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Sweater Weather

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Sweater Weather is back-end Rails API designed to serve weather and trip information to a front-end app based off of frontend requirements and wireframes. In this project, 4 different APIs were consumed and exposes an API to aggregate data help road-trippers plan for weather given a destination and estimated arrival time.

APIS Consumed:


  1. Fork & clone the repo
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run rails db:{create,migrate}
  4. Run bundle exec figaro install
  5. Add your API keys to the newly created config/application.yml file.
  • WEATHER_API_KEY: <your_key> get your api key here
  • MAPPING_API_KEY: <your_key> get your api key here
  • IMAGE_API_KEY: <your_key> get your api key here
  1. To run local test suite: bundle exec rspec
  2. Run local server rails s


All endpoints are built on this URL:

Forecast -- GET /forecast Try it out

Retrieve detailed weather information for a given city, including:

  • Current weather conditions
  • Hourly forecasts for next 8 hours
  • Daily forecasts for next 5 days


Name Requirement Type
location required String
units optional String

Units default to imperial but can be changed to metric; resulting in Celcius and meters/second measurement changes.

Sample Request:

Sample Response
    "data": {
        "id": null,
        "type": "forecast",
        "attributes": {
            "location": {
                "coordinates": {
                    "lat": 39.738453,
                    "lng": -104.984853
                "city": "Denver",
                "state": "CO",
                "country": "US"
            "current": {
                "time": "2021-02-12T17:47:44.000+00:00",
                "sunrise": "2021-02-12T13:55:53.000+00:00",
                "sunset": "2021-02-13T00:32:39.000+00:00",
                "temp": 1.38,
                "feels_like": -8.55,
                "humidity": 85,
                "uvi": 2.86,
                "visibility": 10000,
                "conditions": "light snow",
                "icon": ""
            "hourly": [
                    "time": "17:00:00",
                    "temp": 1.38,
                    "wind_speed": "6.31 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "overcast clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "18:00:00",
                    "temp": 9.32,
                    "wind_speed": "6.64 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "overcast clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "19:00:00",
                    "temp": 15.58,
                    "wind_speed": "7 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "20:00:00",
                    "temp": 20.12,
                    "wind_speed": "6.93 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "21:00:00",
                    "temp": 22.32,
                    "wind_speed": "7 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "22:00:00",
                    "temp": 22.57,
                    "wind_speed": "8.19 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "23:00:00",
                    "temp": 22.28,
                    "wind_speed": "8.14 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "time": "00:00:00",
                    "temp": 21.16,
                    "wind_speed": "8.84 mph",
                    "wind_direction": "from N",
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
            "daily": [
                    "date": "02/12/21",
                    "sunrise": "13:55:53",
                    "sunset": "00:32:39",
                    "temp_high": 22.57,
                    "temp_low": 1.38,
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "date": "02/13/21",
                    "sunrise": "13:54:40",
                    "sunset": "00:33:50",
                    "temp_high": 18.27,
                    "temp_low": 7.54,
                    "conditions": "light snow",
                    "icon": ""
                    "date": "02/14/21",
                    "sunrise": "13:53:26",
                    "sunset": "00:35:00",
                    "temp_high": 7.83,
                    "temp_low": 0.75,
                    "conditions": "light snow",
                    "icon": ""
                    "date": "02/15/21",
                    "sunrise": "13:52:11",
                    "sunset": "00:36:11",
                    "temp_high": 20.79,
                    "temp_low": -2.29,
                    "conditions": "broken clouds",
                    "icon": ""
                    "date": "02/16/21",
                    "sunrise": "13:50:55",
                    "sunset": "00:37:21",
                    "temp_high": 39.42,
                    "temp_low": 15.03,
                    "conditions": "clear sky",
                    "icon": ""

Backgrounds -- GET /backgrounds Try it out

Retrieve a background image URL from Pexel for a given city.


Name Requirement Type
location required String

Sample Request:

Sample Response
  "data": {
      "id": null,
      "type": "image",
      "attributes": {
          "image": {
              "location": "miami",
              "image_url": "",
              "credit": {
                  "source": "",
                  "photographer": "Elvis Vasquez",
                  "photographer_url": ""

Users -- POST /users Run in Postman

Submit an email, password, and password confirmation to register and create that user in the database. A unique API key will be generated for the user.

Request Body:

Keys Requirement Type
email required String
password required String
password_confirmation required String

Sample Request:

Sample Request Body
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "54321",
  "password_confirmation": "54321"
Sample Response
  "data": {
    "id": "1",
    "type": "user",
    "attributes": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "api_key": "5a341ecd-2eac-461e-924a-f9257a609345"

Sessions -- POST /sessions Run in Postman

Authenticate an existing user's email and password. Receive user unique API key generated by the previous endpoint.

Request Body:

Keys Requirement Type
email required String
password required String

Sample Request:

Sample Request Body
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "54321"
Sample Response
    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "user",
        "attributes": {
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "api_key": "5a341ecd-2eac-461e-924a-f9257a609345"

Road Trip -- POST /road_trip Run in Postman

Submit an origin and a destination along with a user's API key and receive information on travel time and the temperature / weather upon arrival.

Request Body:

Keys Requirement Type
origin required String
destination required String
api_key required String
units optional String

Sample Request:

Sample Request Body
  "origin": "Miami,FL",
  "destination": "Denver,CO",
  "api_key": "5a341ecd-2eac-461e-924a-f9257a609345"
Sample Response
    "data": {
        "id": null,
        "type": "road_trip",
        "attributes": {
            "origin": "Miami,FL",
            "destination": "Denver,CO",
            "travel_time": "30:12:30",
            "weather_at_eta": {
                "temperature": 17.02,
                "conditions": "overcast clouds"


  • Framework: Ruby on Rails
  • Testing: RSpec
  • JSON Serializer: FastJsonAPI
  • 3rd Party APIs:
    • OpenWeather API
    • MapQuest Geolocation API
    • MapQuest Direction API
    • Pexel API
  • Response Caching: VCR & Webmock
  • Test Coverage: SimpleCov


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