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An implementation of the redo build system in portable C with zero dependencies

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redo-c is an implementation of the redo build system (designed by Daniel J. Bernstein) in portable C with zero external dependencies.


Please refer to the documentation for redo in Python, or the tutorial by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard for usage instructions.


To the extent possible under law, Leah Neukirchen [email protected] has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

General description

redo is incremental build systems engine. Build system to be driven by redo is the set of the recipes. redo implements an effective interface between the recipes, allowing to design reliable, flexible and easily extendable build systems.

The targets and sources of such build tree may be interpreted as nodes of some directed acyclic graph (DAG), while recipes contain the branches descriptions.

Build process quick overview

redo [ target [ ... ] ] 

During the build process redo executes build recipes for targets with outdated dependencies. Recipes build targets and tell redo which files were used. Dependencies tracking is managed by redo and don't require any user's attention or intervention.

Program and data flow redo -> recipe.

redo executes the build recipes passing 3 positional parameters:

$1 - target's name

$2 - target's class (explained below)

$3 - temporary file name to store the recipe output

Program and data flow recipe -> redo.

Recipe stores the build result in $3 and register dependencies with

depends-on [ dep [ ... ] ]

redo captures the recipe's exit code and in case of success replaces the target $1 with the temporary file $3, otherwise $3 is discarded.

The magic of redo

In fact depends-on in the recipe envokes another instance of redo and the new instance communicate with the recipe caller redo "behind the closed doors". And if the requested dependency has its own build recipe, the process will recurse deeper independently of the current recipe execution.

So the structure of the build tree and the target build steps are described per-node and can be easily modified, extended, truncated and any part of the tree may be easily reused by another build project using any node as an entry point.

redo vs depends-on

depends-on is the link to redo. The main difference between redo and depends-on is that depends-on reports (if possible) about the targets built to the caller redo instance, while redo does not.

Passes and retries

The current version of redo is lock-free. The list of the target names is passed across trying to build each. Any target's build failure cause immediate exit returning ERROR (1). If target is busy, move to the next target. The pass is successful if at least one of the targets was built successfully. After the successful pass the next pass (if necessary) is started immediately. Otherwise (all targets are busy) the retry pass is started after some delay. This delay is doubled after retry and reset after successful pass. After the certain number of an unsuccessful passes redo exits returning BUSY (2).

More details about recipes

When redo is called to build some target, the first task to accomplish is to find the recipe able to build the requested target.

Only files having .do suffix are identified as recipes by redo.

Recipe name    Targets to build           x       a.b.c          *.b, */*.b, */*/*.b, ...        *.b.c, */*.b.c, */*/*.b.c, ...

Dot-started recipes are able to build classes of targets in their current dirs and all subdirs.

Selecting an appropriate recipe.

redo x.y.z
  1. The search for recipe will start with in the x.y.z directory.

  2. First name and all extensions (excepts trailing .do ones) of supposed recipe filename will be sequentially stripped in the order and recipes



  • .do

will be looked for in the x.y.z directory

  1. The same candidates as in step 2 will be looked for in all up-dirs.

If no recipe able to build the requested target will be found, then redo exits successfully doing nothing.

In case the appropriate recipe will be found, then it will be executed passing 3 described above positional parameters. The target class name ($2) will be derived from the recipe and target names:

Recipe        Target ($1)     Class ($2)      a.b.c           (empty)       a.b.c.d.e       a.b.c       x.d.e           x

.do           x.y.z           x.y.z

Recipe is always executed by redo in the recipe's directory. If target is located in subdir, then all 3 parameters will be relative paths.

Recipe may be executable - binary or some script starting with the proper shebang. Such recipes are simply executed. If recipe is not executable it is considered shell script and is executed with /bin/sh -e.


Standalone build

Add redo.c and files to Your project and build with

(. ./; redo <target>)


. ./

will build the redo binary, create depends-on link and adjust the PATH variable to allow single-session use.


. ./ $HOME/.local/bin

will build the redo binary, create depends-on link and copy them to the already present in the PATH preferred directory.

