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herve, the rv simulator is a simple risc-v RV32IMA ISA simulator.


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herve, the RV simulator

A simple RISC-V RV32im ISA Simulator in C++ under the MIT Licence

I bought "the risc-v reader, an open architecture atlas" by D. Paterson and A. Waterman and suddenly decided to write an ISA simulator... welcome to the twisted world of computer scientists

herve extract loads froms ELF files and can execute compiled C code ! - cf. in the C-tests folder

It integrates a disassembler, step by step execution, breakpoints, memory dump, etc ....

NEW : herve interprets Forth ! - cf. in the Forth folder


Our memory is only 64KiB (who needs more ?) - well, I had to increase it a bit to be able to run the forth interpreter - more on the Forth folder

We load binaries from ELF formated files into memory and set the program counter (PC) accordingly.
The stack pointer (SP register) is set at the highest memory address.

Memory is flat : no paging, no access attributes and thus you can read, write and execute at any location.

Memory mapped I/O

I'm using a primitive solution until I implement ecalls

#define GETCHAR 0x0f000000
#define PUTCHAR 0x0e000000

store a byte at 0x0e000000 and it will be output to stdout keypresses are available at address 0x0f000000

Progress update

Improved command line interpreter

Added an integrated disassembler, support for breakpoints etc...

$ ./herve -i C-tests/3-recursion.elf -s
        | |__    ___  _ __ __   __ ___
        | '_ \  / _ \| '__|\ \ / // _ \
        | | | ||  __/| |    \ V /|  __/
        |_| |_| \___||_|     \_/  \___|
             RISC-V RV32im simulator

help :
  - d[addr]     dump memory from addr or PC if addr not specified
  - l[addr]     disassemble code from addr or PC if addr not specified
  - b[addr]     toggle breakpoint at addr or PC if addr not specified
  - s[num]      execute num instructions or only one if num not specified
  - r           print registers
  - p           print Program Counter (PC)
  - c           continue execution until next breakpoint
  - q           quit

C-tests/3-recursion.elf loaded at 00000000
PC set at 000003c0
SP set at 000fffff

>> l
000003c0:        addi      sp,sp,-16        << PC
000003c4:        sw        ra,12(sp)
000003c8:        addi      a5,zr,1116
000003cc:        addi      a4,zr,108
000003d0:        lw        a3,1152(zr)
000003d4:        addi      a5,a5,1
000003d8:        sb        a4,0(a3)
000003dc:        lbu       a4,0(a5)
000003e0:        bne       a4,zr,-16
000003e4:        addi      a0,zr,1972
000003e8:        jal       ra,-1000
000003ec:        addi      a0,zr,63
000003f0:        jal       ra,-1008
000003f4:        addi      a0,zr,5
000003f8:        jal       ra,-620
000003fc:        beq       a0,zr,60

>> b3d0
>> b3e0
>> b
list of breakpoints :

>> l3b0
000003b0:        sb        a5,0(a4)
000003b4:        lbu       a5,0(a0)
000003b8:        bne       a5,zr,-16
000003bc:        jalr      zr,ra,0
000003c0:        addi      sp,sp,-16        << PC
000003c4:        sw        ra,12(sp)
000003c8:        addi      a5,zr,1116
000003cc:        addi      a4,zr,108
000003d0:        lw        a3,1152(zr)      << breakpoint
000003d4:        addi      a5,a5,1
000003d8:        sb        a4,0(a3)
000003dc:        lbu       a4,0(a5)
000003e0:        bne       a4,zr,-16        << breakpoint
000003e4:        addi      a0,zr,1972
000003e8:        jal       ra,-1000
000003ec:        addi      a0,zr,63

>> c
000003c0 : addi sp,sp,-16
000003c4 : sw ra,12(sp)
000003c8 : addi a5,zr,1116
000003cc : addi a4,zr,108
000003d0 : lw a3,1152(zr)
000003d4 : addi a5,a5,1
000003d8 : sb a4,0(a3)l
000003dc : lbu a4,0(a5)
000003e0 : bne a4,zr,-16
000003d0 : lw a3,1152(zr)
000003d4 : addi a5,a5,1
000003d8 : sb a4,0(a3)e
000003dc : lbu a4,0(a5)
000003e0 : bne a4,zr,-16
>> r
zr  .......0  ra  .......0  sp  ...fffef  gp  .......0  tp  .......0  t0  .......0  t1  .......0  t2  .......0  
s0  .......0  s1  .......0  a0  .......0  a1  .......0  a2  .......0  a3  .e000000  a4  ......74  a5  .....45e  
a6  .......0  a7  .......0  s2  .......0  s3  .......0  s4  .......0  s5  .......0  s6  .......0  s7  .......0  
s8  .......0  s9  .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0  t3  .......0  t4  .......0  t5  .......0  t6  .......0  

>> p
PC : 000003d0

note to myself : write a proper documentation !

I started to implement the atomic instructions extention herve can run Forth !

