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Predict bitcoin daily closing prices by LSTM recurrent neural network machine learning


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Bitcoin Frenzy

LSTM Stock Predictor with Fear and Greed

Are you excited to forecast bitcoin prices? That is why deep learning recurrent nerual networks (RNNs) are used to predict bitcoin closing prices. Two prediction models are discussed in this assignment:

In one model, windows of bitcoin daily closing prices are used to predict the closing price of the following day through LSTM RNN.

Daily Crypto Fear and Greed Indice (FNGs) are used for defined time windows to predict the next day's bitcoin closing price.

Prepare the data for training and testing

To split the data, we mannually coded 70% for training and 30% for testing for each of the window sizes. Since the distribution of the bitcoin closing prices are uncertain, we use MinMaxScaler to scale the data into a range from 0 to 1. It follows that the training and testing data for X, the feature column, are transformed and reshaped. For window_size=1, the shape of X became (377, 1, 1) following the instruction reshape((X_train.shape[0], X_train.shape[1], 1)) for X_train.

Build and train custom LSTM RNNs

Epochs of 50 and batch size of 10 are used for the evaluation models. For Layer 2 of the LSTM sequential model, an activation function tanh is added in to minimize training losses. We use 30 units and a dropout fraction of 0.2 to avoid overfitting.

For the model, we use optimizer adam and mean_squared_error for loss to determine the fitness of our models for different time windows and evaluation metrics. Since data is in time series, we set shuffle=False for fitting the model and one version of the validation data.

Evaluation Results

  • Which model has a lower loss?

For producing the smallest loss, namely 0.0018, the model based on previous day's closing price from window_size=1 and valuation data defined by the following script appears to be the winner:

# Creating validation data sets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size = 0.3, random_state=2) 

btc_closing_1day btc_loss_1day

Since training loss continues to decreasing at the end, the model is underfitting and training process may be continued. Moreover, the plot for losses suggests the need to find more representative validation data as the validation losses are lower than training losses. The orange line falls below the blue line.

As bitcoin closing prices are time series data, the model with window_size=1 based on bitcoin closing price and FNG prices also produces less loss compared to other models. The valiation data is generated from the following script:

# Creating validation data sets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size = 0.3, shuffle=False, random_state=2) 

btc_closing_unshuffled_1day btc_loss_unshuffled_1day

According to the loss figure, we can see that the curves are smoother. The validation data as represented by the orange line is above the blue traning loss. The losses continue to decrease while the gaps diminishes. It shows more representative validation data with potentially premature dermination of the process.

  • Which model tracks the actual values better over time?

The above model also tracts the actual values better over time as shown in the plot after comparing plots of the same type over different time windows. The orange predicted prices closely tracks the blue real price. It is not surprising as they are both bitcoin closing prices, lagged by one day.

  • Which window size works best for the model?

In comparison, based on evaluation results shown below, a window size of 1, meaning one day of lag, creates the best models. It generates the least amount of loss among models based on a range of window sizes from 1 to 10.

A window size of 1 also produces better forecasts for its model for FNG Indicator. Figures on the model is shown below:

For FNG predictor models, its corresponding graphs for unshuffled validation data appears as follows:

btc_fng_unshuffled_1day btc_fng_loss_unshuffled_1day

  • Another model that produces relatively low losses is the model based on closing prices and window_size=8:

btc_closing_unshuffled_8day btc_loss_unshuffled_8day

Since the gap between validation and traning losses widens, the model is potentially overfitting.

Its FNG predictor models are shown as follows:

btc_fng_unshuffled_1day btc_fng_unshuffled_1day

The loss plot suggests that we need more representative validation data.

Detailed results are shown in the tables below. Models that produces least losses are shown in bold:

Training Loss

with Shuffled Validation

Window Size Closing FNG
1 0.0018 0.0988
2 0.0024 0.1017
3 0.0024 0.1040
4 0.0028 0.1182
5 0.0037 0.1073
6 0.0045 0.1012
7 0.0050 0.1086
8 0.0028 0.1031
9 0.0024 0.1111
10 0.0032 0.1153

with Unshuffled Validation

Window Size Closing FNG
1 0.0053 0.0879
8 0.0104 0.1005

without Defined Validation

Window Size Closing FNG
1 0.0021 0.0904

Plots for other models are shown below (click me):

Closing Price Models

Shuffled Validation

btc_closing_2day btc_loss_2day

btc_closing_3day btc_loss_3day

btc_closing_4day btc_loss_4day

btc_closing_5day btc_loss_5day

btc_closing_6day btc_loss_6day

btc_closing_7day btc_loss_7day

btc_closing_8day btc_loss_8day

btc_closing_10day btc_loss_10day

Unshuffled Validation

btc_closing_unshuffled_8day btc_loss_unshuffled_8day

Without Validation

btc_closing_original_1day btc_loss_original_1day

FNG Index Models

shuffled validation

btc_fng_2day btc_fng_loss_2day

btc_fng_3day btc_fng_loss_3day

btc_fng_4day btc_fng_loss_4day

btc_fng_5day btc_fng_loss_5day

btc_fng_6day btc_fng_loss_6day

btc_fng_7day btc_fng_loss_7day

btc_fng_8day btc_fng_loss_8day

btc_fng_10day btc_fng_loss_10day

Without Validation

btc_fng_original_1day btc_loss_original_1day


  • A batch size of 10 is used for the models, changing it to smaller batch sizes, e.g. 5, would increase the training loss. On the other hand, decreasing batch size from 30 to 10 drops the training losses. See the following for a comparison:

Batch size of 10 on a window size of 9 on closing price model:

btc_fng_unshuffled_1day btc_fng_unshuffled_1day

Batch size of 5 on a window size of 9 on closing price model:

btc_fng_unshuffled_1day btc_fng_unshuffled_1day

  • Although LSTM has three sigmoid and one tanh built in as activation functions, one extra tanh was build on Layer 2. However, it was noted that sigmoid built onto Layer 2 would enhance the fng prediction model as the losses decreased following the change. For consistency purposes, tanh is used for both closing price and fng index predicting models.

  • One challenge is to find better validation data.

    • It is possible to create a binary variable as the result following certain criteria. Additional metrics can be added in, for example, accuracy, recall, ROC and AUC, etc.
    • A larger dataset over a longer period of time would also help.
  • In addition, LSTM models on cumulative returns may provide helpful insights on bitcoin performance. We could take natural logs, ln, of the bitcoin closing prices and FNG index. Similar to this assignmnet, models are evaluated to roll out the time window(s) that produce(s) least training loss.


Bitcoin Closing

Bitcoin FNG

Models and Plots

Models Folder

Plots Folder



Predict bitcoin daily closing prices by LSTM recurrent neural network machine learning








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