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Natours is a Backend web app to booking tours

Technologies Used

build with Nodejs , express , mongodb ,mongoose as odm ,javaScript And Postman to test APIs

Features and Functionality


-Update username, photo, email, password, and other information
-User Can be one of [Admin , user , guide , lead-guide] , by default User
-each User can Create one Review on each Tour


-can be created by an admin user or a lead-guide only
-can be seen by every user.
-can be updated by an admin user or a lead guide only
-Tours can be deleted by an admin user or a lead-guide only
- each Tour have Reviews


-Only regular users can write reviews for tours that they have booked
-All users can see the reviews of each tour.
-Regular users and admin can edit and delete their own reviews.
-Regular users can Review Only Once on each Tour


-Only regular users can book tours by payment Only Once
-Regular users can see all the tours they have booked.
-admin user or a lead guide can see every booking on the app.
-admin user or a lead guide can delete any booking.
-admin user or a lead guide can create a booking manually,without payment
-admin user or a lead guide can not create a booking for the same user twice.
-admin user or a lead guide can edit any booking.

Authentication and Authorization

- User Can Sign up, Log in, Logout, Update and reset password 
- all passwords hashed on DB 
- User Types is User , Admin , guide , admin guide Only