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38 Commits


  • This repo contains nothing.

  • This project is for nothing.

  • There is nothing to see here.

  • Absolutely nothing is accomplished.

  • Expect nothing, and you won't be disappointed.

  • Contributions of nothing are welcome.

  • Documentation is nonexistent.

  • The installation process is nothing special.

  • This README is about nothing.

  • Enjoy doing nothing with this project!

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Copyright Information

This project, "Nothing," is an open-source software project. It is licensed under The Unlicense, which means it is released into the public domain, allowing anyone to use, modify, and distribute the software freely without any restrictions. This section outlines the license details, verification process, and acknowledgements related to the project.


"Nothing" is published under The Unlicense. See UNLICENSE for details.

Verify the WAIVER using GPG

To ensure the authenticity and integrity of the WAIVER file, you can verify it using GPG. Below is a screenshot showing the verification process:

GPG Verification


This project is a revived version of Anurag Hazra's Nothing Project. We acknowledge and appreciate the original work done by Anurag Hazra and aim to build upon it while respecting the original contributions.