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Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-java


06 Sep 11:35
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1.0.0 (2024-09-05)

  • Azure Resource Manager Billing client library for Java. This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for Billing Management SDK. Billing Client. Package tag package-2024-04. For documentation on how to use this package, please see Azure Management Libraries for Java.

Breaking Changes

  • models.EnrollmentPolicies was removed

  • models.ReservationPropertyUtilization was removed

  • models.BillingProfileSpendingLimit was removed

  • models.TransactionTypeKind was removed

  • models.ProductTransferValidationErrorCode was removed

  • models.ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult was removed

  • models.TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties was removed

  • models.ProductsMoveResponse was removed

  • models.ViewCharges was removed

  • models.SpendingLimitForBillingProfile was removed

  • models.DocumentType was removed

  • models.StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile was removed

  • models.ValidateAddressResponse was removed

  • models.BillingPermissionsProperties was removed

  • models.TargetCloud was removed

  • models.ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult was removed

  • models.ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError was removed

  • models.ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError was removed

  • models.InstructionListResult was removed

  • models.BillingPeriods was removed

  • models.Document was removed

  • models.BillingProfilesOnExpand was removed

  • models.Policy was removed

  • models.BillingPeriod was removed

  • models.ReservationType was removed

  • models.DownloadUrl was removed

  • models.BillingPermissionsListResult was removed

  • models.ProductsMoveHeaders was removed

  • models.PaymentProperties was removed

  • models.BillingSubscriptionStatusType was removed

  • models.Instructions was removed

  • models.TransferProductRequestProperties was removed

  • models.Enrollment was removed

  • models.BillingSubscriptionsListResult was removed

  • models.EnrollmentAccountSummary was removed

  • models.InvoiceSectionsOnExpand was removed

  • models.BillingFrequency was removed

  • models.Participants was removed

  • models.ProductsListResult was removed

  • models.BillingAccountUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.BillingPeriodsListResult was removed

  • models.StatusReasonCode was removed

  • models.Instruction was removed

  • models.InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult was removed

  • models.ProductStatusType was removed

models.InvoiceSectionListResult was modified

  • totalCount() was removed

models.AvailableBalance was modified

  • amount() was removed

models.Reservations was modified

  • listByBillingProfile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • listByBillingAccount(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed

models.BillingPermissions was modified

  • listByCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • listByInvoiceSections(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • listByInvoiceSections(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) was removed
  • listByCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) was removed

models.BillingSubscription was modified

  • java.util.UUID subscriptionId() -> java.lang.String subscriptionId()
  • costCenter() was removed
  • subscriptionBillingStatus() was removed

models.Product was modified

  • billingFrequency() was removed
  • customerDisplayName() was removed
  • lastChargeDate() was removed
  • customerId() was removed
  • endDate() was removed
  • purchaseDate() was removed
  • displayName() was removed
  • productTypeId() was removed
  • invoiceSectionId() was removed
  • lastCharge() was removed
  • productType() was removed
  • quantity() was removed
  • tenantId() was removed
  • billingProfileDisplayName() was removed
  • reseller() was removed
  • status() was removed
  • billingProfileId() was removed
  • invoiceSectionDisplayName() was removed
  • autoRenew() was removed
  • skuDescription() was removed
  • availabilityId() was removed
  • skuId() was removed

models.Customer was modified

  • enabledAzurePlans() was removed
  • billingProfileId() was removed
  • displayName() was removed
  • resellers() was removed
  • billingProfileDisplayName() was removed

models.BillingProfileListResult was modified

  • totalCount() was removed

models.Policies was modified

  • updateCustomerWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,fluent.models.CustomerPolicyInner, was removed
  • updateWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,fluent.models.PolicyInner, was removed
  • update(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,fluent.models.PolicyInner) was removed
  • updateCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,fluent.models.CustomerPolicyInner) was removed
  • getByCustomerWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • getByCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) was removed
  • models.Policy getByBillingProfile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) -> models.BillingProfilePolicy getByBillingProfile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)

models.BillingSubscriptions was modified

  • listByBillingAccount(java.lang.String, was removed
  • listByBillingProfile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • get(java.lang.String) was removed
  • listByInvoiceSection(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • validateMove(java.lang.String,models.TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) was removed
  • getWithResponse(java.lang.String, was removed
  • update(java.lang.String,fluent.models.BillingSubscriptionInner) was removed
  • listByCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) was removed
  • move(java.lang.String,models.TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) was removed
  • listByCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • move(java.lang.String,models.TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties, was removed
  • validateMoveWithResponse(java.lang.String,models.TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties, was removed
  • updateWithResponse(java.lang.String,fluent.models.BillingSubscriptionInner, was removed

