-slack enable slack notifier true

Email notifier flags

flag description example
-email-cluster-name the cluster name to appear on the default email message acaleph
-email-url the SMTP server URL localhost
-email-port the SMTP server port 25
-email-username the SMTP username user
-email-password the SMTP password password
-email-receivers comma-separated list of email to receive notifications [email protected]
-email-sender-email the email of the sender [email protected]
-email-sender-alias alias of the sender kube-alerts
-email-template custom email template

Note: The custom email template is optional, a default template will be used if this is not provided. (TODO: document custom template)

Slack notifier flags

flag description example
-slack-cluster-name the cluster name to appear on the default slack message acaleph
-slack-url the slack webhook URL
-slack-username the username to appear on the slack message 25


Log level can be set to limit the verbosity of the log.

flag description example
-log-level log level, valid values are [debug, info, warn, error, panic] debug


This is an initial release, a few more things needs to be done:

  • implement cluster level checks
  • implement pod/resource level checks
  • document email template
  • add more notifiers
  • simpler configuration (via YAML?)
  • Real tests


PRs are more than welcome. Just fork, create a feature branch, and open a PR. :)