All RV32im instructions were implemented and fully tested.
A GitHub CI action has been added to automate tests on commits - see top of the page badges, the first checks the build and the second execute all the tests.

added elf support - herve can execute C programs compiled by gcc

all rv32i instruction are implemented and tested


I use the test suite published at : and a shell script to automate testings


rm ./testsResults

for test in `cat ./testsList`
  echo -n "$test : " >> ./testsResults
  ../herve -t -i ./$test > ./$test.traces 2>> ./testsResults

TARGET=`wc -l ./testsList | cut -d " " -f 1`
REACHED=`grep 'All tests passed' ./testsResults | wc -l`

if [[ $REACHED -eq $TARGET ]]
  echo "All tests passed"
  exit 0
  echo "Some test failled"
  exit 1

You can invoque it using make :

$ make clean && make check
rm -f *.o herve
g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -Werror -O3 -c -o cpu.o cpu.cpp
g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -Werror -O3 -c -o elf.o elf.cpp
g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -Werror -O3 -c -o herve.o herve.cpp
g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -Werror -O3 -c -o mem.o mem.cpp
g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -Werror -O3 cpu.o elf.o herve.o mem.o -o herve
cd tests && ./
All tests passed

The result for each test is logged in the testResults file :

$ cat tests/testsResults
rv32ui-p-add :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-addi :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-and :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-andi :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-auipc :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-beq :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-bge :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-bgeu :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-blt :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-bltu :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-bne :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-fence_i :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-jal :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-jalr :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-lb :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-lbu :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-lh :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-lhu :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-lui :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-lw :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-or :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-ori :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sb :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sh :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-simple :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sll :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-slli :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-slt :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-slti :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sltiu :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sltu :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sra :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-srai :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-srl :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-srli :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sub :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-sw :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-xor :  All tests passed
rv32ui-p-xori :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-div :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-divu :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-mul :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-mulh :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-mulhsu :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-mulhu :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-rem :  All tests passed
rv32um-p-remu :  All tests passed

Instructions list

Instruction Description Implemented Tested
LUI Load Upper Immediate yes pass
AUIPC Add Upper Immediate to PC yes pass
JAL Jump And Link yes pass
JALR Jump And Link Register yes pass
BEQ Branch Equal yes pass
BNE Branch Not Equal yes pass
BLT Branch Less Than yes pass
BGE Branch Greater or Equal yes pass
BLTU Branch Less Than Unsigned yes pass
BGEU Branch Greater or Equal Unsigned yes pass
LB Load Byte yes pass
LH Load Half word yes pass
LW Load Word yes pass
LBU Load Byte Unsigned yes pass
LHU Load Half word Unsigned yes pass
SB Store Byte yes pass
SH Store Half Word yes pass
SW Store Word yes pass
ADDI ADD Immediate yes pass
SLTI Set Less Than Immediate yes pass
SLTIU Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned yes pass
XORI XOR Immediate yes pass
ORI OR Immediate yes pass
ANDI AND Immediate yes pass
SLLI Shift Left Logical Immediate yes pass
SRAI Shift Right Arithmetical Immediate yes pass
SRLI Shift Right Logical Immediate yes pass
ADD Addition yes pass
SUB Substraction yes pass
SLL Shift Left Logical yes pass
SLT Set Less Than yes pass
SLTU Set Less Than Unsigned yes pass
XOR Logic XOR yes pass
SRA Shift Right Arithmetical yes pass
SRL Shift Right Logical yes pass
OR Logic OR yes pass
AND Logic AND yes pass
MUL Multiply yes pass
MULH Multiply High Signed Signed yes pass
MULHSU Multiply High Signed Unsigned yes pass
MULHU Multiply High Unsigned Unsigned yes pass
DIV Divide Signed yes pass
DIVU Divide Unsigned yes pass
REM Remainder Signed yes pass
REMU Remainder Unsigned yes pass
lr.w Load Reserved wip fail
sc.w Store Conditional wip fail
amoswap.w Atomic Swap wip fail
amoadd.w Atomic ADD wip fail
amoand.w Atomic AND wip fail
amoor.w Atomic OR wip fail
amoxor.w Atomix XOR wip fail
amomax.w Atomic MAX wip fail
amomin.w Atomic MIN wip fail
EBREAK Environment Break kind of yeah
ECALL Environment Call kind of yeah
FENCE Memory Ordering as NOP* n/a

* Any unimplemented instrution will halt the execution so I had to implement FENCE as a NOP.




You now should have an executable called herve.


Please refer to the under the asm-tests folder for information on how to assemble and the under C-tests for information on how to compile your sources into risc-v elf binaries - Makefiles/shell scripts are also provided.

$ ./herve -h
Usage: herve programFile [-tsh]  [-o traceFile]
 programFile : the file (rv32 elf) to execute
 -h  print this help
 -t  enable execution traces
 -s  step by step execution (implies -t)
 -o  specifies the file where to write the execution traces (implies -t)

$ ./herve asm-tests/helloWorld.elf -o asm-tests/helloWorld.traces

The traces of the execution were redirected into the asm-tests/helloWorld.traces file :

$ cat asm-tests/helloWorld.traces
 80000000 : lui t0,234881024
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 .......0   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000004 : addi t1,zr,72
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......48   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000008 : sw t1,0(t0)
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......48   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 8000000c : addi t1,zr,101
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......65   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000010 : sw t1,0(t0)
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......65   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000014 : addi t1,zr,108
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......6c   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000018 : sw t1,0(t0)
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......6c   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 8000001c : addi t1,zr,108
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......6c   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000020 : sw t1,0(t0)
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......6c   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000024 : addi t1,zr,111
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......6f   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000028 : sw t1,0(t0)
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 ......6f   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 8000002c : addi t1,zr,10
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 .......a   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000030 : sw t1,0(t0)
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 .......a   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

 80000034 : ebreak
 zr .......0   ra .......0   sp 8000ffff   gp .......0   tp .......0   t0 .e000000   t1 .......a   t2 .......0  
 s0 .......0   s1 .......0   a0 .......0   a1 .......0   a2 .......0   a3 .......0   a4 .......0   a5 .......0  
 a6 .......0   a7 .......0   s2 .......0   s3 .......0   s4 .......0   s5 .......0   s6 .......0   s7 .......0  
 s8 .......0   s9 .......0  s10 .......0  s11 .......0   t3 .......0   t4 .......0   t5 .......0   t6 .......0  

Program halted after 14 instruction cycles

"To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program."
Alan Perlis


herve, the rv simulator is a simple risc-v RV32IMA ISA simulator.








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