models.CustomerListResult was modified

  • totalCount() was removed

models.CustomerPolicy was modified

  • viewCharges() was removed

models.BillingProfiles was modified

  • listByBillingAccount(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • getWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed

models.AvailableBalances was modified

  • getWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • get(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) was removed

models.BillingRoleDefinition was modified

  • permissions() was removed
  • roleName() was removed
  • description() was removed

models.InvoiceSections was modified

  • listByBillingProfile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed

models.Products was modified

  • moveWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,models.TransferProductRequestProperties, was removed
  • validateMoveWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,models.TransferProductRequestProperties, was removed
  • update(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,fluent.models.ProductInner) was removed
  • listByCustomer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • updateWithResponse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,fluent.models.ProductInner, was removed
  • validateMove(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,models.TransferProductRequestProperties) was removed
  • listByBillingProfile(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • listByInvoiceSection(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed
  • move(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,models.TransferProductRequestProperties) was removed
  • listByBillingAccount(java.lang.String,java.lang.String, was removed

models.TransactionListResult was modified

  • totalCount() was removed

models.EnrollmentAccount was modified

  • accountName() was removed
  • endDate() was removed
  • withDepartment(models.Department) was removed
  • withAccountName(java.lang.String) was removed
  • accountOwnerEmail() was removed
  • status() was removed
  • withCostCenter(java.lang.String) was removed
  • accountOwner() was removed
  • costCenter() was removed
  • withAccountOwner(java.lang.String) was removed
  • withStatus(java.lang.String) was removed
  • withEndDate(java.time.OffsetDateTime) was removed
  • validate() was removed
  • startDate() was removed
  • withAccountOwnerEmail(java.lang.String) was removed
  • withStartDate(java.time.OffsetDateTime) was removed
  • department() was removed

models.InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission was modified

  • `models.StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile billingProfileStatusReasonC...
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05 Sep 17:57
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1.0.0-beta.3 (2024-09-06)

Features Added

  • Add support for Entra ID authentication.
  • Migrate to stream-style serialization using the azure-json package. This is a new dependency introduced by azure-core.


29 Aug 22:54
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1.0.0-beta.11 (2024-08-29)

Features Added

  • Added a new overload getImageGenerationsWithResponse that takes RequestOptions to provide the flexibility to
    modify the HTTP request.
  • Added the capability to handle the float[] embedding type when serializing to toJson() and deserializing from fromJson() in the EmbeddingItem class. (#41159)
  • A new required keyword is added to tool_choice in the request options, which specifies that at least one tool must be called. This adds to the existing auto (default), none, and ability to specify a specific (function) tool by name
  • New operation paths: /batches, /batches/{batch-id} and /batches/{batch-id}/cancel
  • New request model: BatchCreateRequest
  • New response models: Batch, BatchErrors, etc.
  • Added /files operation from the Azure OpenAI Assistants SDK
  • New batch and batch_output files purposes
  • In ChatCompletionsOptions the setToolChoice method uses ChatCompletionsToolSelection to pass either a preset enum or a named tool.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed finish_details field from ChatChoice class since service API version, 2024-07-01-preview, does not return this field.

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core to version 1.51.0.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty to version 1.15.3.


29 Aug 22:54
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1.0.0-beta.4 (2024-08-29)

Features Added

  • file_search tool definitions now have the ability to configure max_num_results via the matching, named inner options object
    Previously, only a stubbed { "type": "file_search" } was valid. Now, e.g.: { "type": "file_search", "file_search": { "max_num_results": 20 } }

    • Added a new property FileSearchToolDefinitionDetails fileSearch to FileSearchToolDefinition model.
    • Added new class FileSearchToolDefinitionDetails to represent the details of a file search tool.
  • chunking_strategy is added as a new optional property when creating a vector store (either via the vector store creation operation
    or the helper when creating an assistant) -- this allows customization of the chunk size and overlap used when ingesting data.
    See the OpenAI reference for full details.

