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Anto edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the appium-framework wiki!

Here we will explain how this framework works and how to use it step by step:

  1. For starters you need to install the required packages, applications, libraries... (Python, pip, Android SDK, Android Studio, appium...)

  2. Appium server and capabilities -> We need to get the capabilities for our webdriver to connect to the device and app

  3. App window classes -> These are the classes where we write the methods that interact with the app using xpaths, ids and the webdriver

  4. Test Suite Classes -> These are the classes where we use the classes and method created in the path above to compose test inside methods and together form these classes that represent test suites

  5. Schedule Tests -> Set this project up so you can tell which order and which device each test must be executed in

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