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Fil de fer (FdF)

The graphical project to represent a landscape as a 3D object Subject
Status: Finished

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End product:

  • Create controllable 2-d representation of 3-d object


  • Show the 3d object
  • Zoom in and out
  • Translate the model
  • Rotate the model
  • Add one more bonus (color change)


  • We have to use the MiniLibx and math library
  • Take a map as an input
  • Use isometric projection for transforming 2d → 3d
  • The management of the window must remain smooth
  • ESC and cross button

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Clone repository, then

$ make
$ ./fdf maps/42.fdf

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Structure of the project

├── mlx_linux				    # Graphic library
|── libft					    # Previously saved function
|── headers
|── srcs
|    ├── main.c				    # All big stages of the code  
|    ├── ft_parsing.c			# Parsing and preprocessing
|    |	└── parsing
|    |		├── includes
|    |		├── utils
|    |		└── *.c
|    ├── ft_rendering.c			# functions to run the render
|    |	└── rendering
|    |		├── includes
|    |		├── utils
|    |		└── *.c
|    ├── ft_handling.c			# Control the map
|    |	└── handling
|    |		├── includes
|    |		├── utils
|    |		└── *.c
|    └── utils
|	    ├── ft_clean.c			
|	    └── ft_error.c
└── test                        # Test mlx and ideas

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Code Overview

General structure


typedef struct s_node
	float		x;
	float		y;
	int			z;
	int			color;
	int			x_p;
	int			y_p;
}				t_node;     # Info about one point in the map

typedef struct s_matrix
	t_node		**node;
	int			height;
	int			width;
	int			z_max;
	int			z_min;
}				t_matrix;   # Info about the map

typedef struct s_data
	void		*mlx_ptr;
	void		*win_ptr;
	t_img		img;
	t_matrix	mtrx;
	t_param		param;
}				t_data;     # General storage

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MLX management


int	main(int argc, char **argv)
	t_data	*my_data;

	my_data = NULL;
	ft_parsing(argc, argv, my_data);

	mlx_loop_hook(my_data->mlx_ptr, &ft_rendering, my_data);
	mlx_hook(my_data->win_ptr, KeyPress, KeyPressMask, &ft_handle_keypress, my_data);
	mlx_hook(my_data->win_ptr, DestroyNotify, NoEventMask, &ft_handle_exit, my_data);

	return (0);

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3D to 2D transformation

This code is the final representation of the multiplication of the 3 matrices
(x, y, z) -> data->mtrx.node[i][j].x data->mtrx.node[i][j].y data->mtrx.node[i][j].z
(x', y') -> data->mtrx.node[i][j].x_p data->mtrx.node[i][j].y_p


void	ft_transform(t_data *data, int i, int j)
	float	x_p;
	float	y_p;
	int		x;
	int		y;
	int		z;

	x = data->mtrx.node[i][j].x * data->param.grid;
	y = data->mtrx.node[i][j].y * data->param.grid;
	z = data->mtrx.node[i][j].z * data->param.attitude;

	x_p = 0.0;
	x_p += x * cos(ft_rad(data->param.theta)) * cos(ft_rad(data->param.beta));
	x_p -= z * sin(ft_rad(data->param.beta));
	x_p -= y * sin(ft_rad(data->param.theta)) * cos(ft_rad(data->param.beta));
	x_p += data->param.x_offset;

	y_p = 0.0;
	y_p += x * sin(ft_rad(data->param.theta)) * cos(ft_rad(data->param.alpha));
	y_p += y * cos(ft_rad(data->param.theta)) * cos(ft_rad(data->param.alpha));
	y_p += x * cos(ft_rad(data->param.theta)) * sin(ft_rad(data->param.beta)) * sin(ft_rad(data->param.alpha));
	y_p -= y * sin(ft_rad(data->param.theta)) * sin(ft_rad(data->param.beta)) * sin(ft_rad(data->param.alpha));
	y_p += z * cos(ft_rad(data->param.beta)) * sin(ft_rad(data->param.alpha));
	y_p += data->param.y_offset;

	data->mtrx.node[i][j].x_p = (int)x_p;
	data->mtrx.node[i][j].y_p = (int)y_p;

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Drawing a line


void	bresenhams(t_data *data, t_point p1, t_point p2)
	t_point	p;
	int		err;
	int		e;

	p.x_p = p1.x_p;
	p.y_p = p1.y_p;
	err = ft_abs(p2.x_p, p1.x_p) - ft_abs(p2.y_p, p1.y_p);
	ft_set_colors(data, &p1, &p2);
	while (p.x_p != p2.x_p || p.y_p != p2.y_p)
		ft_pixel(data, p.x_p, p.y_p, ft_color(p1, p2, p));
		e = 2 * err;
		if (e > -1 * ft_abs(p2.y_p, p1.y_p))
			err -= ft_abs(p2.y_p, p1.y_p);
			p.x_p += ft_slope(p1.x_p, p2.x_p);
		if (e < ft_abs(p2.x_p, p1.x_p))
			err += ft_abs(p2.x_p, p1.x_p);
			p.y_p += ft_slope(p1.y_p, p2.y_p);
	ft_pixel(data, p.x_p, p.y_p, ft_color(p1, p2, p));

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Double level gradient color

t_point - the structure with info about the given point
num - num (0, 255) to calculate the gradient


void	ft_set_colors_sep(t_data *data, t_point *p1)
	int	num;

	if (data->mtrx.node[p1->i][p1->j].color != -1)
		p1->color = data->mtrx.node[p1->i][p1->j].color;
		if (data->mtrx.z_max - data->mtrx.z_min == 0)
			num = 255;
			num = (float)(data->mtrx.node[p1->i][p1->j].z - data->mtrx.z_min)
				/ (float)(data->mtrx.z_max - data->mtrx.z_min) * 255;

		if (data->param.color % 3 == 1 && num < 0.5 * 255)
			p1->color = create_rgb(255, num * 2, 0);
		else if (data->param.color % 3 == 1 && num >= 0.5 * 255)
			p1->color = create_rgb(255, 255, num);

		else if (data->param.color % 3 == 2 && num < 0.5 * 255)
			p1->color = create_rgb(num * 2, 0, 255);
		else if (data->param.color % 3 == 2 && num >= 0.5 * 255)
			p1->color = create_rgb(255, num, 255);

		else if (data->param.color % 3 == 0 && num < 0.5 * 255)
			p1->color = create_rgb(0, 255, num * 2);
			p1->color = create_rgb(num, 255, 255);

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Rotation management

In the hook, I change the parameter of the projection. Then in the
loop_hook I draw the projection with given parameters


void	ft_handle_rotation(int keysym, t_data *data)
	if (keysym == 'a')
		data->param.beta -= 5;
	if (keysym == 'd')
		data->param.beta += 5;
	if (keysym == 'w')
		data->param.alpha += 5;
	if (keysym == 's')
		data->param.alpha -= 5;
	if (keysym == 'q')
		data->param.theta += 5;
	if (keysym == 'e')
		data->param.theta -= 5;

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  • a and d rotate through y axes
  • w and s rotate through x axes
  • q and e rotate through z axes
  • u, h, j and k move the map
  • + and - zoom in and out
  • z and x change the height of the map
  • space change the color

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42 logo Alt text

Mountain Alt text

Pylone Alt text

France map Alt text

Fractal design Alt text

Julia design Alt text

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Represent a landscape in 2d. Ecole 42 project







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