    • Added a new property VectorStoreChunkingStrategyRequest chunkingStrategy to VectorStoreOptions model.
    • Added a new property VectorStoreChunkingStrategyResponse chunkingStrategy to VectorStoreFile model.
    • Added new enum VectorStoreChunkingStrategyRequestType and VectorStoreChunkingStrategyResponseType to represent the chunking strategy type for vector stores.
    • Added new class VectorStoreChunkingStrategyRequest and VectorStoreChunkingStrategyResponse to represent the chunking strategy for vector stores.
    • Added new class VectorStoreAutoChunkingStrategyRequest and VectorStoreAutoChunkingStrategyResponse to represent the auto chunking strategy for vector stores.
    • Added new class VectorStoreStaticChunkingStrategyOptions, VectorStoreStaticChunkingStrategyRequest and VectorStoreStaticChunkingStrategyResponse
      to represent the static chunking strategy for vector stores.

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core to version 1.51.0.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty to version 1.15.3.


27 Aug 20:18
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prepare for 1.2.27 bom release


26 Aug 09:34
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1.0.0-beta.5 (2024-08-26)

  • Azure Resource Manager AzureStackHci client library for Java. This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for AzureStackHci Management SDK. Azure Stack HCI management service. Package tag package-2024-04. For documentation on how to use this package, please see Azure Management Libraries for Java.

Breaking Changes

  • models.GalleryOSDiskImage was removed

  • models.Subnet was removed

  • models.IpConfiguration was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworkStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.NetworkProfileUpdateNetworkInterfacesItem was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstanceUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.GalleryImageVersion was removed

  • models.IpPool was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImageStatusDownloadStatus was removed

  • models.IpConfigurationProperties was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesOsProfile was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImages$Definition was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaces was removed

  • models.SubnetPropertiesFormatIpConfigurationReferencesItem was removed

  • models.GalleryImagesUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.OsProfileUpdate was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesOsProfileWindowsConfiguration was removed

  • models.HybridIdentityMetadataList was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesStorageProfileDataDisksItem was removed

  • models.StorageContainersOperations was removed

  • models.StorageContainers$UpdateStages was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworksUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.GuestAgentInstallStatus was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworkPropertiesDhcpOptions was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstanceStatus was removed

  • models.IpAllocationMethodEnum was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineConfigAgentInstanceView was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImages was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworks$DefinitionStages was removed

  • models.HybridIdentityMetadata was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesOsProfileLinuxConfiguration was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaces$Update was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaceStatus was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisksUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.IpConfigurationPropertiesSubnet was removed

  • models.InstanceViewStatus was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfacesUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisksListResult was removed

  • models.OsProfileUpdateLinuxConfiguration was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworks$UpdateStages was removed

  • models.SshConfiguration was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImages$Update was removed

  • models.HyperVGeneration was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesHardwareProfile was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImageStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.StorageProfileUpdateDataDisksItem was removed

  • models.GalleryImages$Update was removed

  • models.GalleryDiskImage was removed

  • models.InterfaceDnsSettings was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfacesOperations was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworks was removed

  • models.GuestAgents was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaces$UpdateStages was removed

  • models.IpPoolTypeEnum was removed

  • models.Route was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworks$Definition was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesSecurityProfile was removed

  • models.NetworkProfileUpdate was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworks$Update was removed

  • models.StorageContainers$Definition was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisks$DefinitionStages was removed

  • models.StorageContainersUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesStorageProfile was removed

  • models.IpPoolInfo was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesNetworkProfileNetworkInterfacesItem was removed

  • models.StorageContainerStatus was removed

  • models.GalleryImagesListResult was removed

  • models.ProvisioningStateEnum was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaces$Definition was removed

  • models.OperatingSystemTypes was removed

  • models.ResourceIdentityType was removed

  • models.GalleryImageStatusDownloadStatus was removed

  • models.GalleryImages$UpdateStages was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImagesOperations was removed

  • models.DiskFileFormat was removed

  • models.GalleryImageStatus was removed

  • models.StorageProfileUpdate was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesHardwareProfileDynamicMemoryConfig was removed

  • models.GalleryImageIdentifier was removed

  • models.GuestAgentsOperations was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfacesListResult was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesSecurityProfileUefiSettings was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesNetworkProfile was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImagesListResult was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImagesUpdateRequest was removed

  • models.StatusTypes was removed

  • models.CloudInitDataSource was removed

  • models.OsProfileUpdateWindowsConfiguration was removed

  • models.SshPublicKey was removed

  • models.HttpProxyConfiguration was removed

  • models.StorageContainers$Update was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstanceStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstanceUpdateProperties was removed

  • models.GalleryImageVersionStorageProfile was removed

  • models.HybridIdentityMetadatas was removed

  • models.ProvisioningAction was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImageStatus was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesStorageProfileOsDisk was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstances was removed

