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Contents of this github

exam # exercise subject rendu tester tips references
exam02 ft_printf 🟢 🟢 🟢 - -
exam02 get_next_line 🟢 🟢 🟢 - -
exam02 union 🟢 🟢 🟢 - -
exam02 inter 🟢 🟢 🟢 - -
exam03 micro_paint 🟢 🟢 - - 🟢
exam03 mini_paint 🟢 - - - 🟢
exam04 microshell 🟢 🟢 - - -
exam05 Warlock.cpp 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 -
exam06 mini_serv 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

Tips for approaching exams

  1. Read the subject & write your own code from scratch, without studying other students' code.
  2. Make it work
    If you need to look at someone else code / if there are still "minor" mistakes (that you consider stupid/minor but in all honnesty cannot correct without external help) => there are still things you need to learn/understand.
  3. Read peer code to (1) learn from them and (2) optimize your code for exam conditions (shorter, more efficient etc.).
    => This is an exam, the code doesn't need to be bullet proof or best practice, it needs to work and be short so you are able to write and debug in 2 hours
  4. Write your own tester
  5. Practice in exam conditions (vim + term, silence, max 2h) once before the exam

Tips to write exams more efficiently

Vim documentation :
On term : CTRL + SHIFT + C / V to copy paste on terminal

1. Vim configuration

cat > ~/.myvimrc
set nu          // add numerotation of lines
set mouse=a     // add mouse control and selection
syntax on       // add colors

Other useful configuration options :

2. Vim shortcuts essentials

Very basics

:i      // insertion mode
:w      // save 
:q      // quit
:!      // force
:[cmd]  // apply commands to single files (example :set nu)
dd      // delete a line
yy      // copy line
y       // copy word
p       // paste
u       // undo
U       // restore (undo) last changed line
Ctrl + r// redo
.       // repeat last command  

Word substitution:

:%s/<old>/<new>	    // one at a time
:%s/<old>/<new>/g   // all at same time
:%s/<old>/<new>/gc  // replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations

Vim cheatsheet : additional shortcuts

3. Compilation, leaks and testing

Checking leaks with Address Sanitizer

gcc -fsanitize=address -Wall -Werror -Wextra *.c -o myexecutable                    // C compilation
clang++ -fsanitize=address -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c++98 *.cpp -o myexecutable   // C++ compilation

Checking leaks with Valgrind

clear && gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror mini_serv.c -o mini_serv && valgrind ./mini_serv 8080
clear && gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror mini_serv.c -o mini_serv && valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full ./mini_serv 8080

Testing your program when provided with main and/or output examples

cat > main.c                           // add includes, then copy paste main code from subject, CTRL+C to stop cat
cat > output.txt                       // copy paste expected output from subject, CTRL+C to stop cat

./myexecutable | cat -e > myoutput.txt // put your program output to a specific file

diff output.txt myoutput.txt           // test your output against the expected output


All updated subjects here -> JCluzet