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Releases: AntoineGagne/dot-files


23 Jan 17:52
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New Features

  • Shell can now be bash or zsh
  • Configuration files for MPD and ncmpcpp were added
  • Configuration files for beets was added
  • Configuration files for kitty and alacritty was added
  • Templates such as LaTeX school report and default bash script were added
  • Shell functions to display weather and upload files were added
  • A volume normalizer was added to pulseaudio
  • Configuration file for youtube-dl was added
  • Some custom man commands were added for neovim
  • Configuration file for the notification server dunst was added
  • Configuration files for tmuxp were added
  • Configuration file for xscreensaver was added


  • To go along with the new shell, some files that were in the bash folder were moved to the more generic shell folder
  • Fira Code is now the font used by urxvt and the others
  • pandoc is now used to convert vimwiki files to HTML
  • Some of the bash configuration that was generic was moved to another files
  • tmux status bar is now more minimal and only display informations such as the window, session and such
  • Use duckduckgo as default search provider
  • XMobar layout was changed
  • Systemd unit files were refactored along with their make recipe
  • XMonad is now installable as a stack project
  • XMonad was split into multiple files and refactored
  • Spawn application in tmux session or in a standalone terminal emulator otherwise
  • .latexmkrc was refactored and now includes more options
  • Send notifications on terminal bell

Bug Fixes

  • The neovim cursor should now update correctly in urxvt
  • Fix extract shell function


14 Sep 15:06
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New Features

  • Cmus now uses the cmus-notify package with a custom configuration file and hook
  • New feeds were added to newsbeuter
  • Godot was added to the automatic window handling of XMonad
  • The weeslack plugin was added to Weechat

New Dependencies

  • The package python2-websocket-client was added as a dependency for the weeslack plugin


30 Aug 18:02
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New Features

  • A Bash function to split an audio file in multiple files has been added
  • Instructions on specific configuration to have a working printer setup have been added
  • Some new dictionary words
  • ale will now populate Vim's quickfix list
  • A filter to filter log in/out in weechat has been added
  • Changed dmenu's look
  • Submodules have been updated

New Dependencies

  • Some new packages were added to the Arch's dependencies

Bug Fixes

  • There should be no more empty lines in the merged urls file of newsbeuter
  • The capitalize_all_files script should work with non relative paths now
  • The QuickFix list opening on errors in Haskell files in Vim has been removed


09 Aug 14:15
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  • Add an RSS reader
  • Add more icons
  • Add more colors
  • Improve some scripts
  • Add more configurations to Vim
  • Fix some bugs


26 Jun 23:29
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First fully featured Arch Linux setup release. It includes:

  • Terminal settings
  • Bash settings
  • Music player
  • Compositor settings
  • Image viewer
  • System monitor
  • Git settings
  • Pixmap icons
  • Email viewer
  • Text editor settings
  • Multiplexer settings
  • IRC client
  • PDF viewer
  • Status Bar
  • Tiling window manager