Build redo with redo

redo redo

Options available

  • -d Enables building of recipes. REDO_DOFILES={0,1}

  • -w Treat loop dependencies as warnings and continue partial build. Handle with care and keep away from children. REDO_WARNING={0,1}

  • -f Log find_dofile() steps to stdout. REDO_FIND={0,1}

  • -x Non-executable recipes will be executed with /bin/sh -ex. REDO_TRACE={0,1}

  • -l <log_name> Log build process as Lua table. Requires log filename. Filename "1" redirects log to stdout, "2" to stderr.

  • -m <roadmap> Build according to the roadmap. If the requested roadmap file is not found then command-line arguments are used as targets. If the roadmap was imported successfully then command-line targets are ignored. Errors during the roadmap import lead to exit(ERROR).

REDO_RETRIES environment variable defines the number of consequent unsuccessful passes allowed for redo before exiting as BUSY. For redo default REDO_RETRIES value is RETRIES_DEFAULT (defined in redo.c). For depends-on default REDO_RETRIES value is 0, meaning the single pass. REDO_RETRIES is being unset after getting its value, so it is not inherited by the child processes.

Implementation details


Prerequisites are created by redo for every successfully built target. They consist of records. Each record describes certain dependency and contains its filename, ctime and hash of the content. If x target was built by the recipe using a, b and c dependencies then prerequisites file .do..x will contain the records describing, a, b, c and x files.

If some file is referenced by depends-on but have no recipe to be built, such file is source. Sources have no prerequisites.

Prerequisites can not be targets, but can be used as sources.

More details of redo program flow

redo xxx
  1. redo tries to find the recipe able to build xxx.

  2. If no recipe is found redo exits successfully.

  3. If recipe is found then the next conditions are tested:

    3.1 Target's prerequisites found.

    3.2 The most recent build of xxx was performed by the same recipe.

    3.3 All the target's dependencies are unchanged since the most recent build.

    3.4 The target xxx was not changed.

If all the described conditions are true, then refresh '' prerquisites and exit successfully.

Worth mentioning that testing of the 3.3 condition is recursive. The steps described above - search for an appropriate recipe and testing the corresponding prerequisites - are performed for all dependencies.

  1. Execute the recipe and if it exits successfully, then write the result into xxx, else redo fails.

  2. Update prerequisites.

Hashed sources aka self-targets or semi-targets.

Targets are hashed once per build, while sources are hashed once per dependence. If Your project includes big source files required by more than one target, converting these sources into self-tagets will speed-up build and update.

Conversion can be provided with the help of the following simple recipe:

if test -f "$1"; then  mv "$1" "$3"; fi

Adding to Your project .do file consisting of above shown command will convert all sources excepts active recipes to self-targets. Such conversion may slow-down projects with lot of small sources.

Loop dependencies

Are monitored unconditionally and issue error or warning if found.

Parallel builds

The technique for parallel builds implementation in recipes is described in samples/parallel examples.

Always out-of-date targets

Can be implemented using target's dependency on its own prerequisites:

depends-on .do..$1

Recipes as targets

The current redo version follows approach of "do-layers". File belongs to the Nth do-layer if its name ends with N .do suffices. Targets belonging to the Nth do-layer can be built by (N+1)th do-layer recipes only. Technically it means that no trailing .do suffix can be stripped from the target's filename during the search for an appropriate recipe.

redo retry delays.

Constants SHORTEST and SCALEUPS defined in redo.c determine the duration of the delays between the retries. After each unsuccessful pass the random delay in the range [x .. 2 * x] is inserted, where x is reset to SHORTEST msec after each successful pass (and at the startup) and is doubled after each consequent retry but no more than SCALEUPS times.

As an example

#define SHORTEST 10
#define SCALEUPS 6

gives minimal dalay in the [10 .. 20] msec range (15 msec mean time) and the maximum delay in the range [640 .. 1280] msec (0.96 sec mean time).


gives 4 sec total wait mean time.


You can test which dofiles will be encountered by redo appropriate to build certain with

redo -f <target>


The sequence .do. found inside the supposed target's name during the find_dofile() search for appropriate recipe will interrupt the search routine. That's why it is not recommended for plain builds. But it may be used with care for the targets, which need cwd-only recipe search or must escape the omnivorous .do visibility area.

Searching in cwd only:

$ redo -f

Searching in cwd and updirs:

$ redo -f


If the build was interrupted then some locks may remain uncleared. Such locks can be located with the help of the build log. See samples/locks.

Andrey Dobrovolsky [email protected]


An implementation of the redo build system in portable C with zero dependencies







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