  • models.GalleryImageStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisks$Update was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaceStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDiskStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.GuestAgent was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworksOperations was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisks$UpdateStages was removed

  • models.StorageContainerStatusProvisioningStatus was removed

  • models.PowerStateEnum was removed

  • models.VmSizeEnum was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstanceListResult was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworkStatus was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisks was removed

  • models.SecurityTypes was removed

  • models.Identity was removed

  • models.StorageContainers was removed

  • models.GalleryImagesOperations was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstancePropertiesStorageProfileImageReference was removed

  • models.ExtendedLocationTypes was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDiskStatus was removed

  • models.GuestAgentList was removed

  • models.GalleryImages was removed

  • models.LogicalNetworksListResult was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisksOperations was removed

  • models.GalleryImages$DefinitionStages was removed

  • models.HardwareProfileUpdate was removed

  • models.StorageContainersListResult was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstanceView was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImages$UpdateStages was removed

  • models.GalleryImages$Definition was removed

  • models.VirtualMachineInstance was removed

  • models.GuestCredential was removed

  • models.ExtendedLocation was removed

  • models.NetworkInterfaces$DefinitionStages was removed

  • models.MarketplaceGalleryImages$DefinitionStages was removed

  • models.VirtualHardDisks$Definition was removed

  • models.StorageContainers$DefinitionStages was removed

  • models.RouteTable was removed

models.Operation was modified

  • models.OperationDisplay display() -> models.OperationDisplay display()
  • innerModel() was removed
  • models.Origin origin() -> models.Origin origin()
  • models.ActionType actionType() -> models.ActionType actionType()
  • java.lang.Boolean isDataAction() -> java.lang.Boolean isDataAction()
  • java.lang.String name() -> java.lang.String name()

models.OperationListResult was modified

  • validate() was removed
  • java.util.List value() -> java.util.List value()
  • java.lang.String nextLink() -> java.lang.String nextLink()

models.Operations was modified

  • list() -> models.OperationListResult list()
  • list( was removed

AzureStackHciManager was modified

  • storageContainersOperations() was removed
  • guestAgents() was removed
  • virtualMachineInstances() was removed
  • hybridIdentityMetadatas() was removed
  • guestAgentsOperations() was removed
  • galleryImagesOperations() was removed
  • virtualHardDisksOperations() was removed
  • networkInterfacesOperations() was removed
  • logicalNetworksOperations() was removed
  • marketplaceGalleryImagesOperations() was removed

Features Added

  • models.SoftwareAssuranceChangeRequestProperties was added

  • models.Cluster$Update was added

  • models.HciUpdate$DefinitionStages was added

  • models.IsolatedVmAttestationConfiguration was added

  • models.LogCollectionJobType was added

  • models.HciOsProfile was added

  • models.SoftwareAssuranceChangeRequest was added

  • models.ClusterNode was added

  • models.SwitchDetail was added

  • models.Extension$Definition was added

  • models.PrecheckResultTags was added

  • models.SkuList was added

  • models.Updates was added

  • models.UpdateRun$DefinitionStages was added

  • models.EdgeDeviceListResult was added

  • models.ArcIdentityResponse was added

  • models.HciEdgeDevice was added

  • models.DeploymentData was added

  • models.AccessLevel was adde...

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25 Aug 06:43
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12.22.1 (2024-08-24)

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core from 1.50.0 to version 1.51.0.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty from 1.15.2 to version 1.15.3.
  • Upgraded azure-storage-common from 12.26.0 to version 12.27.0-beta.2.
  • Upgraded azure-xml from 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0.


25 Aug 06:46
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12.12.1 (2024-08-24)

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core from 1.50.0 to version 1.51.0.
  • Upgraded azure-storage-common from 12.26.0 to version 12.27.0-beta.2.
  • Upgraded jackson-dataformat-xml from 2.13.5 to version 2.17.2.


25 Aug 06:46
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12.23.1 (2024-08-24)

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core from 1.50.0 to version 1.51.0.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty from 1.15.2 to version 1.15.3.
  • Upgraded azure-storage-common from 12.26.0 to version 12.27.0-beta.2.
  • Upgraded azure-xml from 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0.


25 Aug 06:47
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12.20.1 (2024-08-24)

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core from 1.50.0 to version 1.51.0.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty from 1.15.2 to version 1.15.3.
  • Upgraded azure-xml from 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0.
  • Upgraded azure-storage-blob from 12.27.0 to version 12.27.1.