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Gameplay mechanics [core]

Anton Gladyshev edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

The core loop of the game has the following idea:
all players have the timeframe for orders sending
then the server calculates the results of all orders sent by players
and push updated data to all currently connected clients.

It is like simultaneous playing in a TBS, where all players managing their fractions in the same period of time, and all clashes and movements are calculated at the end of turn.

The second idea is in the difference with most MMORPG games outta here, when you logged off, your character placed in somewhat 'stasis' and disappear from the game. And appears back only when you logged in. In this game, your character is always in the game, disregarding the online/offline state of the player itself.

Based on the first two, the third idea is, that all players are allowed to automate or to script their actions. So, without a player attending, the player character becomes somewhat NPC-like, which could do some pre-written actions and somewhat react to external stimuli.

This game is planned as RvR (race vs race) game in the core, but Guilds will be allowed, including mixed ones.

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